- New upstream release 1.5
- Properly fix Win32 (CPAN RT#76037)
- Change default to searching for trailing whitespace from the current
directory downwards (as tests are run from the top of a dist normally),
rather than one directory above the test file, as then we don't work as
expected if tests are in t/author or similar
- BR: perl(Pod::Coverage::TrustPod) even when bootstrapping
- New upstream release 1.3
- Fix to ignore inc/ directory used by Module::Install
- Drop hack to remove tabs from bundled Module::Install
- Bump version requirement for perl(Test::NoTabs) to 1.2 to avoid failing
release tests due to tabs in bundled Module::Install
- New upstream release 1.2
- Fix bad regex matching directories containing 'svn', not just '.svn'
directories (CPAN RT#75968)
- BR: perl(Cwd)
- Drop non-dual-lived buildreqs perl(File::Find) and perl(FindBin)
- This release by BOBTFISH -> update source URL
- Remove tabs from bundled Module::Install that break release tests
- Don't need to remove empty directories from the buildroot
- Drop %defattr, redundant since rpm 4.4
- New upstream release 1.1
- Fix test fails on < 5.8 perls
- Fix t/13-latin1.t failures on Win32 and under TB1.5
- Add buildreqs for required core modules, which might be dual-lived
- New upstream release 1.0
- Fix misleading test failure diagnostics when only issue is trailing
- No longer blindly assume utf8 on input files (CPAN RT#59877)
- Properly document testing options
- This release by RIBASUSHI -> update source URL
- Drop upstreamed patch for CPAN RT#59877
- Update patch for building with old ExtUtils::MakeMaker versions