- New upstream release 0.38
- Fix test prereqs; pod tests moved to xt/ (CPAN RT#122136, CPAN RT#122137)
- Adopt new repo structure:
- Delete MANIFEST and META.yml, and hereafter auto-generate them
- Modernize .gitignore and MANIFEST.SKIP
- The code says Perl licence but the LICENCE file says Artistic, so replace
LICENCE file with LICENSE (so spelled), which says Perl
- Drop EL-5 support
- Drop BuildRoot: and Group: tags
- Drop explicit buildroot cleaning in %install section
- Drop explicit %clean section
- New upstream release 0.37
- No code changes
- Add a LICENCE; this activity is part of the CPAN PR Challenge 2016
- Update MANIFEST to include LICENCE file
- Remove unicode characters from Changes and Changelog.ini files
- Add TODO and update MANIFEST to note unicode issues
- Add .gitignore to MANIFEST.SKIP
- Simplify find command using -delete
- Drop character coding patch, no longer needed
- New upstream release 0.36
- Ron Savage is now co-maintainer
- Move eg/ to examples/
- Add examples/failure.01.pl from CPAN RT#104897
- Move pod tests into xt/author/pod.t by cutting them out of t/00_basic.t
(CPAN RT#85686, CPAN RT#85209)
- Add repository https://github.com/ronsavage/Regexp-Assemble.git
- Fix some spelling errors in the pod (CPAN RT#84336)
- Move Assemble.pm into lib/Regexp/
- Move the contents of the TODO file into the docs, and delete that file
- Rearrange pod, but not by running this module over it :-)
- Update Makefile.PL
- Add Changelog.ini
- This release by RSAVAGE → update source URL
- Update character coding patch