Bump to latest git, resync spec

Adam Williamson 5 years ago
parent 2fe2b43d7d
commit a8acb78683

.gitignore vendored

@ -39,3 +39,4 @@

@ -28,35 +28,52 @@
%global github_owner os-autoinst
%global github_name os-autoinst
%global github_version 4.6
%global github_commit 50464d4e81fcac9dd36785ba88f69b489e4e99e7
%global github_commit 85fa4f12c1fb5bed7295791801085d32a69d4586
# if set, will be a post-release snapshot build, otherwise a 'normal' build
%global github_date 20200414
%global github_date 20200430
%global shortcommit %(c=%{github_commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
Name: os-autoinst
Version: %{github_version}
Release: 11%{?github_date:.%{github_date}git%{shortcommit}}%{?dist}
Release: 12%{?github_date:.%{github_date}git%{shortcommit}}%{?dist}
Summary: OS-level test automation
License: GPLv2+
URL: https://os-autoinst.github.io/openQA/
Source0: https://github.com/%{github_owner}/%{github_name}/archive/%{github_commit}/%{github_name}-%{github_commit}.tar.gz
# diff from SUSE: added perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) and perl(ExtUtils::Embed)
# which I've found necessary before
%define build_requires autoconf automake gcc-c++ libtool pkgconfig(opencv) pkg-config perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) perl(ExtUtils::Embed) perl(Module::CPANfile) pkgconfig(fftw3) pkgconfig(libpng) pkgconfig(sndfile) pkgconfig(theoraenc) make
# diff from SUSE: dropped perl-base which does not exist in Fedora, we have
# the perl(:MODULE_COMPAT) require below
# also a bunch of stuff ppisar added
%define requires perl(base) perl(B::Deparse) perl(Carp) perl(Cwd) perl(English) perl(Errno) perl(Fcntl) perl(File::Temp) perl(integer) perl(Mojolicious) >= 7.92, perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess) >= 0.23, perl(Mojo::JSON) perl(Mojo::Log) perl(Carp::Always) perl(Data::Dump) perl(Data::Dumper) perl(Crypt::DES) perl(JSON) perl(autodie) perl(Class::Accessor::Fast) perl(Exception::Class) perl(File::Touch) perl(File::Which) perl(IPC::Run::Debug) perl(Net::DBus) perl(Net::SNMP) perl(Net::IP) perl(IPC::System::Simple) perl(Net::SSH2) perl(POSIX) perl(strict) perl(Time::HiRes) perl(warnings) perl(XML::LibXML) perl(XML::SemanticDiff) perl(JSON::XS) perl(List::MoreUtils) perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess) perl(Scalar::Util) perl(Socket) perl(Socket::MsgHdr) perl(Cpanel::JSON::XS) perl(IO::Scalar) perl(Try::Tiny)
# on SUSE this is conditional, for us it doesn't have to be but we
# still use a macro just to keep build_requires similar for ease of
# cross-comparison
%define opencv_require pkgconfig(opencv)
# this is stuff we added to build_requires, we put it in its own macro
# to make resyncing with upstream spec changes easier. TODO: submit
# these upstream, at least ones that make sense for SUSE too.
%define build_requires_additional perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) perl(ExtUtils::Embed)
# diff from SUSE: added build_requires_additional
%define build_requires %build_requires_additional %opencv_require autoconf automake gcc-c++ libtool make perl(Module::CPANfile) pkg-config pkgconfig(fftw3) pkgconfig(libpng) pkgconfig(sndfile) pkgconfig(theoraenc)
# this is stuff we added to requires, we put it in its own macro
# to make resyncing with upstream spec changes easier. These are all
# things ppisar added in afeb766c. TODO: submit these upstream, at
# least ones that make sense for SUSE too.
%define requires_additional perl(base) perl(Carp) perl(Cwd) perl(English) perl(Errno) perl(Fcntl) perl(File::Temp) perl(integer) perl(Mojo::JSON) perl(Mojo::Log) perl(POSIX) perl(Scalar::Util) perl(Socket) perl(strict) perl(Time::HiRes) perl(warnings)
# diff from SUSE: added requires_additional, dropped perl-base which
# does not exist in Fedora - we have perl(base) in requires_additional
# and the perl(:MODULE_COMPAT) require below
%define requires %requires_additional perl(B::Deparse) perl(Carp::Always) perl(Class::Accessor::Fast) perl(Cpanel::JSON::XS) perl(Crypt::DES) perl(Data::Dumper) perl(Exception::Class) perl(File::Touch) perl(File::Which) perl(IO::Scalar) perl(IO::Socket::INET) perl(IPC::Run::Debug) perl(IPC::System::Simple) perl(List::MoreUtils) perl(Mojolicious) >= 7.92 perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess) >= 0.23 perl(Net::DBus) perl(Net::IP) perl(Net::SNMP) perl(Net::SSH2) perl(Socket::MsgHdr) perl(Try::Tiny) perl(XML::LibXML) perl(XML::SemanticDiff) perl(autodie)
%define requires_not_needed_in_tests git-core
# this is stuff we added to test_requires, we put it in its own macro
# to make resyncing with upstream spec changes easier. FindBin is one
# ppisar added in afeb766c, Test::Mojo and Test::More are just things
# the test suite uses which I added, we add qemu-system-i386 because
# the fullstack and qemu-options tests use it - we run them in Koji
# but SUSE disables them as they cannot run in OBS, so they don't have
# the requirement either. TODO: submit relevant changes upstream
%define test_requires_additional perl(FindBin) perl(Test::Mojo) perl(Test::More) /usr/bin/qemu-system-i386
# all requirements needed by the tests, do not require on this in the package
# itself or any sub-packages
# diff from SUSE: added perl(Test::Mojo) and perl(Test::More), replaced
# qemu-tools with qemu-img, added /usr/bin/qemu-system-i386 which
# 'fullstack' and 'qemu-options' tests use on all arches (SUSE has
# these disabled as qemu can't run in OBS apparently), dropped spell
# check requirement stuff as this isn't needed in package builds IMO
# perl(Test::Strict) added, upstream should have this too
%define test_requires %build_requires %requires perl(Perl::Tidy) perl(Test::Compile) >= 1.1.0, perl(Test::Exception) perl(Test::Mojo) perl(Test::More) perl(Test::Output) perl(Test::Fatal) perl(Test::Warnings) perl(Test::Strict) perl(Pod::Coverage) perl(Test::Pod) perl(Test::MockModule) perl(Test::MockObject) perl(Devel::Cover) perl(Test::Mock::Time) perl(FindBin) /usr/bin/qemu-img /usr/bin/qemu-system-i386
# diff from SUSE: added test_requires_additional, replaced qemu-tools
# with qemu-img, dropped spell check requirement stuff as this isn't
# needed in package builds IMO
%define test_requires %test_requires_additional %build_requires %requires perl(Devel::Cover) perl(Perl::Tidy) perl(Pod::Coverage) perl(Test::Exception) perl(Test::Fatal) perl(Test::MockModule) perl(Test::MockObject) perl(Test::Mock::Time) perl(Test::Output) perl(Test::Pod) perl(Test::Strict) perl(Test::Warnings) /usr/bin/qemu-img
%define devel_requires %test_requires %requires_not_needed_in_tests
BuildRequires: perl-devel
@ -209,6 +226,10 @@ make check test VERBOSE=1 CHECK_DOC=0
%files devel
* Thu Apr 30 2020 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 4.6-12.20200430git85fa4f12
- Bump to latest git
- Resync spec with upstream, tweak dependency macro implementation
* Fri Apr 17 2020 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 4.6-11.20200414git50464d4e
- Rearrange the dependencies ppisar added

@ -1 +1 @@
SHA512 (os-autoinst-50464d4e81fcac9dd36785ba88f69b489e4e99e7.tar.gz) = 05402eaeff36d6a7ffefa306c7f1b9146d0227a87850a56a4c0b9f3e731e34a2222f51e78b6afb00637ab460dd281fba6bcdd3ce7c2625916226d6695569545e
SHA512 (os-autoinst-85fa4f12c1fb5bed7295791801085d32a69d4586.tar.gz) = d7c6cb7f6f7c3cf923e76a1f9e887abf451a68412bda2dfef05d510cc625ea758669510dd33ab736b30674ca6fb34f9f95be69e0334c3b683627e95ee67d39d9
