@ -259,3 +259,21 @@ i subroutines to get SVs
if nr_fold > # data, change nr_fold to be # data and ro leave-one-out cv
if nr_fold > # data, change nr_fold to be # data and ro leave-one-out cv
matlab interface:
matlab interface:
handle the problem where output variables are not specified
handle the problem where output variables are not specified
3.18: 2014/04/01
svm.cpp and svm-scale.c:
check return values of fscanf
matlab interface:
Makefile no longer handles octave because make.m should be used
3.19: 2014/10/27
use size_t rather than long int in some places for 64-bit windows support
matlab interface:
use size_t and mwIndex to avoid type conversions
python interface:
use __all__
3.20: 2014/11/15
matlab interface:
fix a bug in libsvmwrite.c introduced in 3.19 (cannot run on windows)