# Patch0 improved by pewpeww https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/keepassxc/pull-request/1
# Patch0 improved by pewpeww https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/keepassxc/pull-request/1
# 23 March 2022 Germano Massullo's update: Jan Grulich said that Qt patch https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?id=dda7dab8274991e4a61a97c352d4367f8f815bb9
# 23 March 2022 Germano Massullo's update: Jan Grulich said that Qt patch https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?id=dda7dab8274991e4a61a97c352d4367f8f815bb9
# is included in qt5-qtbase in all Fedora versions but it is not in RHEL qt5-qtbase package.
# is included in qt5-qtbase in all Fedora versions since 32, even before it landed upstream, but it is not in RHEL qt5-qtbase package.
# So I think it is no longer needed in Fedora
# So I think it is no longer needed in Fedora
# Concerning upstream Qt6 version, the patch was reverted and kept for Qt 6.3, but concerning keepassxc it is not important since it uses Qt 5