@ -1,46 +1,115 @@
Summary: Desktop background image s.
Summary: Desktop backgrounds.
Name: desktop-backgrounds
Name: desktop-backgrounds
Version: 1.1
Version: 2.0
Release: 4
Release: 6
Copyright: LGPL
Copyright: LGPL
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Source: space-1.0.0.tar.gz
Source: redhat-backgrounds.tar.gz
Source1: gnome-tiles-1.0.0.tar.gz
Source2: Propaganda-1.0.0.tar.gz
Source2: Propaganda-1.0.0.tar.gz
Source3: README.Propaganda
Source3: README.Propaganda
Source4: README.space
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
Source5: PHOTO_FAQ.ps
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root
Obsoletes: gnome-imglib
BuildArchitectures: noarch
BuildArchitectures: noarch
The desktop-backgrounds package contains a bunch of images for
The desktop-backgrounds package contains artwork intended
sprucing up your desktop.
to be used as desktop wallpaper.
%package basic
Summary: Desktop background base set.
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Install this package if you would like a variety of images for use as a
Provides: desktop-backgrounds
desktop background.
Obsoletes: desktop-backgrounds
%description basic
The desktop-backgrounds-basic package contains a good basic set of
images to use for your desktop background.
%package extra
Summary: Desktop background images.
Group: Applications/Multimedia
%description extra
The desktop-backgrounds-extra package contains a larger set of images
to use for your desktop background. It builds on
%setup -c desktop-backgrounds-%{version} -T -D
%setup -n redhat-backgrounds
cp %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_DIR/desktop-backgrounds-%{version}
# move things where %doc can find them
cp %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_DIR/desktop-backgrounds-%{version}
cp %{SOURCE3} .
cp %{SOURCE5} $RPM_BUILD_DIR/desktop-backgrounds-%{version}
mv images/space/*.ps .
mv images/space/README* .
# add propaganda
(cd wallpapers && tar zxf %{SOURCE2})
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/share/pixmaps/backgrounds
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/share/backgrounds
cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/share/pixmaps/backgrounds
cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/share/backgrounds
tar xzf %{SOURCE0}
tar xzf %{SOURCE1}
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_DIR/redhat-backgrounds/images .
tar xzf %{SOURCE2}
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_DIR/redhat-backgrounds/wallpapers .
# basic contains some reasonable sane basic tiles
%files basic
%defattr(-, root, root)
%dir %{_datadir}/backgrounds
%dir %{_datadir}/backgrounds/wallpapers
%dir %{_datadir}/backgrounds/images
# extra contains big images, plus Propaganda tiles
%files extra
%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc README.space PHOTO_FAQ.ps README.Propaganda
%dir %{_datadir}/backgrounds
%dir %{_datadir}/backgrounds/images
%dir %{_datadir}/backgrounds/wallpapers
## we'll see if rpm likes this
%exclude %{_datadir}/backgrounds/images/default.png
* Fri Aug 9 2002 Havoc Pennington <hp@redhat.com>
- new redhat-backgrounds with default.png
* Mon Jul 22 2002 Havoc Pennington <hp@redhat.com>
- new redhat-backgrounds from CVS with default.jpg
* Tue Jul 16 2002 Havoc Pennington <hp@redhat.com>
- new images from Garrett added to -extra
* Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
- automated rebuild
* Sun Jun 16 2002 Havoc Pennington <hp@redhat.com>
- redo it, now it includes the tile/image collection
redhat-backgrounds from CVS, plus propaganda
- move things to datadir/share/backgrounds/images
and datadir/share/backgrounds/wallpapers
- split into a small basic package and an extra package,
so we can have packages require the basic package
without sucking in huge images
- move space images into devserv CVS
- move nautilus and kdebase tiles into devserv CVS
* Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
- automated rebuild
* Wed Jan 09 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
- automated rebuild
* Wed Jul 12 2000 Prospector <bugzilla@redhat.com>
* Wed Jul 12 2000 Prospector <bugzilla@redhat.com>
- automatic rebuild
- automatic rebuild
@ -59,10 +128,3 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
* Fri Mar 19 1999 Michael Fulbright <drmike@redhat.com>
* Fri Mar 19 1999 Michael Fulbright <drmike@redhat.com>
- First attempt
- First attempt
%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc README.space README.Propaganda PHOTO_FAQ.ps