@ -31,8 +31,13 @@
# This doesn't work and it doesn't even build as of Chromium 83
# This doesn't work and it doesn't even build as of Chromium 83
%global build_remoting 1
%global build_remoting 1
# We'd like to always have this on.
# We'd like to always have this on...
# ... but the libva in EL7 is too old.
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
%global use_vaapi 0
%global use_vaapi 1
%global use_vaapi 1
# Seems like we might need this sometimes
# Seems like we might need this sometimes
# Practically, no. But it's here in case we do.
# Practically, no. But it's here in case we do.