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23 19 23.223007 19 23.5 C 19 23.776993 19.223007 24 19.5 24 L 20.5 24 C 20.776993 24 21 23.776993 21 23.5 C 21 23.223007 20.776993 23 20.5 23 L 19.5 23 z M 27.5 23 C 27.223007 23 27 23.223007 27 23.5 C 27 23.776993 27.223007 24 27.5 24 L 28.5 24 C 28.776993 24 29 23.776993 29 23.5 C 29 23.223007 28.776993 23 28.5 23 L 27.5 23 z M 16.5 24 C 16.223003 24 16 24.223 16 24.5 L 16 25.5 C 16 25.777 16.223003 26 16.5 26 C 16.776997 26 17 25.777 17 25.5 L 17 24.5 C 17 24.223 16.776997 24 16.5 24 z M 21.5 24 C 21.223003 24 21 24.223 21 24.5 L 21 25.5 C 21 25.777 21.223003 26 21.5 26 C 21.776997 26 22 25.777 22 25.5 L 22 24.5 C 22 24.223 21.776997 24 21.5 24 z M 24 24 A 1 1 0 0 0 23 25 A 1 1 0 0 0 24 26 A 1 1 0 0 0 25 25 A 1 1 0 0 0 24 24 z M 29.5 24 C 29.223003 24 29 24.223 29 24.5 L 29 25.5 C 29 25.777 29.223003 26 29.5 26 C 29.776997 26 30 25.777 30 25.5 L 30 24.5 C 30 24.223 29.776997 24 29.5 24 z M 34.5 24 C 34.223003 24 34 24.223 34 24.5 L 34 25.5 C 34 25.777 34.223003 26 34.5 26 C 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