INF-894: Адаптировать тесты CentOS для МСВСфера ОС #2

pnegrobov merged 1 commits from inf-894 into master 1 year ago

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/bin/bash -x
source ../../library/
source library/

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/bin/bash -x
source ../../library/
source library/

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
source ../../library/
source library/

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/bash -x
echo "Тест компилятора"
source ../../library/
gcc -o simple_test files/simple_test.c
check=$(eq_is_success ${check} 0)
./simple_test | grep -E '^Hello, world!$'
check=$(eq_is_success ${check} 0)
check_test_status ${check} "$0"
exit ${check}

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
// simple-test.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( void )
printf ("Hello, world!");
return 0;
} // main

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
echo "Подготовка окружения для тестирования пакета ${TEST_PACKAGE_NAME}"
exit 0

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#!/bin/bash -x
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "You should provide argument"
exit 1
echo -e "\n[+] `date` -> CentOS QA $0 starting."
yum -d0 -y install bind-utils hostname
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ;then
echo "[+] ERROR : not even able to install bind-utils pkg so all t_functional tests will fail"
echo "[+] Do we have enabled repositories with correct GPG settings and signed pkgs ?"
exit 1
host > /dev/null
# Human friendly symbols
export readonly PASS=0
export readonly FAIL=1
# set debug level of yum install in t_InstallPackage
export YUMDEBUG=0
[ -f $LIB_FUNCTIONS ] && source $LIB_FUNCTIONS || { echo -e "\n[+] `date` -> Unable to source functions library. Cannot continue\n"; exit $FAIL; }
# case insensitive filename matching
shopt -s nocasematch
# exit as soon as any script returns a non-zero exit status
set -e
# exit on undefined variables
set -u
# Run test
exit 0

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# Author: Steve Barnes (
# Description: this script sources our library functions and starts a test run.
echo -e "\n[+] `date` -> CentOS QA $0 starting."
yum -d0 -y install bind-utils hostname
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ;then
echo "[+] ERROR : not even able to install bind-utils pkg so all t_functional tests will fail"
echo "[+] Do we have enabled repositories with correct GPG settings and signed pkgs ?"
exit 1
host > /dev/null
# Human friendly symbols
export readonly PASS=0
export readonly FAIL=1
# set debug level of yum install in t_InstallPackage
export YUMDEBUG=0
[ -f $LIB_FUNCTIONS ] && source $LIB_FUNCTIONS || { echo -e "\n[+] `date` -> Unable to source functions library. Cannot continue\n"; exit $FAIL; }
# case insensitive filename matching
shopt -s nocasematch
# exit as soon as any script returns a non-zero exit status
set -e
# exit on undefined variables
set -u
# Searching for tests to disable
if [ -e skipped-tests.list ] ;then
t_Log "QA Harness : searching for tests to disable with valid reason"
egrep ^${centos_ver} skipped-tests.list | while read line;
do test=$(echo $line|cut -f 2 -d '|')
t_Log "Disabling QA harness test ${test}"
chmod -x ${test}
# process our test scripts
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/0_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/$1/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/0_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/p_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/r_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/z_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
# and, we're done.
if [ -e skipped-tests.list ] ;then
t_Log "QA Harness : Searching for disabled tests (skipped-tests.list)"
egrep ^${centos_ver} skipped-tests.list | while read line;
do test=$(echo $line|cut -f 2 -d '|')
reason=$(echo $line|cut -f 3 -d '|')
t_Log " =WARNING= : Disabled test : ${test} (${reason})"
t_Log "QA t_functional tests finished."
exit 0

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
# Karanbir Singh <>
# Test default CentOS repos
# Note: since the -qa and CI setup will modify the
# local repos, we need to run this tests
# before those changes are made
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import datetime
import os
repos = []
import yum
base = yum.YumBase()
repos = base.repos.listEnabled()
except Exception:
import dnf
base = dnf.Base()
repos = list(base.repos.iter_enabled())
def getEnvironOpt(varname,defval):
global now
val = int(os.environ[varname])
except KeyError:
print("[+] %s -> %s:%d" % (now(),varname,val))
return val
now = lambda:"%c")
centos_default_repos = ['base']
with open('/etc/centos-release') as x:
f =
if 'Stream' in f:
centos_default_repos = ['appstream', 'baseos', 'extras-common']
if getEnvironOpt('UPDATES',1):
if getEnvironOpt('EXTRAS',1):
if getEnvironOpt('CR',1):
if getEnvironOpt('CENTOS_KERNEL',1):
if getEnvironOpt('FASTTRACK',0):
if getEnvironOpt('CENTOSPLUS',0):
print("[+] %s -> Check if non default repo is enabled" % now())
for repo in repos:
if not in centos_default_repos:
print('%s is enabled, should be disabled at this stage' %
print('[+] %s -> FAIL' % now())
print('[+] %s -> PASS' % now())

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
if [ "$centos_ver" -ge "8" ]; then
t_Log "python not installed by default on .el8. SKIP"
exit 0
python tests/0_common/

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Just a check to determine full version (example 5.8) or just dist (example 6)
export qa_dist=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{version}\n' centos-release)
export qa_releasever=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{version}.' centos-release ; rpm -q --queryformat '%{release}\n' centos-release|cut -f 1 -d '.')

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
kerver="$(uname -r)"
t_Log "Boot Kernel Version: $kerver"

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
t_Log "Running $0 - stopping yum-updatesd service"
t_ServiceControl yum-updatesd stop

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
t_Log "Running $0 - test that all 32-bit rpms can be removed"
# only run this test on x86_64 machines!
is64=$(uname -m|grep x86_64)
# This is a non-fatal status, so return PASS.
[ $? -ne 0 ] && { t_Log 'Host is not 64bit, skipping.'; exit $PASS; }
t_RemovePackage *.i?86

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
t_Log "Running $0 - Showing the repos we have configured"
yum -d0 repolist -v
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
t_Log "Running $0 - test that all updates can be applied to this machine cleanly"
# If CENTOSPLUS, and CentOS 7, and x86_64 change default kernel to kernel-plus
if [ "$CENTOSPLUS" == "1" ] && [ "$centos_ver" == "7" ] && [ "$arch" == "x86_64" ] ; then
sed -i 's,DEFAULTKERNEL=.*,DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-plus,g' /etc/sysconfig/kernel
if [ "$centos_ver" -lt 8 ];then
yum -d0 -y install deltarpm
yum -d0 -y upgrade
t_Log "Running $0 - listing all used/available packages"
yum list
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
t_Log "Running $0 - testing to see if DNS works"
if [ $SKIP_QA_HARNESS -eq 1 ]; then
# its important we dont hit a dns record with a wildcard like
getent hosts $HOST >/dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
# implied results:
# - network works
# - default route is really routeable
# - atleast one network link on the machine is working
# - kernel' ip stack is functional

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
t_Log "Running $0 - Update /etc/hosts"
echo " `hostname`" >> /etc/hosts

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Author: Alex Iribarren <>
t_Log "Running $0 - testing comps.xml groups"
if [ "$CONTAINERTEST" -eq "1" ]; then
t_Log "Running in container -> SKIP"
exit 0
if [ "$centos_ver" -eq "7" ]; then
t_Log "CentOS $centos_ver -> SKIP"
exit 0
/bin/cp -f /etc/os-release /tmp
# Get **all** the group IDs
ALL_GROUPS=`dnf group list -v --hidden | grep '^ ' | sed 's/.*(\(.*\))$/\1/'`
for GROUP in $ALL_GROUPS; do
t_Log " - testing group $GROUP"
# Pretend to install the group, but all we really want is the solver debug data
dnf --installroot=/tmp group --releasever $centos_ver install --assumeno --debugsolver $GROUP
# Check the solver results to see if there are problems
grep '^problem' debugdata/rpms/solver.result
# Clean up the debugdata
rm -rf debugdata/
# If 'problem' was not found in the results, grep returns 1 and we're happy
if [[ $RES -eq 1 ]]; then
t_CheckExitStatus 0
t_CheckExitStatus 1

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
These are tests that are run everytime a new machine instance comes up;
these tests are run before any package specific or role specific test is run;
these tests should :
- not leave behind any state or content residue that might impact the package/role tests that come after

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
# Description: call this function whenever you need to log output (preferred to calling echo)
# Arguments: log string to display
function t_Log
printf "[+] `date` -> $*\n"
# Description: call this at the end of your script to assess the exit status
# Arguments: the exit status from whatever you want checked (ie, '$?')
function t_CheckExitStatus
[ $1 -eq 0 ] && { t_Log "PASS"; return $PASS; }
t_Log "FAIL"
exit $FAIL
# Description: call this to perform yum-based installs of packages
# Arguments: a space separated list of package names to install.
function t_InstallPackage
if [ "$centos_ver" -ge "8" ]; then
mkdir /var/cache/{dnf,yum,system-upgrade}
dnf makecache
t_Log "Attempting yum install: $*"
/usr/bin/yum -y -d${YUMDEBUG} install "$@"
# TODO: add a hook here, to make sure all binary files have ldd run
# against them, and that there are no missing linker targets
t_CheckExitStatus $?
# Description: call this to install packages without weak dependencies
# Arguments: a space separated list of package names to install
function t_InstallPackageMinimal
t_Log "Installing packages: $@"
dnf --assumeyes --debuglevel ${YUMDEBUG} --setopt install_weak_deps=0 install $@
t_CheckExitStatus $?
# Description: call this to perform a yum-based removal of packages
# Arguments: a space separated list of package names to remove.
function t_RemovePackage
t_Log "Attempting yum remove: $*"
/usr/bin/yum -y -d0 remove "$@"
t_CheckExitStatus $?
# Description: call this to enable a module stream
# Arguments: the module:stream(s) to enable
function t_EnableModuleStream
t_Log "Enabling module stream $@"
dnf --assumeyes --debuglevel ${YUMDEBUG} module enable $@
t_CheckExitStatus $?
# Description: call this to reset a module
# Arguments: the module(s) to reset
function t_ResetModule
t_Log "Resetting module $@"
dnf --assumeyes --debuglevel ${YUMDEBUG} module reset $@
t_CheckExitStatus $?
# Description: call this to process a list of folders containing test scripts
# Arguments: a file handle from which to read the names of paths to process.
function t_Process
exec 7< $@
while read -u 7 f
echo "Test: ${f}"
# skip files named readme or those that start with an _
[[ "$(basename ${f})" =~ readme|^_ ]] && continue;
# handy tip: chmod -x to disable individual test scripts.
[ -x ${f} ] && ${f}
return 0
# Description: check to see if one or more packages are installed
# return true if they're all installed, false if not.
# Arguments: one or more package names to check for.
function t_CheckDeps
# success, all packages are installed
return 0
# Description: perform a service control and sleep for a few seconds to let
# the dust settle. Using this function avoids a race condition wherein
# subsequent tests execute (and typically fail) before a service has had a
# chance to fully start/open a network port etc.
# Call it with cycle instead of start, and it will stop+start
# handy, if you dont know the service might already be running
function t_ServiceControl
if [ $2 = "cycle" ]; then
/sbin/service $1 stop > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 3
/sbin/service $1 start
/sbin/service $1 $2
# aaaand relax...
sleep 3
# Description: Get a package (rpm) release number
function t_GetPkgRel
rpm -q --queryformat '%{RELEASE}' $1
# Description: return the distro release (returns 5 or 6 now)
function t_DistCheck
rpm -q $(rpm -qf /etc/redhat-release) --queryformat '%{version}\n'|cut -f 1 -d '.'
# Additionally set distro release to $centos_ver
# Description: test if we are using CentOS Stream
function t_StreamCheck
rpm -q centos-stream-release &> /dev/null && echo "yes" || echo "no"
# set stream variable
# Description: skip test on a particular release
# Arguments: release, reason
function t_SkipRelease {
if [ $(rpm --eval %rhel) -eq $1 ]; then
t_Log "$2"
t_Log "SKIP"
exit 0
# Description: skip test on everything except a particular release
# Arguments: release, reason
function t_SkipNotRelease {
if [ $(rpm --eval %rhel) -ne $1 ]; then
t_Log "$2"
t_Log "SKIP"
exit 0
# Description: skip test on releases less than a particular release
# Arguments: release, reason
function t_SkipReleaseLessThan {
if [ $(rpm --eval %rhel) -lt $1 ]; then
t_Log "$2"
t_Log "SKIP"
exit 0
# Description: skip test on releases greater than a particular release
# Arguments: release, reason
function t_SkipReleaseGreaterThan {
if [ $(rpm --eval %rhel) -gt $1 ]; then
t_Log "$2"
t_Log "SKIP"
exit 0
# Description: Get a package (rpm) version number
function t_GetPkgVer
rpm -q --queryformat '%{version}' $1
# Description: get the arch
function t_GetArch
rpm -q kernel --queryformat '%{arch}\n' | head -n 1
# Set the arch
function t_CheckForPort
while true
sleep 1
>/dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/tcp/localhost/$1
if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
t_Log "Waiting for tcp port $1 to be listening ..."
function t_Assert
$@ >/dev/null 2>&1
t_CheckExitStatus $?
function t_Assert_Equals
[ $1 -eq $2 ]
t_CheckExitStatus $?
function t_Select_Alternative
option=$(/bin/echo|/usr/sbin/alternatives --config "$name"|/bin/grep -E "$search"|/usr/bin/head -n1|sed 's/ .*//g;s/[^0-9]//g')
if [ -z "$option" ];then
t_Log "Option not found for altenative $search of $name"
t_CheckExitStatus 1
t_Log "Selecing alternative $option for $name--$search"
/bin/echo "$option"|/usr/sbin/alternatives --config "$name" >/dev/null 2>&1
# should help with sometimes commands triggering pager and waiting for user input
export PAGER=cat
export SYSTEMD_PAGER=cat
export -f t_Log
export -f t_CheckExitStatus
export -f t_InstallPackage
export -f t_InstallPackageMinimal
export -f t_RemovePackage
export -f t_EnableModuleStream
export -f t_ResetModule
export -f t_Process
export -f t_CheckDeps
export -f t_ServiceControl
export -f t_SkipRelease
export -f t_SkipNotRelease
export -f t_SkipReleaseLessThan
export -f t_SkipReleaseGreaterThan
export -f t_GetPkgRel
export -f t_DistCheck
export -f t_GetPkgVer
export -f t_GetArch
export -f t_CheckForPort
export -f t_Assert
export -f t_Assert_Equals
export -f t_Select_Alternative
export centos_ver
export centos_stream
export arch
if [ -z "$CONTAINERTEST" ]; then

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Put everything that is shared across all tests here.
Every file in this directory will get 'sourced' before tests are run
( which also means we can only ever really use Bash for stuff in here )
this readme file is ignored

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Author: Matej Habrnal <>
# Christoph Galuschka <>
if [[ $centos_ver == 7 ]]
t_InstallPackage abrt-cli expect curl python python-libs bc
echo "Skipped on CentOS 5 and CentOS 6"

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
# Author: Matej Habrnal <>
source $TEST_DIR/
source $TEST_DIR/_CentOSBugTracker.conf
t_Log "Running $0 - test reporting to CentOS Bug Tracker"
# testing if is reachable for that test ..
curl --silent -I|grep -q "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ];then
t_Log "Mantis test instance doesn't seem reachable ... SKIP"
exit 0
# run only on centos 7 or greater
[[ $centos_ver -lt 7 ]] && exit 0
cat > /etc/libreport/events.d/test_event.conf << _EOF_
touch /tmp/abrt-done
touch /tmp/abrt-done
function wait_for_hooks() {
echo "Waiting for all hooks to end"
local c=0
while [ ! -f "/tmp/abrt-done" ]; do
sleep 0.1
let c=$c+1
if [ $c -gt 3000 ]; then
echo "Timeout"
t=$( echo "scale=2; $c/10" | bc )
echo "Hooks ended in $t seconds"
function get_crash_path()
crash_PATH="$(abrt-cli list 2> /dev/null | grep Directory | awk '{ print $2 }' | tail -n1)"
if [ ! -d "$crash_PATH" ]; then
echo "No crash dir generated, this shouldn't happen"
exit 1
echo "crash dir path: $crash_PATH"
function check_prior_crashes()
abrt-cli list 2> /dev/null >cli-list.log
count_of_crashes=`wc -l < cli-list.log`
rm -f cli-list.log
if [[ $count_of_crashes != 0 ]]; then
echo "There are some existing crashes"
exit 1
function generate_crash()
echo "Generate crash"
sleep 1000 &
kill -SIGSEGV $!
sleep 3
function set_configuration()
conf_file_original=`cat $conf_file`
abrt_action_conf_file_original=`cat $abrt_action_conf_file`
cat > $conf_file << EOF
Mantisbt_MantisbtURL = $URL
Mantisbt_Login = $LOGIN
Mantisbt_Password = $PASSWORD
Mantisbt_SSLVerify = $SSLVERIFY
cat > $abrt_action_conf_file << EOF
OpenGPGCheck = no
BlackList = nspluginwrapper, valgrind, strace, mono-core
ProcessUnpackaged = no
BlackListedPaths = /usr/share/doc/*, */example*, /usr/bin/nspluginviewer, /usr/lib/xulrunner-*/plugin-container
Interpreters = python2, python2.7, python, python3, python3.3, perl, perl5.16.2
function restore_configuration()
echo $conf_file_original > $conf_file
echo $abrt_action_conf_file_original > $abrt_action_conf_file
export LANG
systemctl start abrtd
systemctl start abrt-ccpp
orig_editor=`echo $EDITOR`
export EDITOR=cat
TmpDir=$(mktemp -d)
cp $TEST_DIR/_expect $TmpDir/expect
cp $TEST_DIR/_expect_report $TmpDir/expect_report
pushd $TmpDir
rlPhaseStartTest "testing workflow"
rlRun "./expect $crash_PATH &> abrt-cli.log" 0 "run abrt-cli report CRASH_DIR"
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker User name:" abrt-cli.log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker Password:" abrt-cli.log
mv -fv abrt-cli.log p_abrt-cli-testing_workflow.log
rlPhaseStartTest "create a new issue"
#set url, username and password
echo "I am comment. abrt-cli testing" > $crash_PATH/comment
hash=`date +%s`
echo $hash > $crash_PATH/duphash
rlRun "./expect_report $crash_PATH &> abrt-cli.log" 0 "run report-cli -e report_CentOSBugTracker CRASH_DIR"
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" abrt-cli.log
rlAssertGrep "Creating a new issue" abrt-cli.log
rlAssertGrep "Adding External URL to issue" abrt-cli.log
rlAssertNotGrep "Failed to create a new issue" abrt-cli.log
rlAssertNotGrep "504 Gateway Time-out" abrt-cli.log
grep -q "504 Gateway Time-out" abrt-cli.log
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
echo "!!! Server $URL respond with '504 Gateway Time-out' !!!"
#get issue id
issue_id=`grep "Status: new " abrt-cli.log | grep -e [0-9]* -o`
if [ "_$issue_id" == "_" ];then
echo "No ID of created issue"
echo "Created issue $issue_id"
mv -fv abrt-cli.log p_abrt-cli-created_new_issue.log
rlPhaseStartTest "duplicate issue"
rlRun "./expect_report $crash_PATH &> abrt-cli.log" 0 "run report-cli -e report_CentOSBugTracker CRASH_DIR"
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" abrt-cli.log
rlAssertGrep "Bug is already reported:" abrt-cli.log
rlAssertGrep "Adding new comment to issue" abrt-cli.log
mv -fv abrt-cli.log p_abrt-cli-duplicate_issue.log
rlPhaseStartTest "check created issue"
data="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns3=\"\" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"\" xmlns:ns0=\"\" xmlns:ns1=\"\" xmlns:ns2=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=\"\"><SOAP-ENV:Header/><ns1:Body><ns3:mc_issue_get><username xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">$LOGIN</username><password xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">$PASSWORD</password><issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">$issue_id</issue_id></ns3:mc_issue_get></ns1:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"
curl --data "$data" -H "Content-Type:text/xml" $URL"/api/soap/mantisconnect.php" > curl.log
rlAssertGrep "<summary xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">\[abrt\]" curl.log
rlAssertGrep "I am comment. abrt-cli testing" curl.log
rlAssertGrep "AttachmentData\[[0-9]*\]" curl.log -e
rlAssertNotGrep "AttachmentData\[0\]" curl.log
rlAssertGrep "CustomFieldValueForIssueData\[[0-9]*\]" curl.log -e
rlAssertNotGrep "CustomFieldValueForIssueData\[0\]" curl.log
rlAssertGrep "IssueNoteData\[1\]\"" curl.log
mv -fv curl.log p_abrt-cli-check_created_issue.log
rlRun "abrt-cli remove $crash_PATH" 0
rlBundleLogs #create test statistic
# copy all log to /tmp/
cp -v p_abrt-cli*.log /tmp/
popd # TmpDir
rm -rf $TmpDir
export EDITOR=$orig_editor
rm -f "/tmp/abrt-done"

@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
# Description: Verify reporter-mantisbt functionality
# Author: Matej Habrnal <>
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Copyright (c) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
source $TEST_DIR/
t_Log "Running $0 - reporter-mantisbt test suite"
# testing if is reachable for that test ..
curl --silent -I|grep -q "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ];then
t_Log "Mantis test instance doesn't seem reachable ... SKIP"
exit 0
# run only on centos 7 or greater
[[ $centos_ver -lt 7 ]] && exit
export LANG
TmpDir=$(mktemp -d)
cp -R $TEST_DIR/queries/* $TmpDir
cp -R $TEST_DIR/problem_dir $TmpDir
cp $TEST_DIR/_pyserve $TmpDir/pyserve
cp $TEST_DIR/_mantisbt.conf $TmpDir/mantisbt.conf
cp $TEST_DIR/_mantisbt_format.conf $TmpDir/mantisbt_format.conf
cp $TEST_DIR/_mantisbt_formatdup.conf $TmpDir/mantisbt_formatdup.conf
cp $TEST_DIR/_attachment_file $TmpDir/attachment_file
pushd $TmpDir
rlPhaseStartTest "sanity"
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt --help &> null"
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt --help 2>&1 | grep 'Usage:'"
# search by duphash
# API new method for searching in MantisBT by duphas
rlPhaseStartTest "search by duphash"
./pyserve \
login_correct \
search_two_issues &> server_log &
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -vvv -h bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511 -c mantisbt.conf &> client_log"
kill %1
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_login><ns3:username xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">test</ns3:username>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:password xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">password</ns3:password></ns3:mc_login>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_filter_search_issues>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:field xsi:type=\"ns3:ObjectRef\"><ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">abrt_hash</ns3:name>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511</ns3:item>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Looking for similar problems in CentOS Bug Tracker" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<item xsi:type=\"ns1:IssueData\"><id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">99</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "99" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "Status: new open http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=99" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
# attach files to issue (parameter t, issue ID is specified)
rlPhaseStartTest "attach files to issue (issue ID is specified)"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/attachment \
&> server_log &
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf \
-d problem_dir -t1 attachment_file &> client_log"
kill %1
# request
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_login><ns3:username xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">test</ns3:username>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_attachment_add>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">1</ns3:issue_id>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">attachment_file</ns3:name>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:content xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:base64\">U1NCaGJTQmhkSFJoWTJobFpDQTZLUW89Cg==</ns3:content>" server_log
# response
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Attaching file 'attachment_file' to issue 1" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">4</return></ns1:mc_issue_attachment_addResponse>" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "Status: new open http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=99" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
# attach files to issue (parameter -t, issue ID is not specified)
# API mc_issue_attachment_add
rlPhaseStartTest "attach files to issue (issue ID is not specified)"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/attachment \
&> server_log &
rlRun "echo \"CentOS Bug Tracker: URL=http://localhost:12345/mantisbt/view.php?id=1\" > problem_dir/reported_to"
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf -d problem_dir -t attachment_file &> client_log"
kill %1
# request
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_attachment_add>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">1</ns3:issue_id>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">attachment_file</ns3:name>" server_log
# response
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Attaching file 'attachment_file' to issue 1" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">4</return></ns1:mc_issue_attachment_addResponse>" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "Status: new open http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=99" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log #dummy
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
# force reporting even if this problem is already reported (parameter -f)
rlPhaseStartTest "force reporting"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_two_issues \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_no_issue \
$QUERIES_DIR/get_custom_fields \
$QUERIES_DIR/create \
$QUERIES_DIR/attachment \
$QUERIES_DIR/attachment \
&> server_log &
# is reported
rlRun "echo \"CentOS Bug Tracker: URL=http://localhost:12345/mantisbt/view.php?id=1\" > problem_dir/reported_to"
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -f -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf -A mantisbt_formatdup.conf -d problem_dir >client_log 2>&1 "
kill %1
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:Body><ns3:mc_login><ns3:username xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">test</ns3:username>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_filter_search_issues>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_add>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">proj</ns3:name>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:view_state xsi:type=\"ns3:ObjectRef\"><ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">public</ns3:name></ns3:view_state>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:os_build xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">666</ns3:os_build>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:summary xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">\[abrt\] : rxvt_term::selection_delimit_word(): Process /usr/bin/urxvtd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)</ns3:summary>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_attachment_add>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">backtrace</ns3:name>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">7</ns3:issue_id>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">backtrace</ns3:name>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 2 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511' including cross-version ones" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[2\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Potential duplicate: issue 99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 0 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511'" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[0\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Creating a new issue" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_addResponse><return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">7</return>" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log #dummy
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
# create a new issue (only potential duplicate issues exist)
rlPhaseStartTest "create an issue (only potential duplicate issues exist)"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_two_issues \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_no_issue \
$QUERIES_DIR/get_custom_fields \
$QUERIES_DIR/create \
$QUERIES_DIR/attachment \
$QUERIES_DIR/attachment \
&> server_log &
# is reported
rlRun "echo \"CentOS Bug Tracker: URL=http://localhost:12345/mantisbt/view.php?id=1\" > problem_dir/reported_to"
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -f -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf -A mantisbt_formatdup.conf -d problem_dir >client_log 2>&1 "
kill %1
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:Body><ns3:mc_login><ns3:username xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">test</ns3:username>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_filter_search_issues>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_add>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">proj</ns3:name>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:view_state xsi:type=\"ns3:ObjectRef\"><ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">public</ns3:name></ns3:view_state>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:os_build xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">666</ns3:os_build>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:summary xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">\[abrt\] : rxvt_term::selection_delimit_word(): Process /usr/bin/urxvtd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)</ns3:summary>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_attachment_add>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">backtrace</ns3:name>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">7</ns3:issue_id>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:name xsi:type=\"ns2:string\">backtrace</ns3:name>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 2 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511' including cross-version ones" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[2\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Potential duplicate: issue 99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 0 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511'" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[0\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Creating a new issue" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_addResponse><return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">7</return>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Status: new http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=7" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log #dummy
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
# create a new issue (no potential duplicate issues exist)
rlPhaseStartTest "create an issue (no potential duplicate issues exist)"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_no_issue \
$QUERIES_DIR/get_custom_fields \
$QUERIES_DIR/create \
$QUERIES_DIR/attachment \
$QUERIES_DIR/attachment \
&> server_log &
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf -d problem_dir &> client_log"
kill %1
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_login>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_filter_search_issues>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_add>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_attachment_add>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 0 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511' including cross-version ones" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[0\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 2 reports" client_log #not
rlAssertGrep "Creating a new issue" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_addResponse><return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">7</return>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Status: new http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=7" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log #dummy
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
# duplicate issue exist (comment doesn't exist, not closed as duplicate)
rlPhaseStartTest "duplicate issue exist (comment doesn't exist)"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_two_issues \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_one_issue \
$QUERIES_DIR/get_issue \
&> server_log &
rlRun "rm -f problem_dir/comment"
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf -A mantisbt_formatdup.conf -d problem_dir &> client_log"
kill %1
# request
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_login>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_filter_search_issues>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">99</ns3:issue_id></ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
# response
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 2 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511' including cross-version ones" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[2\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 1 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511'" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[0\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log #not
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_getResponse><return xsi:type=\"ns1:IssueData\"><id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">99</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">new</name></status>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Bug is already reported: 99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Status: new open http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=99" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log #dummy
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
# duplicate issue exist (comment doesn't exist, closed as duplicate)
rlPhaseStartTest "duplicate issue exist (comment doesn't exist)"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_two_issues \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_one_issue \
$QUERIES_DIR/get_issue_closed_as_duplicate \
$QUERIES_DIR/get_issue \
&> server_log &
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf -A mantisbt_formatdup.conf -d problem_dir &> client_log"
kill %1
# request
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_login>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_filter_search_issues>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">99</ns3:issue_id></ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
# response
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 2 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511' including cross-version ones" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[2\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 1 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511'" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[0\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_getResponse><return xsi:type=\"ns1:IssueData\"><id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">99</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">new</name></status>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">duplicate</name></resolution>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Bug is already reported: 99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Issue 99 is a duplicate, using parent issue 101" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Status: new open http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=101" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "Status: new open http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=99" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log #dummy
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
rm -f problem_dir/comment
# duplicate issue exist (comment file exists, isn't duplicate, attach backtrace)
rlPhaseStartTest "duplicate issue exist (comment file exists, isn't duplicate, attach backtrace)"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_two_issues \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_one_issue \
$QUERIES_DIR/get_issue \
$QUERIES_DIR/add_note \
$QUERIES_DIR/attachment \
&> server_log &
# create a comment file
rlRun "echo \"i am comment\" > problem_dir/comment"
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf -A mantisbt_formatdup.conf -d problem_dir &> client_log"
kill %1
# request
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_login>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_filter_search_issues>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">99</ns3:issue_id></ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_note_add>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_attachment_add>" server_log
# response
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 2 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511' including cross-version ones" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[2\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 1 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511'" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[0\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log #not
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_getResponse><return xsi:type=\"ns1:IssueData\"><id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">99</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">new</name></status>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Bug is already reported: 99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Adding new comment to issue 99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Attaching better backtrace" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_note_addResponse><return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">5</return></ns1:mc_issue_note_addResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">4</return></ns1:mc_issue_attachment_addResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Status: new open http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=99" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log #dummy
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
rm -f problem_dir/comment
# duplicate issue exist (comment file exists, is duplicate)
rlPhaseStartTest "duplicate issue exist (comment file exists, is duplicate)"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_two_issues \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_one_issue \
$QUERIES_DIR/get_issue_dup_comment_rating_1 \
&> server_log &
# create a comment file
rlRun "echo \"i am comment\" > problem_dir/comment"
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf -A mantisbt_formatdup.conf -d problem_dir &> client_log"
kill %1
# request
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_login>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_filter_search_issues>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">99</ns3:issue_id></ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
# response
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 2 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511' including cross-version ones" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[2\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 1 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511'" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[0\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_getResponse><return xsi:type=\"ns1:IssueData\"><id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">99</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">new</name></status>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Bug is already reported: 99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Found the same comment in the issue history, not adding a new one" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_note_addResponse><return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">5</return></ns1:mc_issue_note_addResponse>" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">4</return></ns1:mc_issue_attachment_addResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Status: new open http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=99" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log #dummy
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
rm -f problem_dir/comment
rlPhaseStartTest "duplicate issue exist (comment file exists, isn't duplicate, the same backtrace rating)"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_two_issues \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_one_issue \
$QUERIES_DIR/get_issue_comment_rating_1 \
$QUERIES_DIR/add_note \
&> server_log &
# create a comment file
rlRun "echo \"i am comment\" > problem_dir/comment"
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf -A mantisbt_formatdup.conf -d problem_dir &> client_log"
kill %1
# request
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_login>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_filter_search_issues>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">99</ns3:issue_id></ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_note_add>" server_log
#not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_attachment_add>" server_log
# response
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 2 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511' including cross-version ones" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[2\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 1 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511'" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Status: new open http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_getResponse><return xsi:type=\"ns1:IssueData\"><id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">99</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">new</name></status>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Bug is already reported: 99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_note_addResponse><return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">5</return></ns1:mc_issue_note_addResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Adding new comment to issue 99" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertNotGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[0\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "Attaching better backtrace" client_log
rlAsserNottGrep "Found the same comment in the issue history, not adding a new one" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">4</return></ns1:mc_issue_attachment_addResponse>" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log #dummy
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
rm -f problem_dir/comment
rlPhaseStartTest "duplicate issue exist (comment file exists, isn't duplicate, better backtrace rating)"
./pyserve \
$QUERIES_DIR/login_correct \
$QUERIES_DIR/project_get_id_from_name \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_two_issues \
$QUERIES_DIR/search_one_issue \
$QUERIES_DIR/get_issue_comment_rating_1 \
$QUERIES_DIR/add_note \
$QUERIES_DIR/attachment \
&> server_log &
# create a comment file
rlRun "echo \"i am comment\" > problem_dir/comment"
rlRun "echo \"5\" > problem_dir/backtrace_rating"
sleep 1
rlRun "reporter-mantisbt -vvv -c mantisbt.conf -F mantisbt_format.conf -A mantisbt_formatdup.conf -d problem_dir &> client_log"
kill %1
# request
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_login>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_filter_search_issues>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:issue_id xsi:type=\"ns2:integer\">99</ns3:issue_id></ns3:mc_issue_get>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_note_add>" server_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns3:mc_issue_attachment_add>" server_log
# response
rlAssertGrep "<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">2</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">test</name>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Checking for duplicates" client_log
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 2 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511' including cross-version ones" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[2\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
# not contain
rlAssertGrep "CentOS Bug Tracker has 1 reports with duphash 'bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511'" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<return SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"ns1:IssueData\[0\]\" xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\">" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_getResponse><return xsi:type=\"ns1:IssueData\"><id xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">99</id>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<name xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">new</name></status>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Bug is already reported: 99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<ns1:mc_issue_note_addResponse><return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">5</return></ns1:mc_issue_note_addResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Adding new comment to issue 99" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Attaching better backtrace" client_log
rlAssertGrep "<return xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">4</return></ns1:mc_issue_attachment_addResponse>" client_log
rlAssertGrep "Status: new open http://localhost:12345/view.php?id=99" client_log
# not contain
rlAsserNottGrep "Found the same comment in the issue history, not adding a new one" client_log
rlAssertNotGrep "<int>323795</int>" client_log #dummy
rm -f problem_dir/reported_to
rm -f problem_dir/comment
rlRun "echo \"1\" > problem_dir/backtrace_rating"
rlBundleLogs abrt server* client*
popd # TmpDir
rm -rf $TmpDir

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set dir [lindex $argv 0]
spawn abrt-cli report $dir
set timeout 10
set workflow_no 3
# timeout handler
proc itstime {args} {
puts "!! expect timeout !!"
exit 1
while {1} {
expect {
eof {break}
timeout { itstime }
-regexp {[[:space:]]+([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]+Report to CentOS Bug Tracker} {
set workflow_no $expect_out(1,string)
"Ok to upload core dump? (It may contain sensitive data)." {
send "N\n"
"This problem was already reported to CentOS Bug Tracker" {
send "y\n"
-re "Downloading.*Continue?.*" {
send "N\n"
"CentOS Bug Tracker Password" {
send "\n"
"CentOS Bug Tracker User name" {
send "\n"
"CentOS Bug Tracker CentOS Bug Tracker project" {
send "\n"
"Select a workflow to run" {
send "$workflow_no\n"

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set dir [lindex $argv 0]
spawn report-cli -e report_CentOSBugTracker -vvv $dir
set timeout 100
set workflow_no 3
# timeout handler
proc itstime {args} {
puts "!! expect timeout !!"
exit 1
while {1} {
expect {
eof {break}
timeout { itstime }
-regexp {[[:space:]]+([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]+Report to CentOS Bug Tracker} {
set workflow_no $expect_out(1,string)
"Ok to upload core dump? (It may contain sensitive data)." {
send "N\n"
"This problem was already reported to CentOS Bug Tracker" {
send "y\n"
-re "Downloading.*Continue?.*" {
send "N\n"
"CentOS Bug Tracker Password" {
send "aaa\n"
"CentOS Bug Tracker User name" {
send "aaa\n"
"Select a workflow to run" {
send "$workflow_no\n"

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
# Author: Matej Habrnal <>
function createSeparator
function log
echo -e "$1"
echo -e "$1" >> $LOG_FILE
function logWithSeparator
createSeparator "$1"
log "$sep"
# logResult returnCode message
function logResult
if [[ $1 == 0 ]]; then
log "PASS : $2\n"
log "FAIL : $2\n"
function rlJournalStart
return 0
function rlPhaseStartSetup
return 0
function rlPhaseStartTest
logWithSeparator "$1"
function rlPhaseEnd
#logWithSeparator "rlPhaseEnd"
return 0
function rlRun
local command=$1
local expected_orig=${2:-0}
local expected=${2:-0}
local comment
local comment_begin
if [[ -z "$3" ]]; then
comment_begin="Running '$command'"
comment="Command '$command'"
comment_begin="$3 :: actually running '$command'"
echo "$comment_begin" "BEGIN"
eval "$command"
local exitcode=$?
echo "rlRun: command = '$command'; exitcode = $exitcode; expected = $expected"
if [[ $exitcode == $expected ]]; then
logResult $retval "$command"
return $retval
function rlAssertGrep
if [ ! -e "$2" ] ; then
echo "rlAssertGrep: failed to find file $2"
return 2
local options=${3:--q}
grep $options "$1" "$2"
local exitcode=$?
command="File '$2' should contain '$1'"
echo $command
logResult $exitcode "$command"
return $exitcode
function rlAssertNotGrep
if [ ! -e "$2" ] ; then
echo "rlAssertGrep: failed to find file $2"
return 2
local options=${3:--q}
grep $options "$1" "$2"
local exitcode=$?
if [ $exitcode == 0 ]; then
command="File '$2' should not contain '$1'"
echo $command
logResult $exitcode "$command"
return $exitcode
function rlPhaseStartCleanup
logWithSeparator "rlPhaseStartCleanup"
function rlBundleLogs
local pass_count=`grep 'PASS' $LOG_FILE | wc -l`
local fail_count=`grep 'FAIL' $LOG_FILE | wc -l`
log "PASS: $pass_count"
log "FAIL: $fail_count"
log "TOTAL: $(( $pass_count + $fail_count))"
if [[ $fail_count == 0 ]]; then
function rlJournalPrintText
return 0
function rlJournalEnd
t_CheckExitStatus $test_return_value

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# MantisBT URL
MantisbtURL = http://localhost:12345
# yes means that ssl certificates will be checked
SSLVerify = no
# your login has to exist, if you don have any, please create one
Login = test
# your password
Password = password
Project = proj
ProjectVersion = 666

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Lines starting with # are ignored.
# Lines can be continued on the next line using trailing backslash.
# Format:
# %summary:: summary format
# section:: element1[,element2]...
# The literal text line to be added to Bugzilla comment. Can be empty.
# (IOW: empty lines are NOT ignored!)
# Summary format is a line of text, where %element% is replaced by
# text element's content, and [[...%element%...]] block is used only if
# %element% exists. [[...]] blocks can nest.
# Sections can be:
# - %summary: bug summary format string.
# - %attach: a list of elements to attach.
# - text, double colon (::) and the list of comma-separated elements.
# Text can be empty (":: elem1, elem2, elem3" works),
# in this case "Text:" header line will be omitted.
# Elements can be:
# - problem directory element names, which get formatted as
# <element_name>: <contents>
# or
# <element_name>:
# :<contents>
# :<contents>
# :<contents>
# - problem directory element names prefixed by "%bare_",
# which is formatted as-is, without "<element_name>:" and colons
# - %oneline, %multiline, %text wildcards, which select all corresponding
# elements for output or attachment
# - %binary wildcard, valid only for %attach section, instructs to attach
# binary elements
# - problem directory element names prefixed by "-",
# which excludes given element from all wildcards
# Nonexistent elements are silently ignored.
# If none of elements exists, the section will not be created.
%summary:: [abrt] %pkg_name%[[: %crash_function%()]][[: %reason%]][[: TAINTED %tainted_short%]]
Description of problem:: %bare_comment
Version-Release number of selected component:: %bare_package
Truncated backtrace:: %bare_%short_backtrace
%Additional info::
:: -pkg_arch,-pkg_epoch,-pkg_name,-pkg_release,-pkg_version,\
%attach:: backtrace, maps

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Lines starting with # are ignored.
# Lines can be continued on the next line using trailing backslash.
# Format:
# %summary:: summary format
# section:: element1[,element2]...
# The literal text line to be added to Bugzilla comment. Can be empty.
# (IOW: empty lines are NOT ignored!)
# Summary format is a line of text, where %element% is replaced by
# text element's content, and [[...%element%...]] block is used only if
# %element% exists. [[...]] blocks can nest.
# Sections can be:
# - %summary: bug summary format string.
# - %attach: a list of elements to attach.
# - text, double colon (::) and the list of comma-separated elements.
# Text can be empty (":: elem1, elem2, elem3" works),
# in this case "Text:" header line will be omitted.
# Elements can be:
# - problem directory element names, which get formatted as
# <element_name>: <contents>
# or
# <element_name>:
# :<contents>
# :<contents>
# :<contents>
# - problem directory element names prefixed by "%bare_",
# which is formatted as-is, without "<element_name>:" and colons
# - %oneline, %multiline, %text wildcards, which select all corresponding
# elements for output or attachment
# - %binary wildcard, valid only for %attach section, instructs to attach
# binary elements
# - problem directory element names prefixed by "-",
# which excludes given element from all wildcards
# Nonexistent elements are silently ignored.
# If none of elements exists, the section will not be created.
# When we add a comment to an existing BZ, %summary is ignored
# (it specifies *new bug* summary field):
# %summary:: blah blah
# When dup is detected, BZ reporter adds a comment to it.
# This comment may interrupt an ongoing conversation in the BZ.
# (Three people independently filed a bug against abrt about this).
# Need to clearly explain what this comment is, to prevent confusion.
# Hopefully, this line would suffice:
Another user experienced a similar problem:
# If user filled out comment field, show it:
:: %bare_comment
# var_log_messages has too much variance (time/date),
# we exclude it from message so that dup message elimination has more chances to work
:: \

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Single purpose HTTP server
# - serves files specified as arguments in order of appearance
import os
import sys
import BaseHTTPServer
#from pprint import pprint
class Handler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_POST(self):
response = self.dummy_response
if not self.filelist:
print 'No more files to serve - sending dummy response'
response = self.filelist.pop()
def reply(self, response):
#redirect stdout to client
stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = self.wfile
print response
sys.stdout = stdout # restore
PORT = 12345
print "Serving at port", PORT
filelist = []
for file in sys.argv[1:]:
if os.path.isfile(file):
print "Adding file %s" % file
with open(file) as f:
Handler.filelist = filelist
Handler.dummy_response = open("dummy", "r").read()
httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(("", PORT), Handler)

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/lib64/ nss-softokn-freebl-3.12.10-2.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382622
/lib64/ glib2-2.28.8-1.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382640
/usr/lib64/ libpng-2:1.2.46-1.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1311205059
/usr/lib64/perl5/CORE/ perl-libs-4:5.12.4-159.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382649
/lib64/ zlib-1.2.5-3.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382636
/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive glibc-common-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382628
/usr/lib64/ libXcursor-1.1.11-3.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382891
/usr/lib64/ libxcb-1.7-2.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382643
/usr/lib64/ fontconfig-2.8.0-3.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382676
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/lib64/ glib2-2.28.8-1.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382640
/usr/bin/urxvtd rxvt-unicode-9.12-2.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1311324474
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/usr/lib64/freetype-freeworld/ freetype-freeworld-2.4.4-3.fc15.x86_64 (RPM Fusion) 1310418014
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/lib64/ libselinux-2.0.99-4.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382639
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf dejavu-sans-mono-fonts-2.33-1.fc15.noarch (Fedora Project) 1310382882
/lib64/ glib2-2.28.8-1.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382640
/usr/lib64/ libXfixes-5.0-1.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382889
/usr/lib64/gconv/gconv-modules.cache glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/usr/lib64/ libXrender-0.9.6-2.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382889
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/usr/lib64/ libXau-1.0.6-2.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382642
/usr/lib64/ libXft-2.2.0-2.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382895
/usr/lib64/ libstdc++-4.6.0-9.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382636
/lib64/ libgcc-4.6.0-9.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382602
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/List/Util/ perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.23-1.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382648
/lib64/ glib2-2.28.8-1.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382640
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/lib64/ glib2-2.28.8-1.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382640
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/lib64/ expat-2.0.1-11.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382637
/usr/lib64/ libX11-1.4.3-1.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382888
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf dejavu-sans-mono-fonts-2.33-1.fc15.noarch (Fedora Project) 1310382882
/usr/lib64/ gdk-pixbuf2-2.23.3-2.fc15.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382889
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635
/lib64/ glibc-2.14-4.x86_64 (Fedora Project) 1310382635

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
00400000-00514000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 2528625 /usr/bin/urxvtd
00713000-0071f000 rw-p 00113000 fd:02 2528625 /usr/bin/urxvtd
0091e000-00923000 rw-p 0011e000 fd:02 2528625 /usr/bin/urxvtd
010ee000-0148c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap]
353be00000-353be1f000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918046 /lib64/
353c01e000-353c01f000 r--p 0001e000 fd:02 918046 /lib64/
353c01f000-353c020000 rw-p 0001f000 fd:02 918046 /lib64/
353c020000-353c021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
353c200000-353c315000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918061 /lib64/
353c315000-353c515000 ---p 00115000 fd:02 918061 /lib64/
353c515000-353c516000 rw-p 00115000 fd:02 918061 /lib64/
353c516000-353c517000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
353c600000-353c78f000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918047 /lib64/
353c78f000-353c98e000 ---p 0018f000 fd:02 918047 /lib64/
353c98e000-353c992000 r--p 0018e000 fd:02 918047 /lib64/
353c992000-353c993000 rw-p 00192000 fd:02 918047 /lib64/
353c993000-353c999000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
353ca00000-353ca16000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918048 /lib64/
353ca16000-353cc15000 ---p 00016000 fd:02 918048 /lib64/
353cc15000-353cc16000 r--p 00015000 fd:02 918048 /lib64/
353cc16000-353cc17000 rw-p 00016000 fd:02 918048 /lib64/
353cc17000-353cc1b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
353ce00000-353ce02000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918050 /lib64/
353ce02000-353d002000 ---p 00002000 fd:02 918050 /lib64/
353d002000-353d003000 r--p 00002000 fd:02 918050 /lib64/
353d003000-353d004000 rw-p 00003000 fd:02 918050 /lib64/
353d200000-353d207000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918049 /lib64/
353d207000-353d406000 ---p 00007000 fd:02 918049 /lib64/
353d406000-353d407000 r--p 00006000 fd:02 918049 /lib64/
353d407000-353d408000 rw-p 00007000 fd:02 918049 /lib64/
353d600000-353d683000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918069 /lib64/
353d683000-353d882000 ---p 00083000 fd:02 918069 /lib64/
353d882000-353d883000 r--p 00082000 fd:02 918069 /lib64/
353d883000-353d884000 rw-p 00083000 fd:02 918069 /lib64/
353da00000-353da16000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918065 /lib64/
353da16000-353dc16000 ---p 00016000 fd:02 918065 /lib64/
353dc16000-353dc17000 rw-p 00016000 fd:02 918065 /lib64/
353de00000-353de15000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918070 /lib64/
353de15000-353e014000 ---p 00015000 fd:02 918070 /lib64/
353e014000-353e015000 rw-p 00014000 fd:02 918070 /lib64/
353e200000-353e21d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918056 /lib64/
353e21d000-353e41c000 ---p 0001d000 fd:02 918056 /lib64/
353e41c000-353e41d000 r--p 0001c000 fd:02 918056 /lib64/
353e41d000-353e41e000 rw-p 0001d000 fd:02 918056 /lib64/
353e41e000-353e41f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
353e600000-353e617000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918055 /lib64/
353e617000-353e817000 ---p 00017000 fd:02 918055 /lib64/
353e817000-353e818000 r--p 00017000 fd:02 918055 /lib64/
353e818000-353e819000 rw-p 00018000 fd:02 918055 /lib64/
353e819000-353e81b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
353ea00000-353ea04000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918062 /lib64/
353ea04000-353ec03000 ---p 00004000 fd:02 918062 /lib64/
353ec03000-353ec04000 rw-p 00003000 fd:02 918062 /lib64/
353ee00000-353ee4c000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918063 /lib64/
353ee4c000-353f04b000 ---p 0004c000 fd:02 918063 /lib64/
353f04b000-353f04d000 rw-p 0004b000 fd:02 918063 /lib64/
353f04d000-353f04e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
353f200000-353f203000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918064 /lib64/
353f203000-353f402000 ---p 00003000 fd:02 918064 /lib64/
353f402000-353f403000 rw-p 00002000 fd:02 918064 /lib64/
353f600000-353f721000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918066 /lib64/
353f721000-353f920000 ---p 00121000 fd:02 918066 /lib64/
353f920000-353f926000 rw-p 00120000 fd:02 918066 /lib64/
353f926000-353f927000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
353fa00000-353fb39000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 2510411 /usr/lib64/
353fb39000-353fd38000 ---p 00139000 fd:02 2510411 /usr/lib64/
353fd38000-353fd3e000 rw-p 00138000 fd:02 2510411 /usr/lib64/
353fe00000-353fe1b000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 2510410 /usr/lib64/
353fe1b000-354001a000 ---p 0001b000 fd:02 2510410 /usr/lib64/
354001a000-354001b000 rw-p 0001a000 fd:02 2510410 /usr/lib64/
3540200000-3540202000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 2510409 /usr/lib64/
3540202000-3540402000 ---p 00002000 fd:02 2510409 /usr/lib64/
3540402000-3540403000 rw-p 00002000 fd:02 2510409 /usr/lib64/
3540600000-3540627000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918073 /lib64/
3540627000-3540826000 ---p 00027000 fd:02 918073 /lib64/
3540826000-3540829000 rw-p 00026000 fd:02 918073 /lib64/
3541e00000-3541e09000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 2510412 /usr/lib64/
3541e09000-3542009000 ---p 00009000 fd:02 2510412 /usr/lib64/
3542009000-354200a000 rw-p 00009000 fd:02 2510412 /usr/lib64/
3542200000-3542205000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 2510420 /usr/lib64/
3542205000-3542405000 ---p 00005000 fd:02 2510420 /usr/lib64/
3542405000-3542406000 rw-p 00005000 fd:02 2510420 /usr/lib64/
3544a00000-3544a09000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 2510421 /usr/lib64/
3544a09000-3544c09000 ---p 00009000 fd:02 2510421 /usr/lib64/
3544c09000-3544c0a000 rw-p 00009000 fd:02 2510421 /usr/lib64/
3546600000-354665c000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918051 /lib64/
354665c000-354685b000 ---p 0005c000 fd:02 918051 /lib64/
354685b000-354685d000 rw-p 0005b000 fd:02 918051 /lib64/
354685d000-3546861000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
3546e00000-3546e08000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 918052 /lib64/
3546e08000-3547007000 ---p 00008000 fd:02 918052 /lib64/
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ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 [vsyscall]

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Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Process /usr/bin/urxvtd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Aug 1 09:39:27 fluffy kernel: [149820.130191] urxvtd[10303]: segfault at 56 ip 0000000000420240 sp 00007fff728dc680 error 4 in urxvtd[400000+114000]
Aug 1 09:39:28 fluffy abrt[19696]: saved core dump of pid 10303 (/usr/bin/urxvtd) to /var/spool/abrt/ (5025792 bytes)

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 08:50:07 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Fedora) PHP/5.6.3
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i am comment&#13;
reporter: libreport-;
backtrace_rating: 1&#13;
cmdline: urxvtd -q -o -f&#13;
crash_function: rxvt_term::selection_delimit_word&#13;
executable: /usr/bin/urxvtd&#13;
package: rxvt-unicode-9.12-2.fc15&#13;
reason: Process /usr/bin/urxvtd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)&#13;
type: CCpp&#13;
uid: 502&#13;
xsession_errors:</text><view_state xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">10</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">public</name></view_state><date_submitted xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2015-01-14T19:52:40+01:00</date_submitted><last_modified xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2015-01-14T19:52:40+01:00</last_modified><time_tracking xsi:type="xsd:integer">0</time_tracking><note_type xsi:type="xsd:integer">0</note_type><note_attr xsi:type="xsd:string"></note_attr></item></notes><custom_fields SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData[2]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"><item xsi:type="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData"><field xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">1</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">abrt_hash</name></field><value xsi:type="xsd:string">bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511</value></item><item xsi:type="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData"><field xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">2</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">URL</name></field><value xsi:type="xsd:string"></value></item></custom_fields><due_date xsi:nil="true" xsi:type="xsd:dateTime"/><monitors SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:AccountData[0]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"/><sticky xsi:type="xsd:boolean">false</sticky><tags SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:ObjectRef[0]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"/></return></ns1:mc_issue_getResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 08:50:07 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Fedora) PHP/5.6.3
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.3
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i am second comment&#13;
reporter: libreport-;
backtrace_rating: 1&#13;
cmdline: urxvtd -q -o -f&#13;
crash_function: rxvt_term::selection_delimit_word&#13;
executable: /usr/bin/urxvtd&#13;
package: rxvt-unicode-9.12-2.fc15&#13;
reason: Process /usr/bin/urxvtd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)&#13;
type: CCpp&#13;
uid: 502&#13;
xsession_errors:</text><view_state xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">10</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">public</name></view_state><date_submitted xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2015-01-14T19:52:40+01:00</date_submitted><last_modified xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2015-01-14T19:52:40+01:00</last_modified><time_tracking xsi:type="xsd:integer">0</time_tracking><note_type xsi:type="xsd:integer">0</note_type><note_attr xsi:type="xsd:string"></note_attr></item></notes><custom_fields SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData[2]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"><item xsi:type="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData"><field xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">1</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">abrt_hash</name></field><value xsi:type="xsd:string">bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511</value></item><item xsi:type="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData"><field xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">2</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">URL</name></field><value xsi:type="xsd:string"></value></item></custom_fields><due_date xsi:nil="true" xsi:type="xsd:dateTime"/><monitors SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:AccountData[0]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"/><sticky xsi:type="xsd:boolean">false</sticky><tags SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:ObjectRef[0]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"/></return></ns1:mc_issue_getResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 08:50:07 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Fedora) PHP/5.6.3
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.3
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=tq25vlcb178go69v81olmibrm6; path=/; HttpOnly
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i am comment&#13;
backtrace_rating: 1&#13;
cmdline: urxvtd -q -o -f&#13;
crash_function: rxvt_term::selection_delimit_word&#13;
executable: /usr/bin/urxvtd&#13;
package: rxvt-unicode-9.12-2.fc15&#13;
reason: Process /usr/bin/urxvtd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)&#13;
type: CCpp&#13;
uid: 502&#13;
xsession_errors:</text><view_state xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">10</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">public</name></view_state><date_submitted xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2015-01-14T19:52:40+01:00</date_submitted><last_modified xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2015-01-14T19:52:40+01:00</last_modified><time_tracking xsi:type="xsd:integer">0</time_tracking><note_type xsi:type="xsd:integer">0</note_type><note_attr xsi:type="xsd:string"></note_attr></item></notes><custom_fields SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData[2]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"><item xsi:type="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData"><field xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">1</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">abrt_hash</name></field><value xsi:type="xsd:string">bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511</value></item><item xsi:type="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData"><field xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">2</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">URL</name></field><value xsi:type="xsd:string"></value></item></custom_fields><due_date xsi:nil="true" xsi:type="xsd:dateTime"/><monitors SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:AccountData[0]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"/><sticky xsi:type="xsd:boolean">false</sticky><tags SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:ObjectRef[0]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"/></return></ns1:mc_issue_getResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:12:48 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Fedora) PHP/5.6.2
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.2
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=22qmssa8tsrsrejsiv0od5t7k2; path=/; HttpOnly
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<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:mc_loginResponse><return xsi:type="ns1:UserData"><account_data xsi:type="ns1:AccountData"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">2</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">test</name><real_name xsi:type="xsd:string">test</real_name><email xsi:type="xsd:string"></email></account_data><access_level xsi:type="xsd:integer">25</access_level><timezone xsi:type="xsd:string">Europe/Prague</timezone></return></ns1:mc_loginResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Service Error
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:51:25 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Fedora) PHP/5.6.2
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.2
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=d7codh295fdqov4hta9jb1c6a6; path=/; HttpOnly
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<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><SOAP-ENV:Fault><faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Client</faultcode><faultstring>Access denied</faultstring></SOAP-ENV:Fault></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:12:48 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Fedora) PHP/5.6.2
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.2
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=22qmssa8tsrsrejsiv0od5t7k2; path=/; HttpOnly
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 11:34:12 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Fedora) PHP/5.6.2
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.2
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 08:50:07 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Fedora) PHP/5.6.3
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.3
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
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</description><additional_information xsi:type="xsd:string">reporter: libreport-;
cmdline: will_segfault&#13;
executable: /usr/bin/will_segfault&#13;
kernel: 3.17.0-301.fc21.x86_64&#13;
runlevel: N 5&#13;
type: CCpp&#13;
uid: 1000&#13;
</additional_information><attachments SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:AttachmentData[1]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"><item xsi:type="ns1:AttachmentData"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">532</id><filename xsi:type="xsd:string">open_fds</filename><size xsi:type="xsd:integer">138</size><content_type xsi:type="xsd:string">text</content_type><date_submitted xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2015-01-14T06:19:50+01:00</date_submitted><download_url xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">http://localhost/mantisbt/file_download.php?file_id=532&amp;amp;type=bug</download_url><user_id xsi:type="xsd:integer">2</user_id></item></attachments><custom_fields SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData[2]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"><item xsi:type="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData"><field xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">1</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">abrt_hash</name></field><value xsi:type="xsd:string">bbfe66399cc9cb8ba647414e33c5d1e4ad82b511</value></item><item xsi:type="ns1:CustomFieldValueForIssueData"><field xsi:type="ns1:ObjectRef"><id xsi:type="xsd:integer">2</id><name xsi:type="xsd:string">URL</name></field><value xsi:type="xsd:string"></value></item></custom_fields><due_date xsi:nil="true" xsi:type="xsd:dateTime"/><monitors SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:AccountData[0]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"/><sticky xsi:type="xsd:boolean">false</sticky><tags SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ns1:ObjectRef[0]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"/></item></return></ns1:mc_search_issuesResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el6)
t_InstallPackage abrt
echo "Skipped on CentOS 5"

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
# Christoph Galuschka <>
# Note: This was a known issue in CentOS 6.0
# See:
# Christoph Galuschka: added functionality for C7
t_Log "Running $0 - check that abrt is using CentOS' gpg keys."
if [ "$centos_ver" = "7" ] ;then
ls /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ | grep -q "RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS"
elif [ "$centos_ver" = "6" ] ; then
grep -q "RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS" /etc/abrt/gpg_keys
echo "Skipped on CentOS 5"
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
t_Log "$0 - installing acl"
t_InstallPackage acl
t_Log "Remount root fs with acl support"
mount -o remount,acl /
sleep 2

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Author: Dan Trainor <>
# Athmane Madjoudj <>
echo "Running $0 - Check that we can get and set acl"
source library/
touch /tmp/acl_test_file
setfacl -m user:nobody:r-- /tmp/acl_test_file
getfacl /tmp/acl_test_file |grep -q 'user:nobody:r--'
# t_CheckExitStatus $?
check=$(eq_is_success ${check} 0)
/bin/rm -f /tmp/acl_test_file
check_test_status ${check} "$0"
exit ${check}

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Author: Dan Trainor <>
# Athmane Madjoudj <>
t_Log "Running $0 - Check that we can get and set acl"
touch /tmp/acl_test_file
setfacl -m user:nobody:r-- /tmp/acl_test_file
getfacl /tmp/acl_test_file |grep -q 'user:nobody:r--'
t_CheckExitStatus $?
/bin/rm -f /tmp/acl_test_file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
# Christoph Galuschka <>
t_Log "$0 - installing amanda system"
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el5)
t_Log "This is a C5 system. Skipping."
t_CheckExitStatus 0
exit $PASS
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el9)
t_Log "This is a C9 system. Amanda not present. Skipping."
t_CheckExitStatus 0
exit $PASS
t_InstallPackage amanda amanda-server amanda-client
id -u amandabackup &>/dev/null || useradd amandabackup

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
# Christoph Galuschka <>
t_Log "$0 - installing amanda system"
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el5)
t_Log "This is a C5 system. Skipping."
t_CheckExitStatus 0
exit $PASS
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el9)
t_Log "This is a C9 system. Amanda not present. Skipping."
t_CheckExitStatus 0
exit $PASS
t_InstallPackage amanda amanda-server amanda-client
id -u amandabackup &>/dev/null || useradd amandabackup

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# Author: Christoph Galuschka <>
t_Log "Running $0 - amanda server runs a simple task (backing up /etc)"
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el5)
t_Log "This is a C5 system. Skipping."
t_CheckExitStatus 0
exit $PASS
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el9)
t_Log "This is a C9 system. Amanda not present. Skipping."
t_CheckExitStatus 0
exit $PASS
# Creating necessary directories
mkdir -p /etc/amanda/MyConfig
mkdir -p /amanda/vtapes/slot{1,2}
mkdir -p /amanda/holding
mkdir -p /amanda/state/{curinfo,log,index}
# creating testfile in /etc
# just some content to grep later
STRING='This string must be found'
echo $STRING > /etc/amandabackup-test
cat > /etc/amanda/MyConfig/amanda.conf <<EOF
org "MyConfig"
infofile "/amanda/state/curinfo"
logdir "/amanda/state/log"
indexdir "/amanda/state/index"
if [ $centos_ver == 5 ]
echo 'dumpuser "amanda"' >> /etc/amanda/MyConfig/amanda.conf
echo 'dumpuser "amandabackup"' >> /etc/amanda/MyConfig/amanda.conf
cat >> /etc/amanda/MyConfig/amanda.conf <<EOF
tpchanger "chg-disk:/amanda/vtapes"
labelstr "MyData[0-9][0-9]"
if [ $centos_ver -gt 6 ]
echo 'autolabel "MyData%%"' >> /etc/amanda/MyConfig/amanda.conf
echo 'label_new_tapes "MyData%%"' >> /etc/amanda/MyConfig/amanda.conf
cat >> /etc/amanda/MyConfig/amanda.conf <<EOF
tapecycle 2
dumpcycle 3 days
amrecover_changer "changer"
tapetype TESTTAPE
define tapetype TESTTAPE {
length 100 mbytes
filemark 4 kbytes
define dumptype simple-gnutar-local {
auth "local"
compress none
program "GNUTAR"
holdingdisk hd1 {
directory "/amanda/holding"
use 50 mbytes
chunksize 1 mbyte
echo "localhost /etc simple-gnutar-local" > /etc/amanda/MyConfig/disklist
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el5)
chown -R amanda /etc/amanda/MyConfig
chown -R amanda /amanda
chown -R amandabackup /etc/amanda/MyConfig
chown -R amandabackup /amanda
## running amanda configuration check
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el5)
su amanda -c 'amcheck MyConfig' | grep -q '0 problems found'
su amandabackup -c 'amcheck MyConfig' | grep -q '0 problems found'
if [ $? = 1 ]
t_Log "amanda Configuration check failed."
t_Log "amanda Configuration OK."
## running backup of /etc
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el5)
su amanda -c 'amdump MyConfig'
su amandabackup -c 'amdump MyConfig'
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
t_Log "Backup job failed."
t_Log "Backup job successfull."
## checking data in backup
grep -q "${STRING}" $(find /amanda/vtapes/ -name 00001.localhost._etc.0)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
t_Log "Something is wrong with the backup - can't find content of /etc/amandabackup-test file."
t_Log "Backup seems OK and contains content of /etc/amandabackup-test file."
# cleaning up
/bin/rm -rf /amanda
/bin/rm -rf /etc/amanda/MyConfig
/bin/rm -rf /etc/amandabackup-test
t_CheckExitStatus $ret_val

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
uname_arch=$(uname -m)
if [ "$centos_ver" -eq "8" ]; then
t_Log "c8 => SKIPPING"
exit 0
if [ "$uname_arch" == "armv7l" ]; then
t_Log "*** Not testing on Arch: $uname_arch ***"
exit 0
t_InstallPackage anaconda

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
t_Log "Running $0 - CentOS Anaconda patch is applied test."
uname_arch=$(uname -m)
if [ "$centos_ver" -eq "8" ]; then
t_Log "c8 => SKIPPING"
exit 0
if [ "$centos_ver" -eq "9" ]; then
t_Log "c9 => SKIPPING"
exit 0
if [ "$uname_arch" == "aarch64" ] || [ "$uname_arch" == "i686" ] || [ "$uname_arch" == "armv7l" ]; then
t_Log "*** Not testing on Arch: $uname_arch ***"
exit 0
if [ "$centos_ver" = "7" ];then
grep "CentOS Linux" $ANACONDA_PATH/installclasses/$ANACONDA_FILE >/dev/null 2>&1
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Author: Neal Gompa <>
# Skip if older than CentOS 8
if [ "$centos_ver" -lt "8" ]; then
t_Log "annobin does not exist pre-c8 => SKIP"
exit 0
# Install annobin and gcc
t_Log "Running $0 - installing annobin and gcc."
t_InstallPackage annobin redhat-rpm-config gcc gcc-c++

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Author: Neal Gompa <>
# Skip if older than CentOS 8
if [ "$centos_ver" -lt "8" ]; then
t_Log "annobin does not exist pre-c8 => SKIP"
exit 0
# Run the test
t_Log "Running $0 - build a hello world program with gcc using annobin"
cat <<EOF | gcc -x c -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -o ${BUILTPROG} -
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello World!\n");
return 0;
${BUILTPROG} | grep -q "Hello World"
t_CheckExitStatus $?
rm -f ${BUILTPROG}

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Author: Neal Gompa <>
# Skip if older than CentOS 8
if [ "$centos_ver" -lt "8" ]; then
t_Log "annobin does not exist pre-c8 => SKIP"
exit 0
# Run the test
t_Log "Running $0 - build a hello world program with gcc-c++ using annobin"
cat <<EOF | g++ -x c++ -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -o ${BUILTPROG} -
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
return 0;
${BUILTPROG} | grep -q "Hello World"
t_CheckExitStatus $?
rm -f ${BUILTPROG}

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Author: Christoph Galuschka <>
# Rene Diepstraten <>
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el9)
t_Log "This is a C9 system. Skipping."
t_CheckExitStatus 0
exit $PASS
# Install requirements
t_InstallPackage arpwatch psmisc net-tools

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Author: Christoph Galuschka <>
# Rene Diepstraten <>
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el9)
t_Log "This is a C9 system. Skipping."
t_CheckExitStatus 0
exit $PASS
t_Log "Running $0 - arpwatch on interface with default gateway"
if [ "$CONTAINERTEST" -eq "1" ]; then
t_Log "Running in container -> SKIP"
exit 0
# arpwatch is broken in el7
# See
[[ $centos_ver -eq 7 ]] && {
t_Log "arpwatch is broken on el7. Skipping test."
# Kill arpwatch instance from previous test
# killall arpwatch
# getting IP-address of default gateway
defgw=$(ip route | awk '/^default via/ {print $3}')
if [ -z $defgw ]
t_Log "No default gateway, can't test arpwatch"
# setting path to arp.dat
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el5)
# beginning and running test
sleep 4
arp -d $defgw
sleep 4
ping -q -i 1 -c 5 $defgw
killall arpwatch
sleep 2
grep -q $defgw $arpdat
t_CheckExitStatus $?
# cleaning up
cat /dev/null > $arpdat

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Author: Dan Trainor <>
t_InstallPackage attr

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Author: Dan Trainor <>
# Athmane Madjoudj <>
t_Log "Running $0 - Checking to see if setfattr, getfattr work"
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/attrtest.img bs=1024000 count=100 &>/dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
echo -e 'y\n' | mkfs.ext3 /tmp/attrtest.img > /dev/null 2>&1
mkdir /mnt/attr_test
mount -t ext3 -o loop,user_xattr /tmp/attrtest.img /mnt/attr_test
touch /mnt/attr_test/testfile
setfattr -n user.test /mnt/attr_test/testfile
getfattr /mnt/attr_test/testfile | grep -oq "user.test"
t_CheckExitStatus $?
umount /mnt/attr_test
rm -f /tmp/attrtest.img

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Install tests deps
t_Log "Running $0 - auditd"
t_InstallPackage audit
t_ServiceControl auditd restart

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
t_Log "Running $0 - check if auditd is running."
if [ "$SKIP_QA_HARNESS" -eq 1 ] | [ "$CONTAINERTEST" -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "Skipping this test ..."
service auditd status > /dev/null 2>&1
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
if [ $SKIP_QA_HARNESS -eq 1 -o $CONTAINERTEST -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Skipping this test ..."
t_Log "Running $0 - Generate some events for audit log."
useradd testauditd
userdel testauditd
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
if [ $SKIP_QA_HARNESS -eq 1 -o $CONTAINERTEST -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Skipping this test ..."
t_Log "Running $0 - check if audit log is not empty."
[[ -s /var/log/audit/audit.log ]]
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Author: Christoph Galuschka <>
if [ $CONTAINERTEST -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Skipping this test ..."
t_Log "Running $0 - Installing required packages"
if [ "$centos_ver" = "5" ] ; then
t_InstallPackage autofs nfs-utils portmap
t_InstallPackage autofs nfs-utils rpcbind
t_Log 'Preparing NFS-Share and starting NFS-Server'
echo '/var/lib/' >> /etc/exports
if [ "$centos_ver" = "5" ] ; then
t_ServiceControl portmap restart
t_ServiceControl nfs restart
elif [ "$centos_ver" -ge 8 ] ; then
t_ServiceControl rpcbind restart
t_ServiceControl nfs-server restart
t_ServiceControl rpcbind restart
t_ServiceControl nfs restart
t_Log 'verify if NFS is mountable'
mount -t nfs /mnt
ls -al /mnt | egrep -q '(dnf|yum)'
t_CheckExitStatus $?
umount /mnt

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Author: Christoph Galuschka <>
if [ $CONTAINERTEST -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Skipping this test ..."
t_Log "Running $0 - autofs can mount nfs share test."
t_Log 'Preparing autofs configuration'
cp -a /etc/auto.master /etc/auto.master_orig
echo '/autofs /etc/auto.autofs' >> /etc/auto.master
echo 'nfs -fstype=nfs' > /etc/auto.autofs
t_ServiceControl autofs restart
t_Log 'Running test - accessing /var/lib via autofs'
ls -al /autofs/nfs | egrep -q '(dnf|yum)'
t_CheckExitStatus $?
# return everything to previous state
cp -a /etc/auto.master_orig /etc/auto.master
rm -rf /etc/auto.autofs
cat /dev/null > /etc/exports
t_ServiceControl autofs stop
t_ServiceControl nfs stop
t_ServiceControl nfs-server stop
t_ServiceControl rpcbind stop

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
# Note: This was a known issue in CentOS 6.0
# See:
t_Log "Running $0 - check that bash version info is the same with upstream."
bash --version | grep -qE "(i386|i686|x86_64|aarch64|armv7hl|powerpc64le|powerpc64)-redhat-linux-gnu"
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Author : Varadharajan M <>
# Manoj Mahalingam <>
t_InstallPackage bc
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Author : Varadharajan M <>
# Manoj Mahalingam <>
t_Log "Running $0 - Test bc is installed"
bc --version
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Author : Varadharajan M <>
# Manoj Mahalingam <>
t_Log "Running $0 - Testing basic bc functionalities"
test `echo "5 + 6 * 5 / 10 - 1" | bc` -eq "7"
t_CheckExitStatus $?

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Author : Varadharajan M <>
# Manoj Mahalingam <>
t_Log "Running $0 - Testing basic bc functionalities"
test `echo "5 + 6 * 5 / 10 - 1" | bc` -eq "7" ; t_CheckExitStatus $?

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