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ebasov pushed to i9 at ebasov/msvsphere-configs

  • 72111cf24e Изменил(а) на '.msvsphere-configs.metadata'

3 days ago

ebasov pushed to i9 at ebasov/msvsphere-configs

  • 9159df3c15 Изменил(а) на '.msvsphere-configs.metadata'

3 days ago

ebasov created pull request rpms/msvsphere-configs#1

Adding scaling x11 to default settings operation system

3 days ago

ebasov pushed to i9 at ebasov/msvsphere-configs

  • 061af94021 Adding scaling x11 to default settings operation system

3 days ago

ebasov created repository ebasov/msvsphere-configs

3 days ago

ebasov created pull request msvsphere/msvsphere-configs#1

Adding scaling to default settings

3 days ago

ebasov pushed to i9-beta at rpms/mutter

  • cd2b6bd350 Изменил(а) на 'SOURCES/x11-Add-support-for-fractional-scaling-using-Randr.patch'

3 days ago

ebasov pushed to i9-beta at rpms/mutter

  • 3be781ed19 Изменил(а) на 'SPECS/mutter.spec'

4 days ago

ebasov commented on pull request rpms/mutter#1


Понял,сейчас распишу подробнее.

4 days ago

ebasov pushed to i9-beta at rpms/mutter

  • 3dc689ae75 Изменил(а) на 'SPECS/mutter.spec'

4 days ago

ebasov created pull request rpms/mutter#1


4 days ago

ebasov created branch i9ce in rpms/dolphin

3 weeks ago

ebasov pushed to i9ce at rpms/dolphin

3 weeks ago

ebasov created repository rpms/dolphin

3 weeks ago

ebasov pushed to i9ce at rpms/baloo-widgets

3 weeks ago