name: reuse-copr-build@TF on: workflow_call: secrets: FEDORA_COPR_LOGIN: required: true FEDORA_COPR_TOKEN: required: true outputs: artifacts: description: "A string with test artifacts to install in tft test env" value: ${{ jobs.reusable_workflow_copr_build_job.outputs.artifacts }} jobs: reusable_workflow_copr_build_job: # This job only runs for '/rerun' pull request comments by owner, member, or collaborator of the repo/organization. name: Build copr builds for tft tests runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 outputs: artifacts: ${{ steps.gen_artifacts.outputs.artifacts }} if: | github.event.issue.pull_request && startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/rerun') && contains(fromJson('["OWNER", "MEMBER", "COLLABORATOR"]'), github.event.comment.author_association) steps: - name: Update repository id: repo_update run: sudo apt-get update - name: Install necessary deps id: deps_install run: sudo apt-get install -y libkrb5-dev - name: Get pull request number id: pr_nr run: | PR_URL="${{ github.event.comment.issue_url }}" echo "::set-output name=pr_nr::${PR_URL##*/}" - name: Checkout # TODO: The correct way to checkout would be to use similar approach as in get_commit_by_timestamp function of # the github gluetool module (i.e. do not use HEAD but the last commit before comment). id: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: ref: "refs/pull/${{ steps.pr_nr.outputs.pr_nr }}/head" - name: Get ref and sha id: ref_sha run: | echo "::set-output name=sha::$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" echo "::set-output name=ref::refs/pull/${{ steps.pr_nr.outputs.pr_nr }}/head" - name: Trigger copr build id: copr_build env: COPR_CONFIG: "copr_fedora.conf" COPR_CHROOT: "epel-7-x86_64,epel-8-x86_64" COPR_REPO: "@oamg/leapp" run: | cat << EOF > $COPR_CONFIG [copr-cli] login = ${{ secrets.FEDORA_COPR_LOGIN }} username = oamgbot token = ${{ secrets.FEDORA_COPR_TOKEN }} copr_url = # expiration date: 2030-07-04 EOF pip install copr-cli PR=${{ steps.pr_nr.outputs.pr_nr }} COPR_CONFIG=$COPR_CONFIG COPR_REPO="$COPR_REPO" COPR_CHROOT=$COPR_CHROOT make copr_build | tee copr.log COPR_URL=$(grep -Po '\d+' copr.log) echo "::set-output name=copr_url::${COPR_URL}" echo "::set-output name=copr_id::${COPR_URL##*/}" - name: Add comment with copr build url # TODO: Create comment when copr build fails. id: link_copr uses: actions/github-script@v4 with: script: | github.issues.createComment({ issue_number: context.issue.number, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, body: 'Copr build succeeded: ${{ steps.copr_build.outputs.copr_url }}' }) - name: Get dependent leapp pr number from rerun comment uses: actions-ecosystem/action-regex-match@v2 id: leapp_pr_regex_match with: text: ${{ github.event.comment.body }} regex: '^/(rerun|rerun-sst)\s+([0-9]+)\s*$' - name: If leapp_pr was specified in the comment - trigger copr build # TODO: XXX FIXME This should schedule copr build for leapp but for now it will be just setting an env var id: leapp_pr if: ${{ steps.leapp_pr_regex_match.outputs.match != '' }} run: | echo "::set-output name=leapp_pr::${{ steps.leapp_pr_regex_match.outputs.group2 }}" - name: Checkout leapp id: checkout_leapp if: ${{ steps.leapp_pr_regex_match.outputs.match != '' }} uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: repository: "oamg/leapp" ref: "refs/pull/${{ steps.leapp_pr.outputs.leapp_pr }}/head" - name: Get ref and sha for leapp id: ref_sha_leapp if: ${{ steps.leapp_pr_regex_match.outputs.match != '' }} run: | echo "::set-output name=sha::$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" echo "::set-output name=ref::refs/pull/${{ steps.leapp_pr.outputs.leapp_pr }}/head" - name: Trigger copr build for leapp id: copr_build_leapp if: ${{ steps.leapp_pr_regex_match.outputs.match != '' }} env: COPR_CONFIG: "copr_fedora.conf" COPR_CHROOT: "epel-7-x86_64,epel-8-x86_64" COPR_REPO: "@oamg/leapp" run: | cat << EOF > $COPR_CONFIG [copr-cli] login = ${{ secrets.FEDORA_COPR_LOGIN }} username = oamgbot token = ${{ secrets.FEDORA_COPR_TOKEN }} copr_url = # expiration date: 2030-07-04 EOF pip install copr-cli PR=${{ steps.leapp_pr.outputs.leapp_pr }} COPR_CONFIG=$COPR_CONFIG COPR_REPO="$COPR_REPO" COPR_CHROOT=$COPR_CHROOT make copr_build | tee copr.log COPR_URL=$(grep -Po '\d+' copr.log) echo "::set-output name=copr_url::${COPR_URL}" echo "::set-output name=copr_id::${COPR_URL##*/}" - name: Add comment with copr build url for leapp # TODO: Create comment when copr build fails. id: link_copr_leapp if: ${{ steps.leapp_pr_regex_match.outputs.match != '' }} uses: actions/github-script@v4 with: script: | github.issues.createComment({ issue_number: context.issue.number, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, body: 'Copr build succeeded: ${{ steps.copr_build_leapp.outputs.copr_url }}' }) - name: Generate artifacts output id: gen_artifacts env: ARTIFACTS: ${{ steps.leapp_pr_regex_match.outputs.match != '' && format('{0};{1}', steps.copr_build_leapp.outputs.copr_id, steps.copr_build.outputs.copr_id) || steps.copr_build.outputs.copr_id }} run: | echo "::set-output name=artifacts::${{ env.ARTIFACTS }}"