--- name: Bug report about: Create a report to help us improve labels: bug --- **Actual behavior** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior 1. install '...' 2. setup '....' 3. run '....' (when run `leapp`, use always the `--debug` option to provide more data) 4. See error **Expected behavior** A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. **System information (please complete the following information):** - OS and version: (e.g. Fedora 29 or `$ cat /etc/system-release`) - `# uname -a` - `# rpm -qa "*leapp*"` (or shorthashes of commits in case of manual installation): ``` # rpm -qa "leapp*" leapp-0.4.0-1.201812151505Z.87a7b74.master.el7_5.noarch leapp-repository-data-0.4.0-1.201812131256Z.f25d14e.master.el7_5.noarch leapp-repository-0.4.0-1.201812131256Z.f25d14e.master.el7_5.noarch ``` Attach (or provide link to) log files if applicable (optional - may contain confidential information): - *All files in /var/log/leapp* - */var/lib/leapp/leapp.db* - *journalctl* - If you want, you can optionally send anything else would you like to provide (e.g. storage info) **For your convenience you can pack all logs with this command:** `# tar -czf leapp-logs.tar.gz /var/log/leapp /var/lib/leapp/leapp.db` Then you may attach only the `leapp-logs.tar.gz` file. **** **Additional context** Add any other context about the problem here.