import os import uuid from argparse import Namespace from leapp.cli.commands.upgrade import upgrade, util from leapp.exceptions import CommandError from leapp.utils.audit import Execution, get_connection from leapp.utils.audit.contextclone import clone_context from leapp.utils.clicmd import command, command_arg, command_opt RERUN_SUPPORTED_PHASES = ('FirstBoot',) @command('rerun', help='Re-runs the upgrade from the given phase and using the information and progress ' 'from the last invocation of leapp upgrade.') @command_arg('from-phase', help='Phase to start running from again. Supported values: {}'.format(', '.join(RERUN_SUPPORTED_PHASES))) @command_opt('only-actors-with-tag', action='append', metavar='TagName', help='Restrict actors to be re-run only with given tags. Others will not be executed') @command_opt('debug', is_flag=True, help='Enable debug mode', inherit=False) @command_opt('verbose', is_flag=True, help='Enable verbose logging', inherit=False) def rerun(args): if os.environ.get('LEAPP_UNSUPPORTED') != '1': raise CommandError('This command requires the environment variable LEAPP_UNSUPPORTED="1" to be set!') if args.from_phase not in RERUN_SUPPORTED_PHASES: raise CommandError('This command is only supported for {}'.format(', '.join(RERUN_SUPPORTED_PHASES))) context = str(uuid.uuid4()) last_context, configuration = util.fetch_last_upgrade_context() phases = [chkpt['phase'] for chkpt in util.get_checkpoints(context=last_context)] if args.from_phase not in set(phases): raise CommandError('Phase {} has not been executed in the last leapp upgrade execution. ' 'Cannot rerun not executed phase'.format(args.from_phase)) if not last_context: raise CommandError('No previous upgrade run to rerun - ' 'leapp upgrade has to be run before leapp rerun can be used') with get_connection(None) as db: e = Execution(context=context, kind='rerun', configuration=configuration) clone_context(last_context, context, db) db.execute(''' DELETE FROM audit WHERE id IN ( SELECT AS id FROM audit JOIN data_source ON = audit.data_source_id WHERE audit.context = ? AND audit.event = 'checkpoint' AND data_source.phase LIKE 'FirstBoot%' ); ''', (context,)) db.execute('''DELETE FROM message WHERE context = ? and type = 'ErrorModel';''', (context,)) util.archive_logfiles() upgrade(Namespace( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter resume=True, resume_context=context, only_with_tags=args.only_actors_with_tag or [], debug=args.debug, verbose=args.verbose, reboot=False, no_rhsm=False, nogpgcheck=False, channel=None, report_schema='1.1.0', whitelist_experimental=[], enablerepo=[])) def register(base_command): """ Registers `leapp rerun` """ base_command.add_sub(rerun)