[MESSAGES CONTROL] disable= # "F" Fatal errors that prevent further processing import-error, # "I" Informational noise # "E" Error for important programming issues (likely bugs) no-member, no-name-in-module, raising-bad-type, redundant-keyword-arg, # it's one or the other, this one is not so bad at all # "W" Warnings for stylistic problems or minor programming issues no-absolute-import, arguments-differ, cell-var-from-loop, fixme, lost-exception, no-init, pointless-string-statement, protected-access, redefined-outer-name, relative-import, undefined-loop-variable, unsubscriptable-object, unused-argument, unused-import, unspecified-encoding, # "C" Coding convention violations bad-continuation, missing-docstring, wrong-import-order, use-maxsplit-arg, consider-using-dict-items, consider-using-enumerate, # "R" Refactor recommendations duplicate-code, no-self-use, too-few-public-methods, too-many-branches, too-many-locals, too-many-statements, consider-using-from-import, use-list-literal, use-dict-literal, # new for python3 version of pylint useless-object-inheritance, consider-using-set-comprehension, # pylint3 force to use comprehension in place we don't want (py2 doesnt have these options, for inline skip) unnecessary-pass, invalid-envvar-default, # pylint3 warnings envvar returns str/none by default bad-option-value, # python 2 doesn't have import-outside-toplevel, but in some case we need to import outside toplevel super-with-arguments, # required in python 2 raise-missing-from, # no 'raise from' in python 2 use-a-generator, # cannot be modified because of Python2 support consider-using-with, # on bunch spaces we cannot change that... duplicate-string-formatting-argument, # TMP: will be fixed in close future consider-using-f-string, # sorry, not gonna happen, still have to support py2 use-dict-literal, redundant-u-string-prefix # still have py2 to support [FORMAT] # Maximum number of characters on a single line. max-line-length=119 [DESIGN] max-args=11 # 2x + 1 from default max-attributes=21 # 4x + 1 from default [REPORTS] msg-template='[{msg_id} {symbol}] {msg} File: {path}, line {line}, in {obj}' [BASIC] # In order to make a check more strict add proper regex http://pylint-messages.wikidot.com/messages:c0103 argument-rgx=.* attr-rgx=.* class-rgx=.* const-rgx=.* function-rgx=.* method-rgx=.* module-rgx=.* variable-rgx=.* inlinevar-rgx=.*