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12 months ago
import os
from collections import namedtuple
import pytest
from leapp import reporting
from leapp.exceptions import StopActorExecutionError
from leapp.libraries.common import repofileutils, rhsm
from leapp.libraries.common.testutils import create_report_mocked, CurrentActorMocked, logger_mocked
from leapp.libraries.stdlib import api, CalledProcessError
from leapp.models import RepositoryData, RepositoryFile
from import is_inhibitor
Repository = namedtuple('Repository', ['repoid', 'file'])
# External commands called by the RHSM library
CMD_RHSM_LIST_CONSUMED = ('subscription-manager', 'list', '--consumed')
CMD_RHSM_STATUS = ('subscription-manager', 'status')
CMD_RHSM_RELEASE = ('subscription-manager', 'release')
CMD_RHSM_LIST_ENABLED_REPOS = ('subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list-enabled')
System Status Details
Overall Status: Current
System Purpose Status: Not Specified
System Status Details
Overall Status: Current
System Purpose Status: Matched
Content Access Mode is set to Simple Content Access
# Used to simulate realistic output of RHSM, therefore carries more information than `Repository` namedtuple
RHSMRepositoryEntry = namedtuple('RHSMRepositoryEntry', ('id', 'name', 'url', 'enabled')) # For clarity purposes
class IsolatedActionsMocked(object):
def __init__(self, call_stdout=None, raise_err=False):
self.commands_called = []
self.call_return = {'stdout': call_stdout, 'stderr': None}
self.raise_err = raise_err
# A map from called commands to their mocked output
self.mocked_command_call_outputs = dict()
def call(self, cmd, *args, **dummy_kwargs):
if self.raise_err:
return self.mocked_command_call_outputs.get(
tuple(cmd), # Cast to tuple, as list is not hashable
def add_mocked_command_call_with_stdout(self, cmd, stdout):
# We cast `cmd` from list to tuple, as a list cannot be hashed
self.mocked_command_call_outputs[tuple(cmd)] = {
'stdout': stdout,
'stderr': None}
def full_path(self, path):
return path
def actor_mocked(monkeypatch):
Fixture providing a mocked actor that was already used to monkeypatch api.current_actor.
Introduced to reduce repetition inside tests.
actor = CurrentActorMocked()
monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_actor', actor)
return actor
def context_mocked():
return IsolatedActionsMocked()
def raise_call_error(args=None, exit_code=1):
raise CalledProcessError(
message='Command {0} failed with exit code {1}.'.format(str(args), exit_code),
result={'signal': None, 'exit_code': exit_code, 'pid': 0, 'stdout': 'fake out', 'stderr': 'fake err'}
def _gen_repo(repoid):
return RepositoryData(repoid=repoid, name='name {}'.format(repoid))
def _gen_repofile(rfile, data=None):
if data is None:
data = [_gen_repo("{}-{}".format(rfile.split("/")[-1], i)) for i in range(3)]
return RepositoryFile(file=rfile, data=data)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('other_repofiles', [
[_gen_repofile("foo"), _gen_repofile("bar")],
@pytest.mark.parametrize('rhsm_repofile', [
_gen_repofile(rhsm._DEFAULT_RHSM_REPOFILE, []),
_gen_repofile(rhsm._DEFAULT_RHSM_REPOFILE, [_gen_repo("rh-0")]),
def test_get_available_repo_ids(monkeypatch, other_repofiles, rhsm_repofile):
context_mocked = IsolatedActionsMocked()
repos = other_repofiles[:]
if rhsm_repofile:
rhsm_repos = [repo.repoid for repo in] if rhsm_repofile else []
monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_logger', logger_mocked())
monkeypatch.setattr(rhsm, '_inhibit_on_duplicate_repos', lambda x: None)
monkeypatch.setattr(repofileutils, 'get_parsed_repofiles', lambda x: repos)
result = rhsm.get_available_repo_ids(context_mocked)
assert context_mocked.commands_called == [['yum', 'clean', 'all']]
assert result == rhsm_repos
if result:
msg = (
'The following repoids are available through RHSM:{0}{1}'
.format(LIST_SEPARATOR, LIST_SEPARATOR.join(rhsm_repos))
assert msg in api.current_logger.infomsg
assert 'There are no repos available through RHSM.' in api.current_logger.infomsg
def test_get_available_repo_ids_error():
context_mocked = IsolatedActionsMocked(raise_err=True)
with pytest.raises(StopActorExecutionError) as err:
assert 'Unable to use yum' in str(err)
def test_inhibit_on_duplicate_repos(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(reporting, 'create_report', create_report_mocked())
monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_logger', logger_mocked())
repofiles = [
_gen_repofile("foo", [_gen_repo('repoX'), _gen_repo('repoY')]),
_gen_repofile("bar", [_gen_repo('repoX')]),
dups = ['repoX']
assert ('The following repoids are defined multiple times:{0}{1}'
.format(LIST_SEPARATOR, LIST_SEPARATOR.join(dups))) in api.current_logger.warnmsg
assert reporting.create_report.called == 1
assert is_inhibitor(reporting.create_report.report_fields)
assert reporting.create_report.report_fields['title'] == 'A YUM/DNF repository defined multiple times'
summary = ('The following repositories are defined multiple times:{0}{1}'
assert summary in reporting.create_report.report_fields['summary']
def test_inhibit_on_duplicate_repos_no_dups(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(reporting, 'create_report', create_report_mocked())
monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_logger', logger_mocked())
assert not api.current_logger.warnmsg
assert reporting.create_report.called == 0
def test_sku_listing(monkeypatch, actor_mocked, context_mocked):
"""Tests whether the rhsm library can obtain used SKUs correctly."""
context_mocked.add_mocked_command_call_with_stdout(CMD_RHSM_LIST_CONSUMED, 'SKU: 598339696910')
attached_skus = rhsm.get_attached_skus(context_mocked)
assert_fail_description = 'Some calls to subscription-manager were expected.'
assert context_mocked.commands_called, assert_fail_description
assert_fail_description = 'RHSM command reported 1 SKU, however {0} were detected.'.format(
assert len(attached_skus) == 1, assert_fail_description
assert_fail_description = 'The parsed SKU is different than the one contained in the mocked RHSM output.'
assert attached_skus[0] == '598339696910', assert_fail_description
def test_scanrhsminfo_with_skip_rhsm(monkeypatch, context_mocked):
"""Tests whether the scan_rhsm_info respects the LEAPP_NO_RHSM environmental variable."""
mocked_actor = CurrentActorMocked(envars={'LEAPP_NO_RHSM': '1'})
monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_actor', mocked_actor)
result = rhsm.scan_rhsm_info(context_mocked)
assert_fail_description = 'No external shell commands should be executed when RHSM is skipped.'
assert not context_mocked.commands_called, assert_fail_description
assert result is None, 'The `scan_rhsm_info` should not provide any output when RHSM is skipped.'
def test_get_release(monkeypatch, actor_mocked, context_mocked):
"""Tests whether the library correctly retrieves release from RHSM."""
context_mocked.add_mocked_command_call_with_stdout(CMD_RHSM_RELEASE, 'Release: 7.9')
release = rhsm.get_release(context_mocked)
assert release, 'No release information detected (but valid release info was provided).'
assert release == '7.9', 'Detected release is incorrect.'
def test_get_release_with_release_not_set(monkeypatch, actor_mocked, context_mocked):
"""Tests whether the library does not retrieve release information when the release is not set."""
# Test whether no release is detected correctly too
context_mocked.add_mocked_command_call_with_stdout(CMD_RHSM_RELEASE, 'Release not set')
release = rhsm.get_release(context_mocked)
fail_description = 'The release information was obtained, even if "No release set" was repored by rhsm.'
assert not release, fail_description
def test_is_manifest_sca_on_nonsca_system(monkeypatch, actor_mocked, context_mocked):
"""Tests whether the library obtains the SCA information correctly from a non-SCA system."""
context_mocked.add_mocked_command_call_with_stdout(CMD_RHSM_STATUS, RHSM_STATUS_OUTPUT_NOSCA)
is_sca = rhsm.is_manifest_sca(context_mocked)
assert not is_sca, 'SCA was detected on a non-SCA system.'
def test_is_manifest_sca_on_sca_system(monkeypatch, actor_mocked, context_mocked):
"""Tests whether the library obtains the SCA information from SCA system correctly."""
context_mocked.add_mocked_command_call_with_stdout(CMD_RHSM_STATUS, RHSM_STATUS_OUTPUT_SCA)
is_sca = rhsm.is_manifest_sca(context_mocked)
assert is_sca, 'Failed to detected SCA on a SCA system.'
def test_get_enabled_repo_ids(monkeypatch, actor_mocked, context_mocked):
"""Tests whether the library retrieves correct information about enabled repositories."""
# Prepare the (realistic) RHSM output
rhsm_list_enabled_output = '''
Available Repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo
for enabled_repository in RHSM_ENABLED_REPOS:
rhsm_output_fragment = 'Repo ID: {0}\n'.format(
rhsm_output_fragment += 'Repo Name: {0}\n'.format(
rhsm_output_fragment += 'Repo URL: {0}\n'.format(enabled_repository.url)
rhsm_output_fragment += 'Enabled: {0}\n'.format(enabled_repository.enabled)
rhsm_output_fragment += '\n'
rhsm_list_enabled_output += rhsm_output_fragment
context_mocked.add_mocked_command_call_with_stdout(CMD_RHSM_LIST_ENABLED_REPOS, rhsm_list_enabled_output)
enabled_repo_ids = rhsm.get_enabled_repo_ids(context_mocked)
fail_description = 'Failed to detected enabled repositories on the system.'
assert len(enabled_repo_ids) == 3, fail_description
fail_description = 'Failed to retrieve repository ID provided in the RHSM output.'
for enabled_repository in RHSM_ENABLED_REPOS:
assert in enabled_repo_ids, fail_description
def test_get_existing_product_certificates(monkeypatch, actor_mocked, context_mocked):
"""Verifies that the library is able to correctly retrieve existing product certificates."""
'/etc/pki/product': ['cert1', 'cert2'],
'/etc/pki/product-default': ['cert3']
def mocked_isdir(path):
if path in CERT_DIRS_LAYOUT:
return True
err_message = 'RHSM library should not gather info about additional dirs (attempted to isdir: {0}).'
raise ValueError(err_message.format(path))
def mocked_listdir(path):
if path in CERT_DIRS_LAYOUT:
return CERT_DIRS_LAYOUT[path]
err_message = 'RHSM library should not listdir additional dirs (attempted to listdir: {0}).'
raise ValueError(err_message.format(path))
def mocked_isfile(path):
if path in CERT_DIRS_LAYOUT:
# The certificate directories are not files
return False
basename = os.path.basename(path)
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
if dirname in CERT_DIRS_LAYOUT:
return basename in CERT_DIRS_LAYOUT[dirname]
err_message = 'RHSM library should not isfile additional paths (attempted to isfile: {0}).'
raise ValueError(err_message.format(path))
monkeypatch.setattr(rhsm.os.path, 'isdir', mocked_isdir)
monkeypatch.setattr(rhsm.os, 'listdir', mocked_listdir)
monkeypatch.setattr(rhsm.os.path, 'isfile', mocked_isfile)
existing_product_certificates = rhsm.get_existing_product_certificates(context_mocked)
fail_description = 'Retrieved different number of certificates than expected.'
assert len(existing_product_certificates) == 3, fail_description
fail_description_bad_dir = 'Found certificate in unexpected path: {0}'
fail_description_bad_cert_file = 'Found certificate file that was not provided by mocked output: {0}'
for certificate_path in existing_product_certificates:
dirname = os.path.dirname(certificate_path)
basename = os.path.basename(certificate_path)
assert dirname in CERT_DIRS_LAYOUT, fail_description_bad_dir.format(certificate_path)
assert basename in CERT_DIRS_LAYOUT[dirname], fail_description_bad_cert_file.format(certificate_path)
def test_get_existing_product_certificates_missing_cert_directory(monkeypatch, actor_mocked, context_mocked):
"""Tests whether the library is able to retrieve certificates even if /etc/pki/product is missing."""
def mocked_isdir(path):
if path == '/etc/pki/product':
return False # Directory is missing
if path == '/etc/pki/product-default':
return True
err_msg = 'Tried to isdir a path that is not a part of the mocked paths. Path: {0}'
raise ValueError(err_msg.format(path))
def mocked_isfile(path):
if path == '/etc/pki/product-default/cert':
return True
err_msg = 'Tried to use isfile on a path that is not a part of the mocked paths. Path: {0}'
raise ValueError(err_msg.format(path))
def mocked_listdir(path):
if path == '/etc/pki/product-default':
return ['cert']
err_msg = 'Tried to use listdir on a path that is not a part of the mocked paths. Path: {0}'
raise ValueError(err_msg.format(path))
monkeypatch.setattr(rhsm.os.path, 'isdir', mocked_isdir)
monkeypatch.setattr(rhsm.os, 'listdir', mocked_listdir)
monkeypatch.setattr(rhsm.os.path, 'isfile', mocked_isfile)
existing_product_certificates = rhsm.get_existing_product_certificates(context_mocked)
fail_description = 'Library identified more certificates than there are in mocked outputs.'
assert len(existing_product_certificates) == 1, fail_description
fail_description = 'Library failed to identify certificate from mocked outputs.'
assert existing_product_certificates[0] == '/etc/pki/product-default/cert', fail_description