forked from msvsphere/leapp-repository
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498 lines
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498 lines
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1 year ago
# there are bashisms used in this Makefile
VERSION=`grep -m1 "^Version:" packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec | grep -om1 "[0-9].[0-9.]**"`
DEPS_VERSION=`grep -m1 "^Version:" packaging/other_specs/$(DEPS_PKGNAME).spec | grep -om1 "[0-9].[0-9.]**"`
REPOSITORIES ?= $(shell ls $(_SYSUPG_REPOS) | xargs echo | tr " " ",")
SYSUPG_TEST_PATHS=$(shell echo $(REPOSITORIES) | sed -r "s|(,\\|^)| $(_SYSUPG_REPOS)/|g")
TEST_PATHS:=commands repos/common $(SYSUPG_TEST_PATHS)
ifdef ACTOR
TEST_PATHS=`python utils/ $(ACTOR)`
ifeq ($(TEST_LIBS),y)
LIBRARY_PATH=`python utils/`
ifdef REPORT
# needed only in case the Python2 should be used
# python version to run test with
# by default use values you can see below, but in case the COPR_* var is defined
# use it instead of the default
# tool used to run containers for testing and building packages
# container to run tests in
# In case just specific CHROOTs should be used for the COPR build, you can
# set the multiple CHROOTs separated by comma in the COPR_CHROOT envar, e.g.
# "epel-7-x86_64,epel-8-x86_64". But for the copr-cli utility, each of them
# has to be specified separately for the -r option; So we transform it
# automatically to "-r epel-7-x86_64 -r epel-8-x86_64" (without quotes).
_COPR_CHROOT=`echo $${COPR_CHROOT} | grep -o "[^,]*" | sed "s/^/-r /g"`
# just to reduce number of unwanted builds mark as the upstream one when
# someone will call copr_build without additional parameters
# In case the PR or MR is defined or in case build is not coming from the
# MATER_BRANCH branch, N_REL=0; (so build is not update of the approved
# upstream solution). For upstream builds N_REL=100;
N_REL=`_NR=$${PR:+0}; if test "$${_NR:-100}" == "100"; then _NR=$${MR:+0}; fi; git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | grep -qE "^($(MASTER_BRANCH)|stable)$$" || _NR=0; echo $${_NR:-100}`
TIMESTAMP:=$${__TIMESTAMP:-$(shell /bin/date -u "+%Y%m%d%H%MZ")}
SHORT_SHA=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
BRANCH=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | tr -- '-/' '_'`
# The dependent framework PR connection will be taken from the top commit's depends-on message.
REQ_LEAPP_PR=$(shell git log master..HEAD | grep -m1 -iE '^[[:space:]]*Depends-On:[[:space:]]*.*[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]*$$' | grep -Eo '*[[:digit:]]*')
# NOTE(ivasilev) In case of travis relying on top commit is a no go as a top commit will be a merge commit.
ifdef CI
REQ_LEAPP_PR=$(shell git log master..HEAD | grep -m1 -iE '^[[:space:]]*Depends-On:[[:space:]]*.*[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]*$$' | grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]*')
# In case anyone would like to add any other suffix, just make it possible
_SUFFIX=`if test -n "$$SUFFIX"; then echo ".$${SUFFIX}"; fi; `
# generate empty string if PR or MR are not specified, otherwise set one of them
REQUEST=`if test -n "$$PR"; then echo ".PR$${PR}"; elif test -n "$$MR"; then echo ".MR$${MR}"; fi; `
# replace "custombuild" with some a describing your build
# Examples:
# 0.201810080027Z.4078402.packaging.PR2
# 0.201810080027Z.4078402.packaging
# 0.201810080027Z.4078402.master.MR2
# 1.201810080027Z.4078402.master
all: help
@echo "Usage: make <target>"
@echo "Available targets are:"
@echo " help show this text"
@echo " clean clean the mess"
@echo " prepare clean the mess and prepare dirs"
@echo " print_release print release how it should look like with"
@echo " with the given parameters"
@echo " source create the source tarball suitable for"
@echo " packaging"
@echo " srpm create the SRPM"
@echo " build_container create the RPM in container"
@echo " - set BUILD_CONTAINER to el7 or el8"
@echo " - don't run more than one build at the same time"
@echo " since containers operate on the same files!"
@echo " copr_build create the COPR build using the COPR TOKEN"
@echo " - default path is: $(_COPR_CONFIG)"
@echo " - can be changed by the COPR_CONFIG env"
@echo " install-deps create python virtualenv and install there"
@echo " leapp-repository with dependencies"
@echo " install-deps-fedora create python virtualenv and install there"
@echo " leapp-repository with dependencies for Fedora OS"
@echo " lint lint source code"
@echo " lint_container run lint in container"
@echo " lint_container_all run lint in all available containers"
@echo " see test_container for options"
@echo " lint_fix attempt to fix isort violations inplace"
@echo " test lint source code and run tests"
@echo " test_no_lint run tests without linting the source code"
@echo " test_container run lint and tests in container"
@echo " - default container is 'rhel8'"
@echo " - can be changed by setting TEST_CONTAINER env"
@echo " test_container_all run lint and tests in all available containers"
@echo " test_container_no_lint run tests without linting in container, see test_container"
@echo " test_container_all_no_lint run tests without linting in all available containers"
@echo " clean_containers clean all testing and building container images (to force a rebuild for example)"
@echo ""
@echo "Targets test, lint and test_no_lint support environment variables ACTOR and"
@echo "TEST_LIBS."
@echo "If ACTOR=<actor> is specified, targets are run against the specified actor."
@echo "If TEST_LIBS=y is specified, targets are run against shared libraries."
@echo ""
@echo "Envars affecting actions with COPR (optional):"
@echo " COPR_REPO specify COPR repository, e,g. @oamg/leapp"
@echo " (default: leapp)"
@echo " COPR_REPO_TMP specify COPR repository for building of tmp"
@echo " deps (meta) packages"
@echo " (default: leapp-tmp)"
@echo " COPR_CONFIG path to the COPR config with API token"
@echo " (default: ~/.config/copr_rh_oamg.conf)"
@echo " COPR_CHROOT specify the CHROOT which should be used for"
@echo " the build, e.g. 'epel-7-x86_64'. You can"
@echo " specify multiple CHROOTs separated by comma."
@echo ""
@echo "Possible use:"
@echo " make <target>"
@echo " PR=5 make <target>"
@echo " MR=6 make <target>"
@echo " PR=7 SUFFIX='my_additional_suffix' make <target>"
@echo " MR=6 COPR_CONFIG='path/to/the/config/copr/file' make <target>"
@echo " ACTOR=<actor> TEST_LIBS=y make test"
@echo " BUILD_CONTAINER=el7 make build_container"
@echo " TEST_CONTAINER=f34 make test_container"
@echo " CONTAINER_TOOL=docker TEST_CONTAINER=rhel7 make test_container_no_lint"
@echo ""
@echo "--- Clean repo ---"
@rm -rf packaging/{sources,SRPMS,tmp,BUILD,BUILDROOT,RPMS}/
@rm -rf build/ dist/ *.egg-info .pytest_cache/
@rm -f *src.rpm packaging/*tar.gz
@find . -name 'leapp.db' | grep "\.leapp/leapp.db" | xargs rm -f
@find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -fr {} +
@find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} +
@find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} +
prepare: clean
@echo "--- Prepare build directories ---"
@mkdir -p packaging/{sources,SRPMS,BUILD,BUILDROOT,RPMS}/
source: prepare
@echo "--- Create source tarball ---"
@echo git archive --prefix "$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/" -o "packaging/sources/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz" HEAD
@git archive --prefix "$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/" -o "packaging/sources/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz" HEAD
@echo "--- PREPARE DEPS PKGS ---"
mkdir -p packaging/tmp/
@__TIMESTAMP=$(TIMESTAMP) $(MAKE) _build_subpkg
@tar -czf packaging/sources/deps-pkgs.tar.gz -C packaging/RPMS/noarch `ls -1 packaging/RPMS/noarch | grep -o "[^/]*rpm$$"`
@rm -f packaging/RPMS/noarch/*.rpm
srpm: source
@echo "--- Build SRPM: $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).. ---"
@cp packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec.bak
@sed -i "s/1%{?dist}/$(RELEASE)%{?dist}/g" packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec
@rpmbuild -bs packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec \
--define "_sourcedir `pwd`/packaging/sources" \
--define "_srcrpmdir `pwd`/packaging/SRPMS" \
--define "rhel $(DIST_VERSION)" \
--define 'dist .el$(DIST_VERSION)' \
--define 'el$(DIST_VERSION) 1' || FAILED=1
@mv packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec.bak packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec
@echo "--- Build RPM: $(DEPS_PKGNAME)-$(DEPS_VERSION)-$(RELEASE).. ---"
@cp packaging/other_specs/$(DEPS_PKGNAME).spec packaging/$(DEPS_PKGNAME).spec
@sed -i "s/1%{?dist}/$(RELEASE)%{?dist}/g" packaging/$(DEPS_PKGNAME).spec
# Let's be explicit about the path to the binary RPMs; Copr builders can override this
# Also, explicitly set the _rpmfilename macro. This is super important as
# the COPR build servers are using Mock, which redefines the macro, so packages
# are stored inside RPMS directory, instead RPMS/%{ARCH}. The macro must be
# defined with double '%'. Using just single %, the macro is expanded when
# the specfile is loaded, but it is expected to be expanded during
# the build process when particular subpackages (RPMs) are created, so
# each RPM has the right name. Using the single %, all RPMs would have the
# name of the SRPM - which means effectively that only one RPM per build
# would be created. (hopefully the explanation is clear :))
@rpmbuild -ba packaging/$(DEPS_PKGNAME).spec \
--define "_sourcedir `pwd`/packaging/sources" \
--define "_srcrpmdir `pwd`/packaging/SRPMS" \
--define "_builddir `pwd`/packaging/BUILD" \
--define "_buildrootdir `pwd`/packaging/BUILDROOT" \
--define "_rpmdir `pwd`/packaging/RPMS" \
--define "rhel $$(($(DIST_VERSION) + 1))" \
--define "dist .el$$(($(DIST_VERSION) + 1))" \
--define "el$$(($(DIST_VERSION) + 1)) 1" \
--define "_rpmfilename %%{ARCH}/%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm" || FAILED=1
@rm -f packaging/$(DEPS_PKGNAME).spec
_build_local: source
@echo "--- Build RPM: $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).. ---"
@cp packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec.bak
@sed -i "s/1%{?dist}/$(RELEASE)%{?dist}/g" packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec
@rpmbuild -ba packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec \
--define "_sourcedir `pwd`/packaging/sources" \
--define "_srcrpmdir `pwd`/packaging/SRPMS" \
--define "_builddir `pwd`/packaging/BUILD" \
--define "_buildrootdir `pwd`/packaging/BUILDROOT" \
--define "_rpmdir `pwd`/packaging/RPMS" \
--define "rhel $(DIST_VERSION)" \
--define "dist .el$(DIST_VERSION)" \
--define "el$(DIST_VERSION) 1" || FAILED=1
@mv packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec.bak packaging/$(PKGNAME).spec
echo "--- Build RPM ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.el$(DIST_VERSION).rpm in container ---"; \
case "$(BUILD_CONTAINER)" in \
el7) \
CONT_FILE="utils/container-builds/Containerfile.centos7"; \
;; \
el8) \
CONT_FILE="utils/container-builds/Containerfile.ubi8"; \
;; \
"") \
echo "BUILD_CONTAINER must be set"; \
exit 1; \
;; \
*) \
echo "Available containers are el7, el8"; \
exit 1; \
;; \
esac && \
IMAGE="leapp-repo-build-$(BUILD_CONTAINER)"; \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) image inspect $$IMAGE > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) build -f $$CONT_FILE --tag $$IMAGE . && \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) run --rm --name "$${IMAGE}-cont" -v $$PWD:/repo:Z $$IMAGE
copr_build: srpm
@echo "--- Build RPM ${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.el$(DIST_VERSION).rpm in COPR ---"
@echo copr-cli --config $(_COPR_CONFIG) build $(_COPR_CHROOT) $(_COPR_REPO) \
@copr-cli --config $(_COPR_CONFIG) build $(_COPR_CHROOT) $(_COPR_REPO) \
@echo $(RELEASE)
# Before doing anything, it is good idea to register repos to ensure everything
# is in order inside ~/.config/leapp/repos.json
. $(VENVNAME)/bin/activate; \
snactor repo find --path repos
@# in centos:7 python 3.x is not installed by default
case $(_PYTHON_VENV) in python3*) yum install -y ${shell echo $(_PYTHON_VENV) | tr -d .}; esac
@# in centos:7 python dependencies required gcc
case $(_PYTHON_VENV) in python3*) yum install gcc -y; esac
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p /usr/bin/$(_PYTHON_VENV) $(VENVNAME); \
. $(VENVNAME)/bin/activate; \
pip install -U pip; \
pip install --upgrade setuptools; \
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt; \
./utils/ $(_PYTHON_VENV); \
# In case the top commit Depends-On some yet unmerged framework patch - override master leapp with the proper version
if [[ ! -z "$(REQ_LEAPP_PR)" ]] ; then \
echo "Leapp-repository depends on the yet unmerged pr of the framework #$(REQ_LEAPP_PR), installing it.." && \
$(VENVNAME)/bin/pip install -I "git+$(REQ_LEAPP_PR)/head"; \
$(_PYTHON_VENV) utils/ --actor=$(ACTOR) --repos="$(TEST_PATHS)"
@# Check the necessary rpms are installed for py3 (and py2 below)
if ! rpm -q git findutils python3-virtualenv gcc; then \
if ! dnf install -y git findutils python3-virtualenv gcc; then \
echo 'Please install the following rpms via the command: ' \
'sudo dnf install -y git findutils python3-virtualenv gcc'; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
@# Prepare the virtual environment
virtualenv --system-site-packages --python /usr/bin/$(_PYTHON_VENV) $(VENVNAME)
. $(VENVNAME)/bin/activate ; \
pip install -U pip; \
pip install --upgrade setuptools; \
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt; \
./utils/ $(_PYTHON_VENV); \
# In case the top commit Depends-On some yet unmerged framework patch - override master leapp with the proper version
if [[ ! -z "$(REQ_LEAPP_PR)" ]] ; then \
echo "Leapp-repository depends on the yet unmerged pr of the framework #$(REQ_LEAPP_PR), installing it.." && \
$(VENVNAME)/bin/pip install -I "git+$(REQ_LEAPP_PR)/head"; \
. $(VENVNAME)/bin/activate; \
echo "--- Linting ... ---" && \
echo "Using search path '$${SEARCH_PATH}'" && \
echo "--- Running pylint ---" && \
bash -c "[[ ! -z '$${SEARCH_PATH}' ]] && find $${SEARCH_PATH} -name '*.py' | sort -u | xargs pylint -j0" && \
echo "--- Running flake8 ---" && \
bash -c "[[ ! -z '$${SEARCH_PATH}' ]] && flake8 $${SEARCH_PATH}"
if [[ "$(_PYTHON_VENV)" == "python2.7" ]] ; then \
. $(VENVNAME)/bin/activate; \
echo "--- Checking py3 compatibility ---" && \
bash -c "[[ ! -z '$${SEARCH_PATH}' ]] && find $${SEARCH_PATH} -name '*.py' | sort -u | xargs pylint --py3k" && \
echo "--- Linting done. ---"; \
if [[ "`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`" != "$(MASTER_BRANCH)" ]] && [[ -n "`git diff $(MASTER_BRANCH) --name-only --diff-filter AMR`" ]]; then \
. $(VENVNAME)/bin/activate; \
git diff $(MASTER_BRANCH) --name-only --diff-filter AMR | xargs isort -c --diff || \
{ \
echo; \
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \
echo "Hint: Apply the required changes."; \
echo " Execute the following command to apply them automatically: make lint_fix"; \
exit 1; \
} && echo "--- isort check done. ---"; \
. $(VENVNAME)/bin/activate; \
git diff $(MASTER_BRANCH) --name-only --diff-filter AMR | xargs isort && \
echo "--- isort inplace fixing done. ---;"
. $(VENVNAME)/bin/activate; \
snactor repo find --path repos/; \
cd repos/system_upgrade/el7toel8/; \
snactor workflow sanity-check ipu && \
cd - && \
test: lint test_no_lint
# container images act like a cache so that dependencies can only be downloaded once
# to force image rebuild, use clean_containers target
@[ -z "$$CONT_FILE" ] && { echo "CONT_FILE must be set"; exit 1; } || \
[ -z "$$TEST_IMAGE" ] && { echo "TEST_IMAGE must be set"; exit 1; }; \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) image inspect "$$TEST_IMAGE" > /dev/null 2>&1 && exit 0; \
echo "=========== Building container test env image ==========="; \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) build -f $$CONT_FILE --tag $$TEST_IMAGE .
# tests one IPU, leapp repositories irrelevant to the tested IPU are deleted
@case $$TEST_CONT_IPU in \
el7toel8) \
export REPOSITORIES="common,el7toel8"; \
;; \
el8toel9) \
export REPOSITORIES="common,el8toel9"; \
;; \
"") \
echo "TEST_CONT_IPU must be set"; exit 1; \
;; \
*) \
echo "Only supported TEST_CONT_IPUs are el7toel8, el8toel9"; exit 1; \
;; \
esac && \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) exec -w /repocopy $$_CONT_NAME make clean && \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) exec -w /repocopy -e REPOSITORIES $$_CONT_NAME make $${_TEST_CONT_TARGET:-test}
# Runs lint in a container
@_TEST_CONT_TARGET="lint" $(MAKE) test_container
@for container in "f34" "rhel7" "rhel8"; do \
TEST_CONTAINER=$$container $(MAKE) lint_container || exit 1; \
# Runs tests in a container
# Builds testing image first if it doesn't exist
# On some Python versions, we need to test both IPUs,
# because e.g. RHEL7 to RHEL8 IPU must work on python2.7 and python3.6
# and RHEL8 to RHEL9 IPU must work on python3.6 and python3.9.
@case $(_TEST_CONTAINER) in \
f34) \
export CONT_FILE="utils/container-tests/Containerfile.f34"; \
export _VENV="python3.9"; \
;; \
rhel7) \
export CONT_FILE="utils/container-tests/Containerfile.rhel7"; \
export _VENV="python2.7"; \
;; \
rhel8) \
export CONT_FILE="utils/container-tests/Containerfile.rhel8"; \
export _VENV="python3.6"; \
;; \
*) \
echo "Error: Available containers are: f34, rhel7, rhel8"; exit 1; \
;; \
esac; \
export TEST_IMAGE="leapp-repo-tests-$(_TEST_CONTAINER)"; \
$(MAKE) _build_container_image && \
echo "=== Running $(_TEST_CONT_TARGET) in $(_TEST_CONTAINER) container ===" && \
export _CONT_NAME="leapp-repo-tests-$(_TEST_CONTAINER)-cont"; \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) ps -q -f name=$$_CONT_NAME && { $(_CONTAINER_TOOL) kill $$_CONT_NAME; $(_CONTAINER_TOOL) rm $$_CONT_NAME; }; \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) run -di --name $$_CONT_NAME -v "$$PWD":/repo:Z -e PYTHON_VENV=$$_VENV $$TEST_IMAGE && \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) exec $$_CONT_NAME rsync -aur --delete --exclude "tut*" /repo/ /repocopy && \
case $$_VENV in \
python2.7) \
TEST_CONT_IPU=el7toel8 $(MAKE) _test_container_ipu; \
python3.6) \
TEST_CONT_IPU=el7toel8 $(MAKE) _test_container_ipu; \
TEST_CONT_IPU=el8toel9 $(MAKE) _test_container_ipu; \
;; \
python3.9) \
TEST_CONT_IPU=el8toel9 $(MAKE) _test_container_ipu; \
;; \
*) \
TEST_CONT_IPU=el8toel9 $(MAKE) _test_container_ipu; \
esac; \
@for container in "f34" "rhel7" "rhel8"; do \
TEST_CONTAINER=$$container $(MAKE) test_container || exit 1; \
@_TEST_CONT_TARGET="test_no_lint" $(MAKE) test_container
@for container in "f34" "rhel7" "rhel8"; do \
TEST_CONTAINER=$$container $(MAKE) test_container_no_lint || exit 1; \
# clean all testing and building containers and their images
@for i in "leapp-repo-tests-f34" "leapp-repo-tests-rhel7" "leapp-repo-tests-rhel8" \
"leapp-repo-build-el7" "leapp-repo-build-el8"; do \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) kill "$$i-cont" || :; \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) rm "$$i-cont" || :; \
$(_CONTAINER_TOOL) rmi "$$i" || :; \
done > /dev/null 2>&1
@. $(VENVNAME)/bin/activate; \
FILES_TO_LINT="$$(git diff --name-only $(MASTER_BRANCH) --diff-filter AMR | grep '\.py$$')"; \
if [[ -n "$$FILES_TO_LINT" ]]; then \
pylint -j 0 $$FILES_TO_LINT && \
flake8 $$FILES_TO_LINT; \
if [[ "$$LINT_EXIT_CODE" != "0" ]]; then \
exit $$LINT_EXIT_CODE; \
fi; \
if [[ "$(_PYTHON_VENV)" == "python2.7" ]] ; then \
pylint --py3k $$FILES_TO_LINT; \
fi; \
else \
echo "No files to lint."; \
. $(VENVNAME)/bin/activate; \
snactor repo find --path repos/; \
pushd repos/system_upgrade/el7toel8/; \
$(_PYTHON_VENV) ../../../utils/ > ../../../discover.json; \
.PHONY: help build clean prepare source srpm copr_build _build_local build_container print_release register install-deps install-deps-fedora lint test_no_lint test dashboard_data fast_lint
.PHONY: test_container test_container_no_lint test_container_all test_container_all_no_lint clean_containers _build_container_image _test_container_ipu