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* MSVSphere OS 8 Packer template for building Generic Cloud (OpenStack compatible) images.
source "qemu" "msvsphere-8-gencloud-x86_64" {
iso_url = var.iso_url_8_x86_64
iso_checksum = var.iso_checksum_8_x86_64
shutdown_command = var.root_shutdown_command
accelerator = "kvm"
http_directory = var.http_directory
ssh_username = var.gencloud_ssh_username
ssh_password = var.gencloud_ssh_password
ssh_timeout = var.ssh_timeout
vnc_bind_address = var.vnc_bind_address
vnc_port_min = var.vnc_port_min
vnc_port_max = var.vnc_port_max
cpus = var.cpus
efi_firmware_code = var.uefi_ovmf_code
efi_firmware_vars = var.uefi_ovmf_vars
disk_interface = "virtio-scsi"
disk_size = var.gencloud_disk_size
disk_cache = "unsafe"
disk_discard = "unmap"
disk_detect_zeroes = "unmap"
disk_compression = true
format = "qcow2"
headless = var.headless
machine_type = "q35"
memory = var.memory
net_device = "virtio-net"
qemu_binary = var.qemu_binary
vm_name = "MSVSphere-${var.os_version_8}-${formatdate("YYYYMMDD", timestamp())}.gencloud.x86_64.qcow2"
boot_wait = var.boot_wait
boot_command = var.gencloud_boot_cmd_8_x86_64_uefi
build {
sources = [
provisioner "ansible" {
playbook_file = "ansible/gencloud.yml"
galaxy_file = "ansible/requirements.yml"
roles_path = "ansible/roles"
collections_path = "ansible/collections"
ansible_env_vars = [
"ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS='-o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPersist=180s -o ServerAliveInterval=120s -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa'"
extra_arguments = [