
Updated 8 months ago

Convert a physical machine to run on KVM

Updated 1 year ago

Unnamed repository

Updated 1 year ago

Tools needed to create Texinfo format documentation files

Updated 1 year ago

Perl-compatible regular expression library

Updated 1 year ago

The GNU disk partition manipulation program

Updated 1 year ago

An nsswitch module which uses directory servers

Updated 1 year ago

The GNU macro processor

Updated 1 year ago

The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS

Updated 1 year ago

CMS and X.509 library

Updated 1 year ago

Library to create ISO 9660 disk images

Updated 1 year ago

Library to enable creation and expansion of ISO-9660 filesystems

Updated 1 year ago

Library to support IDNA2008 internationalized domain names

Updated 1 year ago

Library for error values used by GnuPG components

Updated 1 year ago

Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs

Updated 1 year ago
