README for Nvidia Linux Drivers, as packaged by 1. After Installation --------------------- You only have to restart X to start using the Nvidia drivers after installation. Either choose "Log Out" from the GNOME/KDE menu, and then press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace at the login prompt, or press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace directly. You should see a white screen with a big Nvidia logo in the middle for about one second. To check that hardware acceleration is working, issue the following command in a terminal: glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor" That should print out OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation Also, the command glxinfo | grep direct should print out direct rendering: Yes If it does, you're all set. 2. Basic Configuration ---------------------- The installation scripts perform the basic configuration for you. When (if) you uninstall the drivers, the configuration is reset to use the Nvidia drivers again. If you want to temporarily disable the Nvidia drivers without uninstalling, you can issue the following two commands as root (remember su -): nvidia-config-display disable To re-enable the Nvidia drivers, run: nvidia-config-display enable 3. Additional configuration --------------------------- It's possible to configure image quality and performance by setting various environment variables. Take a look at /etc/profile.d/ (or .csh if you use csh) and read the README file in the same directory as this file. There are a number of settings in the X configuration file as well. The most interesting are acceleration of the XRENDER extension and AGP configuration. In the Driver section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf, you may add the following line: Option "RenderAccel" "true" to enable XRENDER acceleration. A value of "false" disables it. Note: this has shown to make some systems unstable, making the display freeze. If you experience this, set to "false" or comment out the line. To control AGP behaviour, add the following line to the Driver section: Option "NvAGP" "X" where X is 0, 1, 2 or 3. The different values are as follows (from Nvidia README): 0 : disable agp 1 : use NVIDIA's internal AGP support, if possible 2 : use AGPGART, if possible 3 : use any agp support (try AGPGART, then NVIDIA's AGP) Default is 3. AGPGART is the Linux kernel AGP driver. See Nvidia README, appendix D for more information. AGP speed is controlled by giving a parameter to the Nvidia kernel module, but should be autodetected in most cases. See output of "modinfo nvidia". For more configuration options (TwinView, TV-out etc) see the Nvidia README. 4. An Initscript to enable/disable nvidia driver ------------------------------------------------ To make gdm work at system start this package contains an initscript that will be run during start up. This script will detect if the nvidia module for the running kernel is present. If the module is present, then the initscript will run. "nvidia-config-display enable" so that the X server will use the nvidia driver, otherwise it will run "nvidia-config-display disable" and X will use the nv driver. You can disable this check by running, as root (with root $PATH) : chkconfig nvidia off This script will also be invoked when switching to runlevels 6 (reboot) and 0 (halt). When rebooting (or shutting down) the system, the script will _disable_ nvidia driver (and switch back to "nv" driver), so that, whatever the kernel you boot, Red Hat Graphical Boot will work. We suggest you read the chkconfig(8) man page for complete informations about how to handle rc scripts.