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diff -up vim82/src/regexp_bt.c.cve1154 vim82/src/regexp_bt.c
--- vim82/src/regexp_bt.c.cve1154 2022-04-25 15:22:28.367621755 +0200
+++ vim82/src/regexp_bt.c 2022-04-25 15:25:13.726340728 +0200
@@ -3188,8 +3188,17 @@ regmatch(
int mark = OPERAND(scan)[0];
int cmp = OPERAND(scan)[1];
pos_T *pos;
+ size_t col = REG_MULTI ? rex.input - rex.line : 0;
pos = getmark_buf(rex.reg_buf, mark, FALSE);
+ // Line may have been freed, get it again.
+ if (REG_MULTI)
+ {
+ rex.line = reg_getline(rex.lnum);
+ rex.input = rex.line + col;
+ }
if (pos == NULL // mark doesn't exist
|| pos->lnum <= 0 // mark isn't set in reg_buf
|| (pos->lnum == rex.lnum + rex.reg_firstlnum
diff -up vim82/src/testdir/test_regexp_latin.vim.cve1154 vim82/src/testdir/test_regexp_latin.vim
--- vim82/src/testdir/test_regexp_latin.vim.cve1154 2022-04-25 15:22:28.368621752 +0200
+++ vim82/src/testdir/test_regexp_latin.vim 2022-04-25 15:26:57.515227712 +0200
@@ -954,4 +954,19 @@ func Test_using_visual_position()
+func Test_using_mark_position()
+ " this was using freed memory
+ " new engine
+ new
+ norm O0
+ call assert_fails("s/\\%')", 'E486:')
+ bwipe!
+ " old engine
+ new
+ norm O0
+ call assert_fails("s/\\%#=1\\%')", 'E486:')
+ bwipe!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab