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diff -up doc/latex/beamer/ doc/latex/beamer/
--- doc/latex/beamer/ 2022-12-12 11:09:20.845608798 +0100
+++ doc/latex/beamer/ 2022-12-12 11:10:23.512743150 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# shellscript to build beameruserguide without using l3build doc
+for t in default circles rectangles rounded inmargin ; do
+ pdflatex "\def\themename{$t}\input beamerinnerthemeexample.tex"
+ mv beamerinnerthemeexample.pdf beameruginnertheme$t.pdf
+for t in default crane albatross seahorse whale dolphin rose orchid sidebartab lily structure dove seagull beetle fly wolverine spruce beaver monarca albatrossstylish ; do
+ pdflatex "\def\themename{$t}\input beamercolorthemeexample.tex"
+ mv beamercolorthemeexample.pdf beamerugcolortheme$t.pdf
+for t in default serif structurebold structureitalicserif structuresmallcapsserif ; do
+ pdflatex "\def\themename{$t}\input beamerfontthemeexample.tex"
+ mv beamerfontthemeexample.pdf beamerugfonttheme$t.pdf
+for t in default infolines miniframes shadow sidebar smoothbars smoothtree split tree ; do
+ pdflatex "\def\themename{$t}\input beamerouterthemeexample.tex"
+ mv beamerouterthemeexample.pdf beamerugoutertheme$t.pdf
+for t in AnnArbor Antibes Berkeley Berlin Bergen Boadilla Copenhagen Darmstadt Dresden EastLansing Frankfurt Goettingen Hannover Ilmenau JuanLesPins Luebeck Malmoe Madrid Marburg Montpellier PaloAlto Pittsburgh Rochester Singapore Szeged Warsaw CambridgeUS default boxes ; do
+ pdflatex "\def\themename{$t}\input beamerthemeexample.tex"
+ mv beamerthemeexample.pdf beamerugtheme$t.pdf
+pdflatex beameruserguide