@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# github repo with selinux-policy sources
%global giturl https://github.com/fedora-selinux/selinux-policy
%global commit edf0eb42087eadd8c9fb8cb9b67a07023fffd00b
%global commit d1f3f7d9fe7f0759f7f2a3f721616aa211b27274
%global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
%define distro redhat
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
Summary: SELinux policy configuration
Name: selinux-policy
Version: 38.1.23
Version: 38.1.33
Release: 1%{?dist}
License: GPLv2+
Source: %{giturl}/archive/%{commit}/%{name}-%{shortcommit}.tar.gz
@ -809,6 +809,180 @@ exit 0
* Thu Feb 22 2024 Juraj Marcin <jmarcin@redhat.com> - 38.1.33-1
- Allow thumb_t to watch and watch_reads mount_var_run_t
Resolves: RHEL-26073
- Allow opafm create NFS files and directories
Resolves: RHEL-17820
- Label /tmp/libdnf.* with user_tmp_t
Resolves: RHEL-11250
* Thu Feb 15 2024 Juraj Marcin <jmarcin@redhat.com> - 38.1.32-1
- Dontaudit subscription manager setfscreate and read file contexts
Resolves: RHEL-21635
- Allow xdm_t to watch and watch_reads mount_var_run_t
Resolves: RHEL-24841
- Allow unix dgram sendto between exim processes
Resolves: RHEL-21902
- Allow utempter_t use ptmx
Resolves: RHEL-24946
- Only allow confined user domains to login locally without unconfined_login
Resolves: RHEL-1551
- Add userdom_spec_domtrans_confined_admin_users interface
Resolves: RHEL-1551
- Only allow admindomain to execute shell via ssh with ssh_sysadm_login
Resolves: RHEL-1551
- Add userdom_spec_domtrans_admin_users interface
Resolves: RHEL-1551
- Move ssh dyntrans to unconfined inside unconfined_login tunable policy
Resolves: RHEL-1551
* Thu Jan 25 2024 Juraj Marcin <jmarcin@redhat.com> - 38.1.31-1
- Allow chronyd-restricted read chronyd key files
Resolves: RHEL-18219
- Allow conntrackd_t to use bpf capability2
Resolves: RHEL-22277
- Allow smbd_t to watch user_home_dir_t if samba_enable_home_dirs is on
Resolves: RHEL-14735
- Allow hypervkvp_t write access to NetworkManager_etc_rw_t
Resolves: RHEL-14505
- Add interface for write-only access to NetworkManager rw conf
Resolves: RHEL-14505
- Allow unconfined_domain_type use IORING_OP_URING_CMD on all device nodes
Resolves: RHEL-11792
* Fri Jan 12 2024 Zdenek Pytela <zpytela@redhat.com> - 38.1.30-1
- Allow sysadm execute traceroute in sysadm_t domain using sudo
Resolves: RHEL-14077
- Allow qatlib set attributes of vfio device files
Resolves: RHEL-19051
- Allow qatlib load kernel modules
Resolves: RHEL-19051
- Allow qatlib run lspci
Resolves: RHEL-19051
- Allow qatlib manage its private runtime socket files
Resolves: RHEL-19051
- Allow qatlib read/write vfio devices
Resolves: RHEL-19051
- Allow syslog to run unconfined scripts conditionally
Resolves: RHEL-11174
- Allow syslogd_t nnp_transition to syslogd_unconfined_script_t
Resolves: RHEL-11174
- Allow sendmail MTA connect to sendmail LDA
Resolves: RHEL-15175
- Allow sysadm execute tcpdump in sysadm_t domain using sudo
Resolves: RHEL-15432
- Allow opafm search nfs directories
Resolves: RHEL-17820
- Allow mdadm list stratisd data directories
Resolves: RHEL-19276
- Update cyrus_stream_connect() to use sockets in /run
Resolves: RHEL-19282
- Allow collectd connect to statsd port
Resolves: RHEL-21044
- Allow insights-client transition to sap unconfined domain
Resolves: RHEL-21452
- Create the sap module
Resolves: RHEL-21452
* Thu Dec 14 2023 Juraj Marcin <jmarcin@redhat.com> - 38.1.29-1
- Add init_explicit_domain() interface
Resolves: RHEL-18219
- Allow dovecot_auth_t connect to postgresql using UNIX socket
Resolves: RHEL-16850
- Allow keepalived_t to use sys_ptrace of cap_userns
Resolves: RHEL-17156
- Make `bootc` be `install_exec_t`
Resolves: RHEL-19199
- Add support for chronyd-restricted
Resolves: RHEL-18219
- Label /dev/vas with vas_device_t
Resolves: RHEL-17336
- Allow gpsd use /dev/gnss devices
Resolves: RHEL-16676
- Allow sendmail manage its runtime files
Resolves: RHEL-15175
- Add support for syslogd unconfined scripts
Resolves: RHEL-11174
* Thu Nov 30 2023 Juraj Marcin <jmarcin@redhat.com> - 38.1.28-1
- Create interface selinux_watch_config and add it to SELinux users
Resolves: RHEL-1555
- Allow winbind_rpcd_t processes access when samba_export_all_* is on
Resolves: RHEL-16273
- Allow samba-dcerpcd connect to systemd_machined over a unix socket
Resolves: RHEL-16273
- Allow winbind-rpcd make a TCP connection to the ldap port
Resolves: RHEL-16273
- Allow sudodomain read var auth files
Resolves: RHEL-16708
- Allow auditd read all domains process state
Resolves: RHEL-14285
- Allow rsync read network sysctls
Resolves: RHEL-14638
- Add dhcpcd bpf capability to run bpf programs
Resolves: RHEL-15326
- Allow systemd-localed create Xserver config dirs
Resolves: RHEL-16716
- Label /var/run/tmpfiles.d/static-nodes.conf with kmod_var_run_t
Resolves: RHEL-1553
- Update sendmail policy module for opensmtpd
Resolves: RHEL-15175
* Tue Nov 14 2023 Juraj Marcin <jmarcin@redhat.com> - 38.1.27-1
- Remove glusterd module
Resolves: RHEL-1548
- Improve default file context(None) of /var/lib/authselect/backups
Resolves: RHEL-15220
- Set default file context of /var/lib/authselect/backups to <<none>>
Resolves: RHEL-15220
- Create policy for afterburn
Resolves: RHEL-12591
- Allow unconfined_domain_type use io_uring cmd on domain
Resolves: RHEL-11792
- Add policy for coreos installer
Resovles: RHEL-5164
- Add policy for nvme-stas
Resolves: RHEL-1557
- Label /var/run/auditd.state as auditd_var_run_t
Resolves: RHEL-14374
- Allow ntp to bind and connect to ntske port.
Resolves: RHEL-15085
- Allow ip an explicit domain transition to other domains
Resolves: RHEL-14246
- Label /usr/libexec/selinux/selinux-autorelabel with semanage_exec_t
Resolves: RHEL-14289
- Allow sssd domain transition on passkey_child execution conditionally
Resolves: RHEL-14014
- Allow sssd use usb devices conditionally
Resolves: RHEL-14014
- Allow kdump create and use its memfd: objects
Resolves: RHEL-14413
* Tue Oct 31 2023 Zdenek Pytela <zpytela@redhat.com> - 38.1.26-1
- Allow kdump create and use its memfd: objects
Resolves: RHEL-14413
* Fri Oct 20 2023 Zdenek Pytela <zpytela@redhat.com> - 38.1.25-1
- Add map_read map_write to kernel_prog_run_bpf
Resolves: RHEL-2653
- Allow sysadm_t read nsfs files
Resolves: RHEL-5146
- Dontaudit keepalived setattr on keepalived_unconfined_script_exec_t
Resolves: RHEL-14029
- Allow system_mail_t manage exim spool files and dirs
Resolves: RHEL-14110
- Label /run/pcsd.socket with cluster_var_run_t
Resolves: RHEL-1664
* Fri Sep 29 2023 Juraj Marcin <jmarcin@redhat.com> - 38.1.24-1
- Allow cupsd_t to use bpf capability
Resolves: RHEL-3633
- Label /dev/gnss[0-9] with gnss_device_t
Resolves: RHEL-9936
- Dontaudit rhsmcertd write memory device
Resolves: RHEL-1547
* Fri Aug 25 2023 Nikola Knazekova <nknazeko@redhat.com> - 38.1.23-1
- Allow cups-pdf connect to the system log service
Resolves: rhbz#2234765