@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Generated by rust2rpm 13
# Generated by rust2rpm 16
# Tests require files not included in crate
%bcond_with check
%global debug_package %{nil}
%global crate zstd
%global upstream_version 0.5.3+zstd.1.4.5
%global upstream_version 0.6.1+zstd.1.4.9
Name: rust-%{crate}
Version: 0.5.3
Release: 3%{?dist}
Version: 0.6.1
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Binding for the zstd compression library
# Upstream license specification: MIT
@ -58,6 +58,18 @@ which use "default" feature of "%{crate}" crate.
%files -n %{name}+default-devel
%ghost %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version_no_tilde}/Cargo.toml
%package -n %{name}+debug-devel
Summary: %{summary}
BuildArch: noarch
%description -n %{name}+debug-devel %{_description}
This package contains library source intended for building other packages
which use "debug" feature of "%{crate}" crate.
%files -n %{name}+debug-devel
%ghost %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version_no_tilde}/Cargo.toml
%package -n %{name}+futures-devel
Summary: %{summary}
BuildArch: noarch
@ -82,6 +94,18 @@ which use "legacy" feature of "%{crate}" crate.
%files -n %{name}+legacy-devel
%ghost %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version_no_tilde}/Cargo.toml
%package -n %{name}+pkg-config-devel
Summary: %{summary}
BuildArch: noarch
%description -n %{name}+pkg-config-devel %{_description}
This package contains library source intended for building other packages
which use "pkg-config" feature of "%{crate}" crate.
%files -n %{name}+pkg-config-devel
%ghost %{cargo_registry}/%{crate}-%{version_no_tilde}/Cargo.toml
%package -n %{name}+tokio-devel
Summary: %{summary}
BuildArch: noarch
@ -149,6 +173,9 @@ which use "zstdmt" feature of "%{crate}" crate.
* Sat Mar 06 2021 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@gmail.com> - 0.6.1-1
- Update to version 0.6.1+zstd.1.4.9.
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.5.3-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild