# Generated by rust2rpm
# * Tests do not work out of the tree
#   https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/futures-rs/issues/1019
%bcond_with check
%global debug_package %{nil}

%global crate futures-util

Name:           rust-%{crate}
Version:        0.2.1
Release:        1%{?dist}
Summary:        Common utilities and extension traits for the futures-rs library

# https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/futures-rs/issues/1015
License:        MIT or ASL 2.0
URL:            https://crates.io/crates/futures-util
Source0:        https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/%{crate}/%{version}/download#/%{crate}-%{version}.crate

ExclusiveArch:  %{rust_arches}

BuildRequires:  rust-packaging
# [dependencies]
BuildRequires:  (crate(either) >= 1.4.0 with crate(either) < 2.0.0)
BuildRequires:  (crate(futures-channel) >= 0.2.1 with crate(futures-channel) < 0.3.0)
BuildRequires:  (crate(futures-core) >= 0.2.1 with crate(futures-core) < 0.3.0)
BuildRequires:  (crate(futures-io) >= 0.2.1 with crate(futures-io) < 0.3.0)
BuildRequires:  (crate(futures-sink) >= 0.2.1 with crate(futures-sink) < 0.3.0)


%package        devel
Summary:        %{summary}
BuildArch:      noarch

%description    devel
Common utilities and extension traits for the futures-rs library.

This package contains library source intended for building other packages
which use %{crate} from crates.io.

%autosetup -n %{crate}-%{version} -p1
# https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/futures-rs/pull/1016
find -type f -name '*.rs' -executable -exec chmod -x {} +



%if %{with check}

%files          devel

* Mon May 21 2018 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 0.2.1-1
- Initial package