[requires] build = [ "dos2unix", "tomcli", ] [scripts] prep.post = [ "# fix CRLF line endings in source files: https://github.com/johannesvollmer/exrs/issues/239", "find . -type f \\( -name '*.md' -o -name '*.rs' \\) -execdir dos2unix --keepdate '{}' '+'", "# Do not depend on bencher; it is needed only for benchmarks.", "tomcli set Cargo.toml del dev-dependencies.bencher", "# Avoid a circular dependency on image.", "tomcli set Cargo.toml del dev-dependencies.image", "# These are the tests and examples that would have required the image crate.", "rm tests/across_compression.rs", "rm examples/6_extract_mip_map_pngs.rs", "rm examples/1b_convert_exr_to_png.rs", "rm examples/7_crop_alpha_rgba.rs", "rm examples/7_crop_alpha_any_image.rs", "rm examples/5b_extract_exr_layers_as_pngs.rs", ] [tests] skip = [ "compression::b44::test::border_on_multiview", "image::validate_results::test_value_result::test_error", "compare_compression_contents_", "compare_png_to_", "damaged", "fuzzed", "roundtrip_all_files_in_repository_x4", ] comments = [ "skip tests which require test data that is not included in published crates", ]