#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'rubygems/package' module RubyGemsReq module Helpers # Expands '~>' and '!=' gem requirements. def self.expand_requirement(requirements) requirements.inject([]) do |output, r| output.concat case r.first when '~>' expand_pessimistic_requirement(r) when '!=' # If there is only the conflict requirement, we still need to depend # on the specified gem. if requirements.size == 1 Gem::Requirement.default.requirements else [] end else [r] end end.reject {|r| r.empty? } end # Expands the pessimistic version operator '~>' into equivalent '>=' and # '<' pair. def self.expand_pessimistic_requirement(requirement) next_version = Gem::Version.create(requirement.last).bump return ['>=', requirement.last], ['<', next_version] end # Converts Gem::Requirement into array of requirements strings compatible # with RPM .spec file. def self.requirement_versions_to_rpm(requirement) self.expand_requirement(requirement.requirements).map do |op, version| version == Gem::Version.new(0) ? "" : " #{op} #{version}" end end # Compose dependency together with its requirements in RPM rich dependency # string. def self.compose_dependency_string(name, requirements) dependency_strings = requirements.map { |requirement| name + requirement } dependency_string = dependency_strings.join(' with ') dependency_string.prepend('(').concat(')') if dependency_strings.length > 1 dependency_string end end # Report RubyGems dependency, versioned if required. def self.rubygems_dependency(specification) dependency_name = "ruby(rubygems)" requirements = Helpers::requirement_versions_to_rpm(specification.required_rubygems_version) puts Helpers::compose_dependency_string(dependency_name, requirements) end # Report all gem dependencies including their version. def self.gem_dependencies(specification) specification.runtime_dependencies.each do |dependency| dependency_name = "rubygem(#{dependency.name})" requirements = Helpers::requirement_versions_to_rpm(dependency.requirement) puts Helpers::compose_dependency_string(dependency_name, requirements) end end # Reports all requirements specified by all provided .gemspec files. def self.requires while filename = gets filename.strip! begin specification = Gem::Specification.load filename rubygems_dependency(specification) gem_dependencies(specification) rescue => e # Ignore all errors. end end end end if __FILE__ == $0 RubyGemsReq::requires end