# This file is part of insights-client. # # Any changes made to this file will be overwritten during a software update. To # override a parameter in this file, create a drop-in file, typically located at # /etc/systemd/system/insights-unregistered.service.d/override.conf. Put the # desired overrides in that file and reload systemd. The next time this service # is run (either manually or via a systemd timer), the overridden values will be # in effect. # # For more information about systemd drop-in files, see systemd.unit(5). [Unit] Description=Automatically check if manually Unregistered from Red Hat Insights Client Documentation=man:insights-client(8) After=network-online.target ConditionPathExists=@sysconfdir@/insights-client/.unregistered [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/bin/systemctl unmask --now insights-register.path ExecStop=/bin/systemctl start insights-register.path Restart=no