Compare commits


No commits in common. 'i10c-beta' and 'c9' have entirely different histories.

@ -5,10 +5,8 @@
-- python(abi) = MAJOR.MINOR
-- (Don't match against -config tools e.g. /usr/bin/python2.6-config)
local path = rpm.expand('%1')
-- Use /usr prefix by default, and /app for flatpak builds
local prefix = rpm.expand('%{?!flatpak:/usr}%{?flatpak:/app}')
if path:match(prefix .. '/bin/python%d+%.%d+$') then
local provides = path:gsub('.*' .. prefix .. '/bin/python(%d+%.%d+)', 'python(abi) = %1')
if path:match('/usr/bin/python%d+%.%d+$') then
local provides = path:gsub('.*/usr/bin/python(%d+%.%d+)', 'python(abi) = %1')
@ -20,12 +18,10 @@
-- generating a line of the form:
-- python(abi) = MAJOR.MINOR
local path = rpm.expand('%1')
-- Use /usr prefix by default, and /app for flatpak builds
local prefix = rpm.expand('%{?!flatpak:/usr}%{?flatpak:/app}')
if path:match(prefix .. '/lib%d*/python%d+%.%d+/.*') then
local requires = path:gsub('.*' .. prefix .. '/lib%d*/python(%d+%.%d+)/.*', 'python(abi) = %1')
if path:match('/usr/lib%d*/python%d+%.%d+/.*') then
local requires = path:gsub('.*/usr/lib%d*/python(%d+%.%d+)/.*', 'python(abi) = %1')
%__python_path ^((%{?!flatpak:/usr}%{?flatpak:/app}/lib(64)?/python[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+/.*\\.(py[oc]?|so))|(%{_bindir}/python[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+))$
%__python_path ^((%{_prefix}/lib(64)?/python[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+/.*\\.(py[oc]?|so))|(%{_bindir}/python[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+))$

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# This program is free software.
# It is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license,
# whichever you choose.
# whichever is more permissive.
# Alternatively, it may be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of
# the LGPL version 2.1 (or later) or GPL version 2 (or later).
@ -15,37 +15,33 @@
import pathlib
import sys
from packaging import requirements
# inject parse_version import to pythondistdeps
# not the nicest API, but :/
from pkg_resources import parse_version
import pythondistdeps
pythondistdeps.parse_version = parse_version
def generate_bundled_provides(paths, namespace):
def generate_bundled_provides(path, namespace):
provides = set()
for path in paths:
for line in path.read_text().splitlines():
line, _, comment = line.partition('#')
if comment.startswith('egg='):
# not a real comment
# e.g. git+
egg, *_ = comment.strip().partition(' ')
egg, *_ = egg.strip().partition('&')
name = pythondistdeps.normalize_name(egg[4:])
provides.add(f'Provides: bundled({namespace}({name}))')
line = line.strip()
if line:
requirement = requirements.Requirement(line)
for spec in requirement.specifier:
if spec.operator == '==':
version = spec.version
raise ValueError(' only handles exactly one == requirement')
name = pythondistdeps.normalize_name(
bundled_name = f"bundled({namespace}({name}))"
python_provide = pythondistdeps.convert(bundled_name, '==', version)
provides.add(f'Provides: {python_provide}')
for line in path.read_text().splitlines():
line, _, comment = line.partition('#')
if comment.startswith('egg='):
# not a real comment
# e.g. git+
egg, *_ = comment.strip().partition(' ')
egg, *_ = egg.strip().partition('&')
name = pythondistdeps.normalize_name(egg[4:])
provides.add(f'Provides: bundled({namespace}({name}))')
line = line.strip()
if line:
name, _, version = line.partition('==')
name = pythondistdeps.normalize_name(name)
bundled_name = f"bundled({namespace}({name}))"
python_provide = pythondistdeps.convert(bundled_name, '==', version)
provides.add(f'Provides: {python_provide}')
return provides
@ -74,7 +70,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=sys.argv[0],
parser.add_argument('vendored', metavar='VENDORED.TXT', nargs='+', type=pathlib.Path,
parser.add_argument('vendored', metavar='VENDORED.TXT',
help='Upstream information about vendored libraries')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--compare-with', action='store',
help='A string value to compare with and verify')
@ -82,7 +78,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help='What namespace of provides will used', default='python3dist')
args = parser.parse_args()
provides = generate_bundled_provides(args.vendored, args.namespace)
provides = generate_bundled_provides(pathlib.Path(args.vendored), args.namespace)
if args.compare_with:
given = args.compare_with.splitlines()

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
%__pythondist_provides %{_rpmconfigdir}/ --provides --normalized-names-format pep503 --package-name %{name} --majorver-provides-versions %{__default_python3_version} %{?!_python_dist_allow_version_zero:--fail-if-zero}
%__pythondist_provides %{_rpmconfigdir}/ --provides --normalized-names-format pep503 --package-name %{name} --normalized-names-provide-both --majorver-provides-versions %{__default_python3_version}
%__pythondist_requires %{_rpmconfigdir}/ --requires --normalized-names-format pep503 --package-name %{name} %{?!_python_no_extras_requires:--require-extras-subpackages} --console-scripts-nodep-setuptools-since 3.10
%__pythondist_path ^%{?!flatpak:/usr}%{?flatpak:/app}/lib(64)?/python[3-9]\\.[[:digit:]]+/site-packages/[^/]+\\.(dist-info|egg-info|egg-link)$
%__pythondist_path ^/usr/lib(64)?/python[3-9]\\.[[:digit:]]+/site-packages/[^/]+\\.(dist-info|egg-info|egg-link)$

@ -73,14 +73,6 @@ class Requirement(Requirement_):
class Distribution(PathDistribution):
def __init__(self, path):
super(Distribution, self).__init__(Path(path))
# Check that the initialization went well and metadata are not missing or corrupted
# name is the most important attribute, if it doesn't exist, import failed
if not or not isinstance(, str):
print('Error: Python metadata at `{}` are missing or corrupted.'.format(path), file=stderr)
exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR
self.normalized_name = normalize_name(
self.legacy_normalized_name = legacy_normalize_name(
self.requirements = [Requirement(r) for r in self.requires or []]
@ -94,8 +86,8 @@ class Distribution(PathDistribution):
# that it works also on previous Python/importlib_metadata versions.
def name(self):
"""Return the 'Name' metadata for the distribution package or None."""
return self.metadata.get('Name')
"""Return the 'Name' metadata for the distribution package."""
return self.metadata['Name']
def _parse_py_version(self, path):
# Try to parse the Python version from the path the metadata
@ -112,17 +104,10 @@ class Distribution(PathDistribution):
def requirements_for_extra(self, extra):
extra_deps = []
# we are only interested in dependencies with extra == 'our_extra' marker
for req in self.requirements:
# no marker at all, nothing to evaluate
if not req.marker:
# does the marker include extra == 'our_extra'?
# we can only evaluate the marker as a whole,
# so we evaluate it twice (using 2 different marker_envs)
# and see if it only evaluates to True with our extra
if (req.marker.evaluate(get_marker_env(self, extra)) and
not req.marker.evaluate(get_marker_env(self, None))):
if req.marker.evaluate(get_marker_env(self, extra)):
return extra_deps
@ -141,12 +126,6 @@ class RpmVersion():
self.pre = version._version.pre = =
# version.local is ignored as it is not expected to appear
# in public releases
def is_legacy(self):
return isinstance(self.version, str)
def increment(self):
self.version[-1] += 1
@ -155,11 +134,8 @@ class RpmVersion(): = None
return self
def is_zero(self):
return self.__str__() == '0'
def __str__(self):
if self.is_legacy():
if isinstance(self.version, str):
return self.version
if self.epoch:
rpm_epoch = str(self.epoch) + ':'
@ -185,11 +161,6 @@ def convert_compatible(name, operator, version_id):
print('Invalid requirement: {} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version_id), file=stderr)
exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
if version.is_legacy():
# LegacyVersions are not supported in this context
print('Invalid requirement: {} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version_id), file=stderr)
exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR
if len(version.version) == 1:
print('Invalid requirement: {} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version_id), file=stderr)
@ -222,32 +193,18 @@ def convert_not_equal(name, operator, version_id):
if version_id.endswith('.*'):
version_id = version_id[:-2]
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
if version.is_legacy():
# LegacyVersions are not supported in this context
print('Invalid requirement: {} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version_id), file=stderr)
exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR
version_gt = RpmVersion(version_id).increment()
version_gt_operator = '>='
# Prevent dev and pre-releases from satisfying a < requirement
version = '{}~~'.format(version)
lower_version = RpmVersion(version_id).increment()
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
version_gt = version
version_gt_operator = '>'
return '({} < {} or {} {} {})'.format(
name, version, name, version_gt_operator, version_gt)
lower_version = version
return '({} < {} or {} > {})'.format(
name, version, name, lower_version)
def convert_ordered(name, operator, version_id):
if version_id.endswith('.*'):
# PEP 440 does not define semantics for prefix matching
# with ordered comparisons
# see:
# and:
# This style of specifier is officially "unsupported",
# even though it is processed. Support may be removed
# in version 21.0.
version_id = version_id[:-2]
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
if operator == '>':
@ -258,14 +215,6 @@ def convert_ordered(name, operator, version_id):
operator = '<'
version = RpmVersion(version_id)
# For backwards compatibility, fallback to previous behavior with LegacyVersions
if not version.is_legacy():
# Prevent dev and pre-releases from satisfying a < requirement
if operator == '<' and not version.pre and not and not
version = '{}~~'.format(version)
# Prevent post-releases from satisfying a > requirement
if operator == '>' and not version.pre and not and not
version = '{}.0'.format(version)
return '{} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version)
@ -303,10 +252,10 @@ def get_marker_env(dist, extra):
"extra": extra}
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""To allow this script to be importable (and its classes/functions
reused), actions are defined in the main function and are performed only
when run as a main script."""
reused), actions are performed only when run as a main script."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=argv[0])
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('-P', '--provides', action='store_true', help='Print Provides')
@ -336,14 +285,9 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('--require-extras-subpackages', action='store_true',
help="If there is a dependency on a package with extras functionality, require the extras subpackage")
parser.add_argument('--package-name', action='store', help="Name of the RPM package that's being inspected. Required for extras requires/provides to work.")
parser.add_argument('--namespace', action='store', help="Namespace for the printed Requires, Provides, Recommends and Conflicts")
parser.add_argument('--fail-if-zero', action='store_true', help='Fail the script if the automatically generated Provides version was 0, which usually indicates a packaging error.')
parser.add_argument('files', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Files from the RPM package that are to be inspected, can also be supplied on stdin")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.fail_if_zero and not args.provides:
raise parser.error('--fail-if-zero only works with --provides')
py_abi = args.requires
py_deps = {}
@ -389,8 +333,6 @@ def main():
package_name_parts = args.package_name.rpartition('+')
extras_subpackage = package_name_parts[2].lower() or None
namespace = (args.namespace + "({})") if args.namespace else "{}"
for f in (args.files or stdin.readlines()):
f = f.strip()
lower = f.lower()
@ -447,47 +389,36 @@ def main():
extras_suffix = f"[{extras_subpackage}]" if extras_subpackage else ""
# If egg/dist metadata says package name is python, we provide python(abi)
if dist.normalized_name == 'python':
name = namespace.format('python(abi)')
name = 'python(abi)'
if name not in py_deps:
py_deps[name] = []
py_deps[name].append(('==', dist.py_version))
if not args.legacy or not args.majorver_only:
if normalized_names_provide_legacy:
name = namespace.format('python{}dist({}{})').format(dist.py_version, dist.legacy_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
name = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(dist.py_version, dist.legacy_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
if name not in py_deps:
py_deps[name] = []
if normalized_names_provide_pep503:
name_ = namespace.format('python{}dist({}{})').format(dist.py_version, dist.normalized_name, extras_suffix)
name_ = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(dist.py_version, dist.normalized_name, extras_suffix)
if name_ not in py_deps:
py_deps[name_] = []
if args.majorver_provides or args.majorver_only or \
(args.majorver_provides_versions and dist.py_version in args.majorver_provides_versions):
if normalized_names_provide_legacy:
pymajor_name = namespace.format('python{}dist({}{})').format(pyver_major, dist.legacy_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
pymajor_name = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(pyver_major, dist.legacy_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
if pymajor_name not in py_deps:
py_deps[pymajor_name] = []
if normalized_names_provide_pep503:
pymajor_name_ = namespace.format('python{}dist({}{})').format(pyver_major, dist.normalized_name, extras_suffix)
pymajor_name_ = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(pyver_major, dist.normalized_name, extras_suffix)
if pymajor_name_ not in py_deps:
py_deps[pymajor_name_] = []
if args.legacy or args.legacy_provides:
legacy_name = namespace.format('pythonegg({})({})').format(pyver_major, dist.legacy_normalized_name)
legacy_name = 'pythonegg({})({})'.format(pyver_major, dist.legacy_normalized_name)
if legacy_name not in py_deps:
py_deps[legacy_name] = []
if dist.version:
version = dist.version
spec = ('==', version)
if args.fail_if_zero:
if RpmVersion(version).is_zero():
print(f'\nError: The version in the Python package metadata {version} normalizes to zero.\n'
'It\'s likely a packaging error caused by missing version information\n'
'(e.g. when using a version control system snapshot as a source).\n'
'Try providing the version information manually when building the Python package,\n'
'for example by setting the SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION environment variable if the package uses setuptools_scm.\n'
'If you are confident that the version of the Python package is intentionally zero,\n'
'you may %define the _python_dist_allow_version_zero macro in the spec file to disable this check.\n', file=stderr)
exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR
if normalized_names_provide_legacy:
if spec not in py_deps[name]:
@ -505,7 +436,7 @@ def main():
if spec not in py_deps[legacy_name]:
if args.requires or (args.recommends and dist.extras):
name = namespace.format('python(abi)')
name = 'python(abi)'
# If egg/dist metadata says package name is python, we don't add dependency on python(abi)
if dist.normalized_name == 'python':
py_abi = False
@ -552,12 +483,12 @@ def main():
dep_normalized_name = dep.legacy_normalized_name
if args.legacy:
name = namespace.format('pythonegg({})({})').format(pyver_major, dep.legacy_normalized_name)
name = 'pythonegg({})({})'.format(pyver_major, dep.legacy_normalized_name)
if args.majorver_only:
name = namespace.format('python{}dist({}{})').format(pyver_major, dep_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
name = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(pyver_major, dep_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
name = namespace.format('python{}dist({}{})').format(dist.py_version, dep_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
name = 'python{}dist({}{})'.format(dist.py_version, dep_normalized_name, extras_suffix)
if dep.marker and not args.recommends and not extras_subpackage:
if not dep.marker.evaluate(get_marker_env(dist, '')):
@ -613,14 +544,3 @@ def main():
# Print out unversioned provides, requires, recommends, conflicts
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""To allow this script to be importable (and its classes/functions
reused), actions are performed only when run as a main script."""
except Exception as exc:
raise RuntimeError("Error: generator encountered an unhandled exception and was terminated.") from exc

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
%__pythonname_provides() %{lua:
local python = require 'fedora.srpm.python'
local name = rpm.expand('%{name}')
-- this macro is called for each file in a package, the path being in %1
-- but we don't need to know the path, so we would get for each file: Macro %1 defined but not used within scope
-- in here, we expand %name conditionally on %1 to suppress the warning
local name = rpm.expand('%{?1:%{name}}')
local evr = rpm.expand('%{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}')
local provides = python.python_altprovides_once(name, evr)
-- provides is either an array/table or nil
@ -20,7 +23,10 @@
-- In Fedora this is not needed as we don't ship ecosystem packages
-- for alternative Python interpreters.
local python = require 'fedora.srpm.python'
local name = rpm.expand('%{name}')
-- this macro is called for each file in a package, the path being in %1
-- but we don't need to know the path, so we would get for each file: Macro %1 defined but not used within scope
-- in here, we expand %name conditionally on %1 to suppress the warning
local name = rpm.expand('%{?1:%{name}}')
local evr = rpm.expand('%{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}')
local obsoletes = python.python_altobsoletes_once(name, evr)
-- obsoletes is either an array/table or nil

@ -1,28 +1,19 @@
Name: python-rpm-generators
Summary: Dependency generators for Python RPMs
Version: 14
Release: 11%{?dist}
Version: 12
Release: 8%{?dist}
# Originally the following files were part of RPM, so the license is inherited: GPL-2.0-or-later
# The COPYING file is grabbed from the last commit that changed the files
# Originally all those files were part of RPM, so license is kept here
License: GPLv2+
# Commit is the last change in following files
Source1: python.attr
Source2: pythondist.attr
# This was crafted in-place as a fork of python.attr, hence also GPL-2.0-or-later
Source3: pythonname.attr
# This one is also originally from RPM, but it has its own license declaration: LGPL-2.1-or-later
# This was crafted in-place with the following license declaration:
# LicenseRef-Fedora-Public-Domain OR CC0-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later
# Note that CC0-1.0 is not allowed for code in Fedora, so we skip it in the package License tag
# See individual licenses above Source declarations
# Originally, this was simplified to GPL-2.0-or-later, but "effective license" analysis is no longer allowed
License: GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later AND (LicenseRef-Fedora-Public-Domain OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later)
BuildArch: noarch
@ -34,7 +25,7 @@ Requires: python3-packaging
# We have parametric macro generators, we need RPM 4.16 (4.15.90+ is 4.16 alpha)
Requires: rpm > 4.15.90-0
# This contains the Lua functions we use:
Requires: python-srpm-macros >= 3.10-15
Requires: python-srpm-macros >= 3.9-49
%description -n python3-rpm-generators
@ -56,89 +47,27 @@ install -Dpm0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir} *.py
* Tue Nov 26 2024 MSVSphere Packaging Team <> - 14-11
- Rebuilt for MSVSphere 10
* Mon Jun 24 2024 Troy Dawson <> - 14-11
- Bump release for June 2024 mass rebuild
* Fri Jan 26 2024 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 14-10
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jan 22 2024 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 14-9
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Oct 03 2023 Miro Hrončok <> - 14-8
- Avoid DeprecationWarning: Implicit None on return values is deprecated and will raise KeyErrors
* Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 14-7
- Rebuilt for
* Wed May 24 2023 Todd Zullinger <> - 14-6
- Fix URL tag
* Fri May 05 2023 Miro Hrončok <> - 14-5
- Declare the license via a complex SPDX expression rather than "effective license"
* Mon Apr 17 2023 Kalev Lember <> - 14-4
- Generate provides for /app-installed flatpak builds
* Tue Mar 07 2023 Miro Hrončok <> - 14-3
- Avoid needless pkg_resources import in
- Ignore environment markers in
* Fri Jan 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 14-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Dec 22 2022 Karolina Surma <> - 14-1
* Fri Jul 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 13-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jun 02 2022 Miro Hrončok <> - 13-1
* Fri May 27 2022 Miro Hrončok <> - 12-15
- Don't include all requirements with True-evaluating markers in extras subpackages
- Fixes: rhbz#2090186
* Thu Feb 10 2022 Sandro Mani <> - 12-14
- Add namespace option to to allow mingw-python generatros
* Wed Jan 26 2022 Tomas Orsava <> - 12-13
* Wed Jan 26 2022 Tomas Orsava <> - 12-8
- From `python3-foo` packages automatically generate `python3.X-foo` Obsoletes
tags on CentOS/RHEL
- Resolves: rhbz#1990421
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 12-12
- Rebuilt for
* Sun Dec 19 2021 Gordon Messmer <> - 12-11
- Handle legacy version specifiers that would previously raise exceptions.
* Fri Oct 29 2021 Gordon Messmer <> - 12-10
- Additional fix for dev releases.
* Thu Oct 28 2021 Gordon Messmer <> - 12-9
- Sync dependency conversion with upstream pyreq2rpm.
- Improve handling of > and < operators, and != operator with prefix matching
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 12-8
- Rebuilt for
* Tue May 25 2021 Tomas Orsava <> - 12-7
- Detect missing or corrupted metadata
- Catch all exceptions and terminate the build if one is raised
* Tue Aug 10 2021 Mohan Boddu <> - 12-7
- Rebuilt for IMA sigs, glibc 2.34, aarch64 flags
Related: rhbz#1991688
* Mon Apr 19 2021 Miro Hrončok <> - 12-6
- Get rid of distutils deprecation warning (by not using it)
- The distutils module is deprecated in Python 3.10+
* Wed Mar 31 2021 Miro Hrončok <> - 12-5
* Fri Apr 16 2021 Miro Hrončok <> - 12-5.1
- Do not generate setuptools requirement for console_scripts on Python 3.10+
- See
* Fri Apr 16 2021 Mohan Boddu <> - 12-5
- Rebuilt for RHEL 9 BETA on Apr 15th 2021. Related: rhbz#1947937
* Thu Mar 11 2021 Tomas Orsava <> - 12-4
- scripts/pythondistdeps: Treat extras names case-insensitively and always
output them in lower case (#1936875)
