%define name pyOpenSSL %define version %define release 1 Summary: Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Copyright: LGPL Group: Development/Libraries BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot Prefix: %{_prefix} Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. Url: http://pyopenssl.sourceforge.net/ BuildRequires: openssl-devel tetex-latex %description High-level wrapper around a subset of the OpenSSL library, includes * SSL.Connection objects, wrapping the methods of Python's portable sockets * Callbacks written in Python * Extensive error-handling mechanism, mirroring OpenSSL's error codes ... and much more ;) %prep %setup %build make -C doc text ps html %install %{__python} setup.py install --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT --record=INSTALLED_FILES %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files -f INSTALLED_FILES %defattr(-,root,root) %doc doc/pyOpenSSL.txt doc/pyOpenSSL.ps doc/html README %changelog * Thu Aug 29 2002 Mihai Ibanescu - Building 0.5.1rc1 with version number (this should also fix the big error of pushing 0.5pre previously, since it breaks rpm's version comparison algorithm). - We use %{__python}. Too bad I can't pass --define's to distutils. * Fri Aug 16 2002 Mihai Ibanescu - Building 0.5 * Fri Jun 14 2002 Mihai Ibanescu - Added documentation