- New upstream release 0.33
- Don't inherit from Exporter
- Fix docs issues
- Fix warnings on perl 5.21.6 and up (CPAN RT#100359)
- This release by ETHER → update source URL
- Switch to Module::Build::Tiny flow
- Modernize spec, dropping support for ancient distributions
- New upstream release 0.31
- Added prefix() function (CPAN RT#48289)
- Moved Test::More to build_requires (CPAN RT#48926)
- Moved author tests to xt/author
- Explicitly run the author tests
- BR: perl(lib) and perl(Test::More) for the test suite
- Add patch to support building with Test::More < 0.88
- Drop %defattr, redundant since rpm 4.4
- Don't need to remove empty directories from the buildroot