- New upstream release 0.55
- Refactored Worksheet interface and documentation, adding 04_regression.t
and 05_regression.t to test changes
- Fixed column units conversion, adding 24_row_col_sizes.t as check
- Fixed RK number conversion, which was the source of several RT bugs and
portability issues; added 25_decode_rk_numbers.t test case
- Added fix for incorrectly skipped charts (CPAN RT#44009)
- Added fix for locale [$-ddd] strings in number formats (CPAN RT#43638)
- Added fix for multiple dots in number formats (CPAN RT#45502)
- Added fix to make half way rounding behave like Excel (CPAN RT#45626)
- Added checks for valid dates in Utility::ExcelFmt (CPAN RT#48831)
- Added new FmtJapan module and tests written by Goro Fuji
- Fixed bug in ExcelFmt() date handling where conversion to weekday and month
names wasn't handled correctly, adding extra tests to
- Fixed bug when checking $Config{useperlio} (CPAN RT#28861)
- Fixed bug where CellHandler variables weren't scoped to package
(CPAN RT#43250)
- Added tests for ExcelLocaltime() and LocaltimeExcel(),
26_localtime2excel.t and 27_localtime2excel.t
- Refactored SaveParser docs
- Made perl 5.8.0 a requirement for proper Unicode handling
- Fixed minor int2col() bug, adding 28_int2col.t test (CPAN RT#48967)
- Refactored Workbook API and docs
- Fix for height/width of hidden rows/columns with additional tests in
05_regression.t (CPAN RT#48450)
- Fix for malformed Print_Title Name block
- Refactored Cell.pm documentation and method names and added regression
suite, t/06_regression.t
- Added float comparison test to avoid false failing tests on 64-bit systems
- Drop perl(Test::More) and perl(Test::Pod) version requirements
- BR: perl(Test::CPAN::Meta) and perl(Test::MinimumVersion), and enable
- Fix line-endings of Changes file