@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
356530987ccfb61779ce038978a614aa64679d72 SOURCES/PathTools-3.62.tar.gz
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
diff -up PathTools-3.47/t/Spec.t.orig PathTools-3.47/t/Spec.t
--- PathTools-3.47/t/Spec.t.orig 2014-05-23 18:39:28.000000000 +0200
+++ PathTools-3.47/t/Spec.t 2014-05-27 12:32:22.473486887 +0200
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if ( $@ ) {
$INC{"VMS/Filespec.pm"} = 1 ;
-foreach (qw(Unix Win32 VMS OS2 Mac Epoc Cygwin)) {
+foreach (qw(Unix Win32 OS2 Mac Epoc Cygwin)) {
@@ -322,190 +322,6 @@ my @tests = (
[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('../','//prague_main/work')", '\\\\prague_main\\work' ],
[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('D:foo.txt')", 'D:\\alpha\\beta\\foo.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->case_tolerant()", '1' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('a','b','c')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'a/b/c' : '[.a.b]c' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('a','b','[]c')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'a/b/c' : '[.a.b]c' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('[.a]','b','c')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'a/b/c' : '[.a.b]c' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('a/b/','c')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'a/b/c' : '[.a.b]c' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('c')", 'c' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('[]c')", 'c' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('0','b','c')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '0/b/c' : '[.0.b]c' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('a','0','c')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'a/0/c' : '[.a.0]c' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('a','b','0')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'a/b/0' : '[.a.b]0' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('0','0','c')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '0/0/c' : '[.0.0]c' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('a','0','0')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'a/0/0' : '[.a.0]0' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('0','b','0')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '0/b/0' : '[.0.b]0' ],
-[ "VMS->catfile('0','0','0')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '0/0/0' : '[.0.0]0' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('file')", ',,file' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[d1.d2.d3]')", ',[d1.d2.d3],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[.d1.d2.d3]')", ',[.d1.d2.d3],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[d1.d2.d3]file')", ',[d1.d2.d3],file' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('d1/d2/d3/file')",
- $vms_unix_rpt ? ',d1/d2/d3/,file' : ',[.d1.d2.d3],file' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('/d1/d2/d3/file')",
- $vms_unix_rpt ? ',/d1/d2/d3/,file' : 'd1:,[d2.d3],file' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[.d1.d2.d3]file')", ',[.d1.d2.d3],file' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('node::volume:[d1.d2.d3]')", 'node::volume:,[d1.d2.d3],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('node::volume:[d1.d2.d3]file')", 'node::volume:,[d1.d2.d3],file' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('node\"access_spec\"::volume:[d1.d2.d3]')", 'node"access_spec"::volume:,[d1.d2.d3],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('node\"access_spec\"::volume:[d1.d2.d3]file')", 'node"access_spec"::volume:,[d1.d2.d3],file' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[]')", ',[],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[-]')", ',[-],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[]file')", ',[],file' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[-]file')", ',[-],file' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('')", ',,' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('0')", ',,0' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[0]')", ',[0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[.0]')", ',[.0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[0.0.0]')", ',[0.0.0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[.0.0.0]')", ',[.0.0.0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[0]0')", ',[0],0' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[0.0.0]0')", ',[0.0.0],0' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[.0.0.0]0')", ',[.0.0.0],0' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('0/0')", $vms_unix_rpt ? ',0/,0' : ',[.0],0' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('0/0/0')", $vms_unix_rpt ? ',0/0/,0' : ',[.0.0],0' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('/0/0')", $vms_unix_rpt ? ',/0/,0' : '0:,[000000],0' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('/0/0/0')", $vms_unix_rpt ? ',/0/0/,0' : '0:,[0],0' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('d1',1)", ',d1,' ],
-# $no_file tests
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[d1.d2.d3]',1)", ',[d1.d2.d3],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[.d1.d2.d3]',1)", ',[.d1.d2.d3],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('d1/d2/d3',1)", $vms_unix_rpt ? ',d1/d2/d3,' : ',[.d1.d2.d3],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('/d1/d2/d3',1)", $vms_unix_rpt ? ',/d1/d2/d3,' : 'd1:,[d2.d3],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('node::volume:[d1.d2.d3]',1)", 'node::volume:,[d1.d2.d3],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('node\"access_spec\"::volume:[d1.d2.d3]',1)", 'node"access_spec"::volume:,[d1.d2.d3],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[]',1)", ',[],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[-]',1)", ',[-],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('',1)", ',,' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('0',1)", ',0,' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[0]',1)", ',[0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[.0]',1)", ',[.0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[0.0.0]',1)", ',[0.0.0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('[.0.0.0]',1)", ',[.0.0.0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('0/0',1)", $vms_unix_rpt ? ',0/0,' : ',[.0.0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('0/0/0',1)", $vms_unix_rpt ? ',0/0/0,' : ',[.0.0.0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('/0/0',1)", $vms_unix_rpt ? ',/0/0,' : '0:,[000000.0],' ],
-[ "VMS->splitpath('/0/0/0',1)", $vms_unix_rpt ? ',/0/0/0,' : '0:,[0.0],' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('','','file')", 'file' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('','[d1.d2.d3]','')", '[d1.d2.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('','[.d1.d2.d3]','')", '[.d1.d2.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('','[d1.d2.d3]','file')", '[d1.d2.d3]file' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('','[.d1.d2.d3]','file')", '[.d1.d2.d3]file' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('','d1/d2/d3','file')",
- $vms_unix_rpt ? 'd1/d2/d3/file' : '[.d1.d2.d3]file' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('v','d1/d2/d3','file')", 'v:[.d1.d2.d3]file' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('v','','file')", 'v:file' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('v','w:[d1.d2.d3]','file')", 'v:[d1.d2.d3]file' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('node::volume:','[d1.d2.d3]','')", 'node::volume:[d1.d2.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('node::volume:','[d1.d2.d3]','file')", 'node::volume:[d1.d2.d3]file' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('node\"access_spec\"::volume:','[d1.d2.d3]','')", 'node"access_spec"::volume:[d1.d2.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->catpath('node\"access_spec\"::volume:','[d1.d2.d3]','file')", 'node"access_spec"::volume:[d1.d2.d3]file' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('')", '' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1]file')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d1/file' : 'volume:[d1]file' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.-.d2.][d3.d4.-]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d2/d3/' : 'volume:[d2.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[000000.d1]d2.dir;1')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d1/d2.dir.1' : 'volume:[d1]d2.dir;1' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d1/d2/d3/file.txt' : 'volume:[d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/d1/d2/d3/file.txt' : '[d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[-.d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/../d1/d2/d3/file.txt' : 'volume:[-.d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[-.d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../d1/d2/d3/file.txt' : '[-.d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[--.d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/../../d1/d2/d3/file.txt' : 'volume:[--.d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[--.d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../../d1/d2/d3/file.txt' : '[--.d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.-.d2.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d2/d3/file.txt' : 'volume:[d2.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.-.d2.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/d2/d3/file.txt' : '[d2.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.--.d2.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/../d2/d3/file.txt' : 'volume:[-.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.--.d2.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../d2/d3/file.txt' : '[-.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.d2.-.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d1/d3/file.txt' : 'volume:[d1.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.-.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/d1/d3/file.txt' : '[d1.d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.d2.--.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d3/file.txt' : 'volume:[d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.--.d3]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/d3/file.txt' : '[d3]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.d2.d3.-]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d1/d2/file.txt' : 'volume:[d1.d2]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.d3.-]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/d1/d2/file.txt' : '[d1.d2]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.d2.d3.--]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d1/file.txt' : 'volume:[d1]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.d3.--]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/d1/file.txt' : '[d1]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.000000.][000000.][d3.--]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d1/file.txt'
- : 'volume:[d1]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.000000.][000000.][d3.--]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/d1/file.txt'
- : '[d1]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.000000.][000000.][d2.000000]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d1/000000/d2/000000/file.txt'
- : 'volume:[d1.000000.d2.000000]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.000000.][000000.][d2.000000]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/d1/000000/d2/000000/file.txt'
- : '[d1.000000.d2.000000]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.000000.][000000.][d3.--.000000]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/d1/000000/file.txt'
- : 'volume:[d1.000000]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.000000.][000000.][d3.--.000000]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/d1/000000/file.txt'
- : '[d1.000000]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.000000.][000000.][-.-.000000]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/volume/file.txt'
- : 'volume:[000000]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.000000.][000000.][--.-.000000]file.txt')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../file.txt' : '[-.000000]file.txt' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.--]file')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../file.txt' : '[000000]file' ],
-# During the Perl 5.8 era, FS::Unix stopped eliminating redundant path elements, so mimic that here.
-[ "VMS->canonpath('a/../../b/c.dat')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'a/../../b/c.dat' : '[-.b]c.dat' ],
-[ "VMS->canonpath('^<test^.new.-.caret^ escapes^>')", '^<test^.new.-.caret^ escapes^>' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('')", '' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[]')", '' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('d1.d2.d3')", 'd1,d2,d3' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1.d2.d3]')", 'd1,d2,d3' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('.d1.d2.d3')", 'd1,d2,d3' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[.d1.d2.d3]')", 'd1,d2,d3' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('.-.d2.d3')", '-,d2,d3' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[.-.d2.d3]')", '-,d2,d3' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1.d2]')", 'd1,d2' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1-.--d2]')", 'd1-,--d2' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1---.-.d2]')", 'd1---,-,d2' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1.---.d2]')", 'd1,-,-,-,d2' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1---d2]')", 'd1---d2' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1.][000000.d2]')", 'd1,d2' ],
-[ "VMS->splitdir('[.d1.d2^.d3]')", 'd1,d2^.d3' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('')", '' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('foo')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'foo' : '[.foo]' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('d1','d2','d3')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'd1/d2/d3' : '[.d1.d2.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('d1','d2/','d3')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'd1/d2/d3' : '[.d1.d2.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('','d1','d2','d3')",$vms_unix_rpt ? '/d1/d2/d3' : '[.d1.d2.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('','-','d2','d3')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '-/d2/d3' : '[-.d2.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('','-','','d3')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '-/d3' : '[-.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('dir.dir','d2.dir','d3.dir')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'dir/d2/d3'
- : '[.dir.d2.d3]' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('[.name]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'name/' : '[.name]' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('[.name]','[.name]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 'name/name' :'[.name.name]' ],
-[ "VMS->catdir('/a/b/c','[-]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/a/b/c/..' : 'a:[b]'],
-[ "VMS->catdir('a:[b.c]','..')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/a/b/c/..' : 'a:[b]'],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('node::volume:[t1.t2.t3]','node::volume:[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? './' : '[]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('node::volume:[t1.t2.t3]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/node//volume/t1/t2/t3/' : 'node::volume:[t1.t2.t3]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('node::volume:[t1.t2.t4]','node::volume:[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../t4/' : '[-.t4]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('node::volume:[t1.t2.t4]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/node//volume/t1/t2/t4/' : 'node::volume:[t1.t2.t4]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('[t1.t2.t3]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? './' : '[]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('[t1.t2.t3]file','[t1.t2.t3]')", 'file' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('[t1.t2.t3]file','[t1.t2]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 't3/file' : '[.t3]file' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('v:[t1.t2.t3]file','v:[t1.t2]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 't3/file' : '[.t3]file' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('[t1.t2.t4]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../t4/' : '[-.t4]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('[t1.t2]file','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../file' : '[-]file' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('[t1.t2.t3.t4]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? 't4/' : '[.t4]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('[t4.t5.t6]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../../../t4/t5/t6/' : '[---.t4.t5.t6]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('[000000]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../../../' : '[---]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('a:[t1.t2.t4]','a:[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../t4/' : '[-.t4]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('a:[t1.t2.t4]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/a/t1/t2/t4/' : 'a:[t1.t2.t4]' ],
-[ "VMS->abs2rel('[a.-.b.c.-]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '../../../b/' : '[---.b]' ],
-[ "VMS->rel2abs('[.t4]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/t1/t2/t3/t4/' : '[t1.t2.t3.t4]' ],
-[ "VMS->rel2abs('[.t4.t5]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/t1/t2/t3/t4/t5/' : '[t1.t2.t3.t4.t5]' ],
-[ "VMS->rel2abs('[]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/t1/t2/t3/' : '[t1.t2.t3]' ],
-[ "VMS->rel2abs('[-]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/t1/t2/' : '[t1.t2]' ],
-[ "VMS->rel2abs('[-.t4]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/t1/t2/t4/' : '[t1.t2.t4]' ],
-[ "VMS->rel2abs('[t1]','[t1.t2.t3]')", $vms_unix_rpt ? '/sys$disk/t1/' : '[t1]' ],
-[ "VMS->file_name_is_absolute('foo:')", '1' ],
-[ "VMS->file_name_is_absolute('foo:bar.dat')", '1' ],
-[ "VMS->file_name_is_absolute('foo:[000000]bar.dat')", '1' ],
[ "OS2->case_tolerant()", '1' ],
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
diff --git a/Cwd.pm b/Cwd.pm
index 9b5183e..e8b9f19 100644
--- a/Cwd.pm
+++ b/Cwd.pm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use strict;
use Exporter;
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.63';
my $xs_version = $VERSION;
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec.pm b/lib/File/Spec.pm
index 2709c39..32b987e 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec.pm
+++ b/lib/File/Spec.pm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package File::Spec;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.63';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
my %module = (MacOS => 'Mac',
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/AmigaOS.pm b/lib/File/Spec/AmigaOS.pm
index e6d6f5f2a..7a5889c 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/AmigaOS.pm
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/AmigaOS.pm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
require File::Spec::Unix;
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.64';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
@ISA = qw(File::Spec::Unix);
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ File::Spec::AmigaOS - File::Spec for AmigaOS
- require File::Spec::AmigaOS; # Done automatically by File::Spec if needed
+ require File::Spec::AmigaOS; # Done automatically by File::Spec
+ # if needed
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/Cygwin.pm b/lib/File/Spec/Cygwin.pm
index 67f056f..2092eb8 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/Cygwin.pm
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/Cygwin.pm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
require File::Spec::Unix;
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.63';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
@ISA = qw(File::Spec::Unix);
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/Epoc.pm b/lib/File/Spec/Epoc.pm
index 17e3f54..22f0192 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/Epoc.pm
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/Epoc.pm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package File::Spec::Epoc;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.63';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
require File::Spec::Unix;
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/Functions.pm b/lib/File/Spec/Functions.pm
index 470c771..af2c498 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/Functions.pm
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/Functions.pm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use strict;
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.63';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
require Exporter;
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/Mac.pm b/lib/File/Spec/Mac.pm
index 329451f..52c3bfe 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/Mac.pm
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/Mac.pm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
require File::Spec::Unix;
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.63';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
@ISA = qw(File::Spec::Unix);
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/OS2.pm b/lib/File/Spec/OS2.pm
index 55e6d33..804ecdb 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/OS2.pm
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/OS2.pm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
require File::Spec::Unix;
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.63';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
@ISA = qw(File::Spec::Unix);
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/Unix.pm b/lib/File/Spec/Unix.pm
index 586e9b0..3916a11 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/Unix.pm
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/Unix.pm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package File::Spec::Unix;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.63';
my $xs_version = $VERSION;
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/VMS.pm b/lib/File/Spec/VMS.pm
index 600c49f..02cc0b0 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/VMS.pm
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/VMS.pm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
require File::Spec::Unix;
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.63';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
@ISA = qw(File::Spec::Unix);
@@ -437,15 +437,13 @@ Attempt to convert an absolute file specification to a relative specification.
sub abs2rel {
my $self = shift;
- return vmspath(File::Spec::Unix::abs2rel( $self, @_ ))
- if ((grep m{/}, @_) && !(grep m{(?<!\^)[\[<:]}, @_));
my($path,$base) = @_;
$base = $self->_cwd() unless defined $base and length $base;
# If there is no device or directory syntax on $base, make sure it
# is treated as a directory.
- $base = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($base) unless $base =~ m{(?<!\^)[\[<:]};
+ $base = vmspath($base) unless $base =~ m{(?<!\^)[\[<:]};
for ($path, $base) { $_ = $self->rel2abs($_) }
@@ -461,7 +459,7 @@ sub abs2rel {
my ($path_volume, $path_directories, $path_file) = $self->splitpath($path);
my ($base_volume, $base_directories, $base_file) = $self->splitpath($base);
- return $path unless lc($path_volume) eq lc($base_volume);
+ return $self->canonpath( $path ) unless lc($path_volume) eq lc($base_volume);
# Now, remove all leading components that are the same
my @pathchunks = $self->splitdir( $path_directories );
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/Win32.pm b/lib/File/Spec/Win32.pm
index 6df7ee8..1105b67 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/Win32.pm
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/Win32.pm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
require File::Spec::Unix;
-$VERSION = '3.62';
+$VERSION = '3.63';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
@ISA = qw(File::Spec::Unix);
diff --git a/t/abs2rel.t b/t/abs2rel.t
index 5e33ab6..b77a1c2 100644
--- a/t/abs2rel.t
+++ b/t/abs2rel.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Test::More;
use Cwd qw(cwd getcwd abs_path);
use File::Spec();
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
-use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
my $startdir = cwd();
my @files = ( 'anyfile', './anyfile', '../first_sub_dir/anyfile', '../second_sub_dir/second_file' );
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ sub test_rel2abs {
File::Spec->catdir('first_sub_dir', 'sub_sub_dir'),
- make_path(@subdirs, { mode => 0711 })
- or die "Unable to make_path: $!";
+ mkpath(@subdirs, { mode => 0711 })
+ or die "Unable to mkpath: $!";
open my $OUT2, '>',
File::Spec->catfile('second_sub_dir', 'second_file')
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
diff -up PathTools/Cwd.pm.cve PathTools/Cwd.pm
--- PathTools/Cwd.pm.cve 2016-03-01 13:33:02.000000000 +0100
+++ PathTools/Cwd.pm 2016-08-02 13:39:39.814316060 +0200
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ if ($^O eq 'os2') {
my $use_vms_feature;
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
- if (eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require VMS::Feature; }) {
+ if (eval { local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ local @INC = @INC;
+ pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.';
+ require VMS::Feature; }) {
$use_vms_feature = 1;
diff -up PathTools/lib/File/Spec/Cygwin.pm.cve PathTools/lib/File/Spec/Cygwin.pm
--- PathTools/lib/File/Spec/Cygwin.pm.cve 2016-03-01 13:33:02.000000000 +0100
+++ PathTools/lib/File/Spec/Cygwin.pm 2016-08-02 13:39:39.814316060 +0200
@@ -137,7 +137,11 @@ sub case_tolerant {
if ($mntopts and ($mntopts =~ /,managed/)) {
return 0;
- eval { require Win32API::File; } or return 1;
+ eval {
+ local @INC = @INC;
+ pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.';
+ require Win32API::File;
+ } or return 1;
my $osFsType = "\0"x256;
my $osVolName = "\0"x256;
my $ouFsFlags = 0;
diff -up PathTools/lib/File/Spec/VMS.pm.cve PathTools/lib/File/Spec/VMS.pm
--- PathTools/lib/File/Spec/VMS.pm.cve 2016-03-01 13:33:02.000000000 +0100
+++ PathTools/lib/File/Spec/VMS.pm 2016-08-02 13:39:39.814316060 +0200
@@ -39,7 +39,10 @@ via the C<DECC$FILENAME_UNIX_REPORT> CRT
my $use_feature;
- if (eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require VMS::Feature; }) {
+ if (eval { local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ local @INC = @INC;
+ pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.';
+ require VMS::Feature; }) {
$use_feature = 1;
diff -up PathTools/lib/File/Spec/Win32.pm.cve PathTools/lib/File/Spec/Win32.pm
--- PathTools/lib/File/Spec/Win32.pm.cve 2016-03-01 13:33:02.000000000 +0100
+++ PathTools/lib/File/Spec/Win32.pm 2016-08-02 13:39:39.814316060 +0200
@@ -90,7 +90,11 @@ Default: 1
sub case_tolerant {
- eval { require Win32API::File; } or return 1;
+ eval {
+ local @INC = @INC;
+ pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.';
+ require Win32API::File;
+ } or return 1;
my $drive = shift || "C:";
my $osFsType = "\0"x256;
my $osVolName = "\0"x256;
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
%global base_version 3.62
Name: perl-PathTools
Version: 3.63
Release: 368%{?dist}
Summary: PathTools Perl module (Cwd, File::Spec)
# Cwd.xs: BSD
# other files: GPL+ or Artistic
## Not in the binary package
# t/lib/Test/Tutorial.pod: (GPL+ or Artistic) and Public Domain
License: (GPL+ or Artistic) and BSD
Group: Development/Libraries
URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/PathTools/
Source0: http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/R/RJ/RJBS/PathTools-%{base_version}.tar.gz
# Disable VMS test (bug #973713)
Patch0: PathTools-3.47-Disable-VMS-tests.patch
# Unbundled from perl 5.24.0
Patch1: PathTools-3.62-Upgrade-to-3.63.patch
# Avoid loading optional modules from default . (CVE-2016-1238)
Patch2: PathTools-3.63-CVE-2016-1238-avoid-loading-optional-modules-from.patch
BuildRequires: coreutils
BuildRequires: findutils
BuildRequires: gcc
BuildRequires: make
BuildRequires: perl
BuildRequires: perl-devel
BuildRequires: perl-generators
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
BuildRequires: sed
# Run-time:
BuildRequires: perl(Carp)
BuildRequires: perl(constant)
BuildRequires: perl(Exporter)
# File::Basename not needed because of removed File::Spec::VMS
BuildRequires: perl(Scalar::Util)
BuildRequires: perl(strict)
BuildRequires: perl(vars)
# Tests:
BuildRequires: perl(Carp::Heavy)
BuildRequires: perl(Config)
BuildRequires: perl(File::Path)
BuildRequires: perl(File::Temp)
BuildRequires: perl(lib)
BuildRequires: perl(Test::More) >= 0.88
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`perl -V:version`"; echo $version))
Requires: perl(Carp)
Requires: perl(Scalar::Util)
This is the combined distribution for the File::Spec and Cwd modules.
%setup -q -n PathTools-%{base_version}
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
# Do not distribute File::Spec::VMS as it works on VMS only (bug #973713)
rm lib/File/Spec/VMS.pm
sed -i -e '/^lib\/File\/Spec\/VMS.pm/d' MANIFEST
# Remove bundled modules
rm -rf t/lib
sed -i -e '/t\/lib\//d' MANIFEST
make %{?_smp_mflags}
make pure_install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name .packlist -exec rm -f {} \;
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name '*.bs' -size 0 -exec rm -f {} \;
%{_fixperms} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/*
make test
%doc Changes README
* Fri Mar 29 2019 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.63-368
- Rebuild with enable hardening (bug #1636329)
* Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.63-367
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Aug 03 2016 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.63-366
- Avoid loading optional modules from default . (CVE-2016-1238)
* Sat May 14 2016 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.63-365
- Increase release to favour standalone package
* Wed May 11 2016 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.63-1
- 3.63 bump in order to dual-live with perl 5.24
* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.62-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Jan 12 2016 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.62-1
- 3.62 bump
* Mon Jan 11 2016 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.60-2
- Fix CVE-2015-8607 (File::Spec::canonpath() loses tain) (bug #1297455)
* Thu Nov 19 2015 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.60-1
- 3.60 bump
* Mon Nov 16 2015 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.59-1
- 3.59 bump
* Thu Jun 18 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.56-346
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jun 04 2015 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.56-345
- Increase release to favour standalone package
* Wed Jun 03 2015 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.56-2
- Perl 5.22 rebuild
* Mon Apr 27 2015 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.56-1
- 3.56 bump in order to dual-live with Perl 5.22
* Tue Jan 13 2015 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.47-311
- Require constant module
* Wed Sep 03 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.47-310
- Increase release to favour standalone package
* Tue Aug 26 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.47-4
- Perl 5.20 rebuild
* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.47-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.47-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue May 27 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 3.47-1
- 3.47 bump
* Sun Aug 04 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.40-291
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Jul 15 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.40-290
- Increase release to favour standalone package
* Fri Jul 12 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.40-4
- Link minimal build-root packages against libperl.so explicitly
* Fri Jul 12 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.40-3
- Disable VMS test (bug #973713)
* Fri Jun 14 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.40-2
- Do not distribute File::Spec::VMS (bug #973713)
* Mon Feb 04 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.40-1
- 3.40 bump
* Tue Sep 18 2012 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.39.01-1
- 3.39_01 bump
* Wed Aug 15 2012 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.33-8
- Specify all dependencies
* Fri Jul 20 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.33-7
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Jun 06 2012 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.33-6
- Perl 5.16 rebuild
* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.33-5
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Jul 25 2011 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 3.33-4
- RPM 4.9 dependency filtering added
* Mon Jun 20 2011 Marcela Mašláňová <mmaslano@redhat.com> - 3.33-3
- Perl mass rebuild
* Sun May 29 2011 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@iki.fi> - 3.33-2
- Own the %%{perl_vendorarch}/File dir.
* Mon Feb 28 2011 Marcela Mašláňová <mmaslano@redhat.com> 3.33-1
- Specfile autogenerated by cpanspec 1.79.
Reference in new issue