- New upstream release 1.967012
- Base the standalone precompiled parser's runtime name on the parser's
class, rather than use the fixed "Parse::RecDescent::_Runtime"; this
prevents "already defined" warnings when two standalone precompiled
parsers are used
- Add support for allowing precompiled parsers to share a common runtime via
the Precompile({-runtime_class}) option and the PrecompiledRuntime()
- Warn on creation of Precompiled parsers that depend on Parse::RecDescent
- NON-BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE CHANGE: Change the global <skip:> directive to
use eval similarly to the other <skip:> directives, rather than being
single-quoted in the resulting parser
- Correct some typos in the documentation (CPAN RT#87185)
- Sort hash keys and rulenames when generating code; this keeps the output
text for a given input text the same, reducing differences in automated
builds (CPAN RT#102160)
- Precompiled parsers now document which $Parse::RecDescent::VERSION was
used to generate them (CPAN RT#77001)
- Switch to ExtUtils::MakeMaker flow