diff --git a/perl-Moose.spec b/perl-Moose.spec index ab1f66c..d7cab2a 100644 --- a/perl-Moose.spec +++ b/perl-Moose.spec @@ -33,6 +33,20 @@ Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $versi %description Moose is an extension of the Perl 5 object system. +Yes, I know there has been an explosion recently of new ways to build +objects in Perl 5, most of them based on inside-out objects and other +such things. Moose is different because it is not a new object system +for Perl 5, but instead an extension of the existing object system. + +Moose is built on top of Class::MOP, which is a metaclass system for +Perl 5. This means that Moose not only makes building normal Perl 5 +objects better, but it also provides the power of metaclass programming. + +While Moose is very much inspired by Perl 6, it is not itself Perl +6. Instead, it is an OO system for Perl 5. I built Moose because I was +tired or writing the same old boring Perl 5 OO code, and drooling over +Perl 6 OO. So instead of switching to Ruby, I wrote Moose :) + %prep %setup -q -n Moose-%{version} @@ -64,6 +78,7 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot} * Tue Oct 10 2006 Chris Weyl 0.14-1 - update to 0.14 - drop some cruft from the specfile +- make %%description a touch more verbose :) * Tue Oct 03 2006 Chris Weyl 0.13-1 - update to 0.13