- New upstream release 1.840
New Features
- Added MCE::Mutex::Channel2 providing two locks using a single channel; the
secondary lock is accessible by calling methods with the '2' suffix, e.g.
primary mutex ->lock, ->unlock; secondary mutex ->lock2, ->unlock2
- Added MCE::Channel providing queue-like and two-way communication
supporting threads and processes
- Added MCE::Child and compatibility with Perl 5.8; MCE::Child is based on
MCE::Hobo, but using MCE::Channel for data retrieval without involving a
shared-manager process
- Added MCE::Channel examples { channel1.pl and channel2.pl } using threads
and MCE::Child respectively
- IPC update; removed unnecessary overhead including private methods _sysseek
and _syswrite from MCE::Util (no longer needed)
- Improved MCE->do, now callable by workers and the manager process
- Updated MCE::{ Flow, Grep, Loop, Map, Step, and Stream } documentation on
passing an array reference versus a list for deeply input data
- Updated and re-organized the top-level MCE documentation, particularly
improved clarity for the 'MCE Models' section
- Update MCE::Channel POD documentation