- New upstream release 2.0005 (t/27_filehandle.t has been fixed again; it no
longer violates Test::Builder's encapsulation)
- BR/R: perl(Carp) and perl(Data::Dumper)
- Add buildreqs for module and support utilities: perl ≥ 5.8.4, perl(base),
perl(constant), perl(DBI), perl(FileHandle::Fmode) and perl(Pod::Usage) ≥ 1.3
- Add buildreqs for additional test coverage: perl(DBD::SQLite),
perl(Exporter), perl(Test::Pod) and perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)
- Run LONG_TESTS and SQLite tests too
- Don't need to remove empty directories from the buildroot
- Make %files list more explicit
- Use %{_fixperms} macro rather than our own chmod incantation