Name: perl-DBIx-Class
Summary: Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
Version: 0.08120
Release: 3%{?dist}
License: GPL+ or Artistic
Group: Development/Libraries
Source0: http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/R/RI/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-%{version}.tar.gz
URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBIx-Class/
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: perl >= 1:5.6.1
BuildRequires: perl(Carp::Clan) >= 6.0
BuildRequires: perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped) >= 0.09002
BuildRequires: perl(Class::C3::Componentised) >= 1.0005
BuildRequires: perl(Class::Inspector) >= 1.24
BuildRequires: perl(Context::Preserve) >= 0.01
BuildRequires: perl(CPAN)
BuildRequires: perl(Data::Dumper::Concise) >= 1.000
BuildRequires: perl(Data::Page) >= 2.00
BuildRequires: perl(DBD::SQLite) >= 1.25
BuildRequires: perl(DBI) >= 1.609
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) >= 6.42
BuildRequires: perl(File::Temp) >= 0.22
BuildRequires: perl(Module::Find) >= 0.06
BuildRequires: perl(MRO::Compat) >= 0.09
BuildRequires: perl(Path::Class) >= 0.18
BuildRequires: perl(Scope::Guard) >= 0.03
BuildRequires: perl(SQL::Abstract) >= 1.61
BuildRequires: perl(SQL::Abstract::Limit) >= 0.13
BuildRequires: perl(Sub::Name) >= 0.04
BuildRequires: perl(Test::Builder) >= 0.33
BuildRequires: perl(Test::Exception)
BuildRequires: perl(Test::Moose)
BuildRequires: perl(Test::More) >= 0.92
BuildRequires: perl(Test::Warn) >= 0.21
BuildRequires: perl(Text::CSV_XS)
Requires: perl(Carp::Clan) >= 6.0
Requires: perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped) >= 0.09002
Requires: perl(Class::C3::Componentised) >= 1.0005
Requires: perl(Class::Inspector) >= 1.24
Requires: perl(Context::Preserve) >= 0.01
Requires: perl(Data::Dumper::Concise) >= 1.000
Requires: perl(Data::Page) >= 2.00
Requires: perl(DBI) >= 1.609
Requires: perl(Module::Find) >= 0.06
Requires: perl(MRO::Compat) >= 0.09
Requires: perl(Path::Class) >= 0.18
Requires: perl(Scope::Guard) >= 0.03
Requires: perl(SQL::Abstract) >= 1.61
Requires: perl(SQL::Abstract::Limit) >= 0.13
Requires: perl(Sub::Name) >= 0.04
### Additional generated deps. These deps are regenerated from scratch every
### time this spec file is updated.
# from DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies
BuildRequires: perl(Class::DBI::Plugin::DeepAbstractSearch)
BuildRequires: perl(Class::Trigger)
BuildRequires: perl(Clone)
BuildRequires: perl(DBIx::ContextualFetch)
BuildRequires: perl(Date::Simple) >= 3.03
BuildRequires: perl(DateTime::Format::MySQL)
BuildRequires: perl(DateTime::Format::Pg)
BuildRequires: perl(DateTime::Format::SQLite)
BuildRequires: perl(DateTime::Format::Strptime)
BuildRequires: perl(Devel::Cycle) >= 1.10
BuildRequires: perl(Getopt::Long::Descriptive) >= 0.081
BuildRequires: perl(Hash::Merge) >= 0.12
BuildRequires: perl(JSON::Any) >= 1.22
BuildRequires: perl(Moose) >= 0.98
BuildRequires: perl(MooseX::Types) >= 0.21
BuildRequires: perl(MooseX::Types::JSON) >= 0.02
BuildRequires: perl(MooseX::Types::Path::Class) >= 0.05
BuildRequires: perl(Pod::Coverage) >= 0.20
BuildRequires: perl(SQL::Translator) >= 0.11005
BuildRequires: perl(Test::Memory::Cycle)
BuildRequires: perl(Test::Pod) >= 1.41
BuildRequires: perl(Test::Pod::Coverage) >= 1.08
BuildRequires: perl(Text::CSV) >= 1.16
BuildRequires: perl(Time::Piece::MySQL)
BuildRequires: perl(namespace::autoclean) >= 0.09
BuildRequires: perl(namespace::clean) >= 0.11
%{?filter_from_requires: %filter_from_requires /^perl(DBD::Pg)$/d }
%filter_from_requires /^perl(DBIx::Class::\(Admin\|CDBICompat\|ClassResolver\|Storage\)/d
%filter_provides_in %{perl_vendorlib}/DBIx/Class/Admin
%filter_requires_in %{perl_vendorlib}/DBIx/Class/Admin
%filter_provides_in %{perl_vendorlib}/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat
%filter_requires_in %{perl_vendorlib}/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat
%filter_provides_in %{perl_vendorlib}/DBIx/Class/PK/Auto
%filter_requires_in %{perl_vendorlib}/DBIx/Class/PK/Auto
%filter_provides_in %{perl_vendorlib}/DBIx/Class/SQLAHacks
%filter_requires_in %{perl_vendorlib}/DBIx/Class/SQLAHacks
%filter_from_provides /^perl(DBIx::Class::SQLAHacks)/d
%filter_from_requires /^perl(DBIx::Class::SQLAHacks)/d
%filter_from_provides /^perl(DBIx::Class::Storage::DBIHacks)/d
%filter_from_requires /^perl(DBIx::Class::Storage::DBIHacks)/d
This is an SQL to OO mapper with an object API inspired by Class::DBI
(and a compatibility layer as a springboard for porting) and a
resultset API that allows abstract encapsulation of database
operations. It aims to make representing queries in your code as perl-
ish as possible while still providing access to as many of the
capabilities of the database as possible, including retrieving related
records from multiple tables in a single query, JOIN, LEFT JOIN, COUNT,
%setup -q -n DBIx-Class-%{version}
find t/ -type f -exec perl -pi -e 's|\r||; s|^#!perl|#!%{__perl}|' {} +
find . -type f -exec chmod -c -x {} +
find t/ -type f -name '*.orig' -exec rm -v {} +
# utf8 issues
for i in `find . -type f` ; do
iconv -f iso8859-1 -t UTF-8 $i > foo
mv foo $i
%{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor
make %{?_smp_mflags}
rm -rf %{buildroot}
make pure_install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
find %{buildroot} -type f -name .packlist -exec rm -f {} +
find %{buildroot} -depth -type d -exec rmdir {} 2>/dev/null \;
%{_fixperms} %{buildroot}/*
# note this test suite is noisy!
make test
rm -rf %{buildroot}
%doc Changes README examples/
* Fri Mar 19 2010 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08120-3
- quiet our repo/dep-checking scripts as we figure out how to handle no_index
from a "requires" perspective
* Wed Mar 17 2010 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08120-2
- update F::A::MT so bits marked as "no_index" are filtered both for provides
_and_ requires
- update by Fedora::App::MaintainerTools 0.006
- additional deps script run; 27 deps found
* Sat Mar 06 2010 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08120-1
- update by Fedora::App::MaintainerTools 0.004
- updating to latest GA CPAN version (0.08120)
- added a new br on perl(Context::Preserve) (version 0.01)
- added manual BR on perl(Test::Moose)
- added a new req on perl(Context::Preserve) (version 0.01)
- dropped old requires on perl(List::Util)
- dropped old requires on perl(Scalar::Util)
- dropped old requires on perl(Storable)
- additional deps script run; 27 deps found
* Fri Mar 5 2010 Stepan Kasal <skasal@redhat.com> 0.08119-3
- filter also requires for "hidden" package declarations
* Thu Mar 04 2010 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08119-2
- add ok to BR (unlisted optional testing dep)
* Tue Feb 23 2010 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08119-1
- update by Fedora::App::MaintainerTools 0.003
- altered br on perl(Path::Class) (0.16 => 0.18)
- dropped old BR on perl(Class::C3)
- dropped old BR on perl(JSON::Any)
- altered req on perl(Path::Class) (0.16 => 0.18)
- dropped old requires on perl(DBD::SQLite)
- dropped old requires on perl(JSON::Any)
- additional deps script run; 26 deps found
* Sun Feb 07 2010 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08117-1
- auto-update to 0.08117 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)
- altered br on perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped) (0.09000 => 0.09002)
- altered br on perl(DBI) (1.605 => 1.609)
- altered br on perl(SQL::Abstract) (1.60 => 1.61)
- altered req on perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped) (0.09000 => 0.09002)
- altered req on perl(DBI) (1.605 => 1.609)
- altered req on perl(SQL::Abstract) (1.60 => 1.61)
* Sat Feb 06 2010 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08115-1
- auto-update to 0.08115 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)
- added a new br on perl(Data::Dumper::Concise) (version 1.000)
- altered br on perl(SQL::Abstract) (1.58 => 1.60)
- added a new req on perl(Data::Dumper::Concise) (version 1.000)
- altered req on perl(SQL::Abstract) (1.58 => 1.60)
* Tue Jan 19 2010 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08112-2
- bump
* Sun Sep 27 2009 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08112-1
- auto-update to 0.08112 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)
* Fri Sep 11 2009 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08111-1
- update filtering
- auto-update to 0.08111 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)
- altered br on perl(Carp::Clan) (6 => 6.0)
- altered br on perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped) (0.08003 => 0.09000)
- altered br on perl(Data::Page) (2 => 2.00)
- altered br on perl(File::Temp) (0 => 0.22)
- altered br on perl(SQL::Abstract) (1.56 => 1.58)
- altered br on perl(Test::More) (0 => 0.92)
- altered br on perl(Test::Warn) (0.11 => 0.21)
- altered req on perl(Carp::Clan) (6 => 6.0)
- altered req on perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped) (0.08003 => 0.09000)
- altered req on perl(Data::Page) (2 => 2.00)
- altered req on perl(SQL::Abstract) (1.56 => 1.58)
* Sun Aug 23 2009 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08109-1
- auto-update to 0.08109 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)
- added a new br on perl(File::Temp) (version 0.22)
- altered br on perl(Test::More) (0.82 => 0.92)
* Fri Jul 31 2009 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08108-1
- auto-update to 0.08108 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)
* Thu Jul 30 2009 Ralf Corsépius <corsepiu@fedoraproject.org> - 0.08107-3
- Add BR: perl(CPAN) to fix rebuild-breakdown.
* Sat Jul 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.08107-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Jun 15 2009 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08107-1
- auto-update to 0.08107 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)
- altered br on perl(DBD::SQLite) (1.13 => 1.25)
- altered br on perl(SQL::Abstract) (1.55 => 1.56)
- added a new req on perl(Carp::Clan) (version 6)
- altered req on perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped) (0.05002 => 0.08003)
- altered req on perl(Class::C3::Componentised) (0 => 1.0005)
- added a new req on perl(Class::Inspector) (version 1.24)
- added a new req on perl(DBD::SQLite) (version 1.25)
- added a new req on perl(DBI) (version 1.605)
- added a new req on perl(Data::Page) (version 2)
- added a new req on perl(JSON::Any) (version 1.18)
- added a new req on perl(List::Util) (version 0)
- added a new req on perl(MRO::Compat) (version 0.09)
- added a new req on perl(Module::Find) (version 0.06)
- added a new req on perl(Path::Class) (version 0.16)
- altered req on perl(SQL::Abstract) (1.2 => 1.56)
- added a new req on perl(SQL::Abstract::Limit) (version 0.13)
- added a new req on perl(Scalar::Util) (version 0)
- added a new req on perl(Scope::Guard) (version 0.03)
- added a new req on perl(Storable) (version 0)
- added a new req on perl(Sub::Name) (version 0.04)
- ** manual updates follow
- force a provides on perl(DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Types)
- rejigger filtering to a cleaner variant
- drop remaining patch artifacts
* Fri May 29 2009 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08103-1
- auto-update to 0.08103 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)
- altered br on perl(Class::Inspector) (0 => 1.24)
- altered br on perl(Carp::Clan) (0 => 6)
- altered br on perl(JSON::Any) (1.17 => 1.18)
- altered br on perl(Module::Find) (0 => 0.06)
- altered br on perl(DBI) (1.4 => 1.605)
- altered br on perl(SQL::Abstract) (1.51 => 1.55)
- added a new br on perl(Test::More) (version 0.82)
- altered br on perl(Path::Class) (0 => 0.16)
* Sun May 24 2009 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08102-3
- we should also provide perl(DBIx::Class::CDBICompat::Relationship) (and do
now so provide)
* Sun May 24 2009 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08102-2
- additional BR's for optional tests
* Sun May 24 2009 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08102-1
- drop verbose.patch: largely supersceded
- auto-update to 0.08102 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)
- added a new br on perl(MRO::Compat) (version 0.09)
- added a new br on perl(Test::Warn) (version 0.11)
- altered br on perl(SQL::Abstract) (1.24 => 1.51)
- added a new br on perl(Sub::Name) (version 0.04)
- altered br on perl(Test::Builder) (0.32 => 0.33)
- altered br on perl(Class::C3::Componentised) (0 => 1.0005)
- altered br on perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped) (0.08002 => 0.08003)
- added a new br on perl(Path::Class) (version 0)
* Sun Mar 22 2009 Robert Scheck <robert@fedoraproject.org> 0.08012-3
- Added missing build requirement perl(Test::Deep) for make tests
- Re-diffed make tests patch for more verbosity when skipping tests
* Thu Feb 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.08012-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
* Sun Feb 22 2009 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08012-1
- update to 0.08012
* Thu Oct 16 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08010-9
- stop filtering perl(DBD::Multi)
* Sun Oct 05 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08010-8
- filter all prov/req from anything under _docdir
- note we still filter perl(DBD::Multi), at least until review bug bz#465690
is completed...
- ...and perl(DBD::Pg) will always be filtered
* Wed Oct 01 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08010-7
- fix patch fuzz
* Mon Jun 02 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08010-6
- bump
* Wed Apr 09 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08010-5
- pod coverage testing NOT enabled; test currently "fails"
- make tests skip a little more verbosely...
- add a br of Class::Data::Inheritable for the CDBI-compat testing
* Tue Apr 01 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08010-4
- drop unneeded patch1
- set explicit provides version to 0 :)
* Wed Mar 19 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08010-3
- add perl(Test::Exception) as a br
- revert patches to skip on DBD::SQLite < 1.13
* Tue Mar 18 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08010-2
- BR JSON -> JSON::Any
- rework sqlite/tests patch to skip on DBD::SQLite < 1.15... 1.14 is in
rawhide/f9, and frankly, doesn't quite pass muster *sigh*
* Sun Mar 09 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08010-1
- update to 0.08010
* Wed Jan 16 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08008-3
- add additional BR's for optional tests
* Fri Jan 11 2008 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08008-2
- patch to work around certain tests as DBD::SQLite isn't going to 1.13
anytime soon (see RH#245699)
* Tue Dec 04 2007 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08008-1
- update to 0.08008
- correct provides filtering...
* Tue Sep 18 2007 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu> 0.08007-1
- Specfile autogenerated by cpanspec 1.71.