- New upstream release 0.22
- Document some of the caveats to using this module, and refer to
Module::Runtime as an alternative
- Use %license where possible
- New upstream release 0.21
- Repository moved to the github moose organization
- This release by ETHER -> update source URL
- Switch to Module::Build::Tiny flow
- Package upstream CONTRIBUTING and README.md files
- Add manpage for Class::Load::PP to %files list
- Don't attempt to run author/release tests as Module::Build::Tiny does not
provide a convenient way of doing that
- New upstream re-release of 0.19 by DROLSKY
- The load_class() subroutine now returns the class name on success
(CPAN RT#76931)
- Exceptions and errors from Class::Load no longer contain references to line
numbers in Class::Load or Module::Runtime; this applies to exceptions
thrown by load_class, load_first_existing_class, and load_optional_class,
as well as the error returned by try_load_class
- Exceptions are now croaked properly so they appear to come from the calling
code, not from an internal subroutine; this makes the exceptions look more
like the ones thrown by Perl's require (CPAN RT#68663)
- This release by DROLSKY -> update source URL
- BR: perl(Scalar::Util) for the module
- BR: perl(lib) for the test suite
- Drop buildreqs perl(strict) and perl(warnings) - not dual-lived
- New upstream release 0.19 (no functional changes)
- This release by DOY -> update source URL
- BR: perl(Exporter)
- Don't need to remove empty directories from buildroot
- New upstream release 0.17:
- Require Module::Runtime 0.012, which has a number of useful bug fixes
- A bug in Class::Load caused test failures when Module::Runtime 0.012 was
used with Perl 5.8.x (CPAN RT#74897)
- New upstream release 0.15:
- Small test changes to accomodate latest version of Module::Implementation
- BR: at least version 0.04 of perl(Module::Implementation)
- New upstream release 0.14:
- Use Module::Implementation to handle loading the XS or PP versions of the
code; using this module fixes a few bugs
- Under taint mode, setting an implementation in the
CLASS_LOAD_IMPLEMENTATION env var caused a taint error
- An invalid value in the CLASS_LOAD_IMPLEMENTATION env var is now detected
and reported immediately; no attempt is made to load an invalid
- BR: perl(Module::Implementation)
- BR: perl(base), perl(Carp), perl(strict) and perl(warnings) for completeness
- Drop version requirement for perl(Package::Stash), no longer present upstream
- Drop explicit runtime dependencies, no longer needed
- Don't BR: perl(Class::Load::XS) or perl(Pod::Coverage::Moose) if we're
- Don't run the release tests when bootstrapping as the Pod coverage test will
fail in the absence of Pod::Coverage::Moose