- New upstream release 1.14
- Removed err from Barewords (CPAN RT#102259)
- Run the maintainer tests if we're not bootstrapping
- Expand %description
- Use %license
- New upstream release 1.13
- Removed diag before each big t/11keywords.t loop
- Added lots of suggested keywords from CPAN RT#62382
- Moved exp from @Barewords to @Functions
- Added English names for %!, @F (perlrun) and @ARG for @_
- Added %+ %- and $LAST_SUBMATCH_RESULT
- BR: perl(Test::Pod)
- Don't need to remove empty directories from the buildroot
- New upstream release 1.12
- Add new keyword fc (Unicode casefolding) for 5.16
- Added diag before each big t/11keywords.t loop
- This release by RURBAN -> update source URL
- Don't use macros for commands