Name: openlitespeed Version: 1.8.2 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: OpenLiteSpeed is a high-performance, lightweight, open source HTTP server developed and copyrighted by LiteSpeed Technologies. License: GNU General Public License v3.0 Url: Source0: %{name}.tar.xz Source1: third-party.tar.xz BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: g++ BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: clang BuildRequires: expat-devel BuildRequires: libcap-devel BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: go BuildRequires: libaio-devel BuildRequires: doxygen BuildRequires: docbook2X %description OpenLiteSpeed is a high-performance, lightweight, open source HTTP server developed and copyrighted by LiteSpeed Technologies. %package -n ols-lua Group: Application/WebServer Summary: Lua Requires: openlitespeed == %{version} %description -n ols-lua Mod Lua module for openlitespeed webserver. %package -n ols-pagespeed Group: Application/WebServer Summary: Pagespeed Requires: openlitespeed == %{version} %description -n ols-pagespeed Pagespeed module for openlitespeed webserver. %package -n ols-modsecurity Group: Application/WebServer Summary: Mod Security Requires: openlitespeed == %{version} %description -n ols-modsecurity Mod Security for openlitespeed webserver. %prep tar -xpaf %{_sourcedir}/openlitespeed.tar.xz -C %{_builddir} #mv %{_builddir}/openlitespeed-1.8.2-1/openlitespeed/ %{_builddir} #rm -rf %{_builddir}/openlitespeed-1.8.2-1 tar -xpaf %{_sourcedir}/third-party.tar.xz -C %{_builddir} %build sh -xe %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/ %install install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}/usr/lsws rm -rf %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/ols.conf buildroot_path=$(rpm --eval "%{buildroot}") sed -i -e 's:USE_LSPHP7=yes:USE_LSPHP7=no:g' %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/ sed -i -e "s:SERVERROOT=/usr/lsws:SERVERROOT=$buildroot_path/usr/lsws:g" %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/ sed -i -e 's:OPENLSWS_ADMINSSL=yes:OPENLSWS_ADMINSSL=no:g' %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/ sed -i -e 's:ln -sf "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp5" "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lphp":cd $LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/; ln -sf lsphp5 ./lsphp; cd -:g' %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/ sed -i -e 's:mkdir $SERVERROOT:mkdir -p $SERVERROOT:g' %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/ sed -i -e 's|s:%LSWS_CTRL%:$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl:|s:%LSWS_CTRL%:/usr/lsws/bin/lswsctrl:|g' %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/ %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/ rm -f %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/admin/conf/admin_config.conf cp -pr %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/admin/conf/ %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/admin/conf/admin_config.conf sed -i -e "s:%ADMIN_PORT%:7080:g" %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/admin/conf/admin_config.conf sed -i -e "s:%SSL_HOSTNAME%:webadmin:g" %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/admin/conf/admin_config.conf install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}/etc/init.d chmod u+w %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/admin/misc/lsws.rc sed "s:%LSWS_CTRL%:/usr/lsws/bin/lswsctrl:" %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/admin/misc/ > %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/admin/misc/lsws.rc sed "s:%LSWS_CTRL%:/usr/lsws/bin/lswsctrl:" %{_builddir}/openlitespeed/dist/admin/misc/ > %{buildroot}/etc/init.d/lsws chmod 0755 %{buildroot}/etc/init.d/lsws sed -i -e 's:fcgi-bin/lsphp:$SERVER_ROOT/lsphp73/bin/lsphp:g' %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf echo 'RPM' > %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/PLAT chmod 755 %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/bin/unmount_ns chmod 755 %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/lsrecaptcha/_recaptcha chmod 755 %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php chmod 755 %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp5 chmod 755 %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php rm %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp rm %{buildroot}/usr/lsws/admin/misc/lsws.rc.gentoo %clean %pre getent group lsadm > /dev/null || groupadd -r lsadm lsadm_gid=`grep ^lsadm: /etc/group | awk -F : '{ print $3; }'` >/dev/null 2>&1 getent passwd lsadm > /dev/null || useradd -g $lsadm_gid -d / -r -s /sbin/nologin -c "lsadm" lsadm >/dev/null 2>&1 usermod -G lsadm,nobody lsadm >/dev/null 2>&1 exit 0 %post DEFAULT_USER="nobody" DEFAULT_GROUP="nobody" WS_USER=$DEFAULT_USER WS_GROUP=$DEFAULT_GROUP ADMIN_USER="lsadm" LSWS_HOME="/usr/lsws" OLD_USER=$DEFAULT_USER OLD_GROUP=$DEFAULT_GROUP grep -q nobody: "/etc/group" if [ $? != 0 ] ; then DEFAULT_GROUP="nogroup" fi if [ "$WS_GROUP" = "nobody" ] ; then WS_GROUP=$DEFAULT_GROUP fi if [ -f "$LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.xml" ] ; then OLD_USER_CONF=`grep "" "$LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.xml"` OLD_GROUP_CONF=`grep "" "$LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.xml"` OLD_USER=`expr "$OLD_USER_CONF" : '.*\(.*\).*'` OLD_GROUP=`expr "$OLD_GROUP_CONF" : '.*\(.*\).*'` fi if [ -f "$LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.conf" ] ; then #Now check if the user and group match with the conf file OLD_USER_CONF=`grep "user" "$LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.conf"` OLD_GROUP_CONF=`grep "group" "$LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.conf"` OLD_USER=`expr "$OLD_USER_CONF" : '\s*user\s*\(\S*\)'` OLD_GROUP=`expr "$OLD_GROUP_CONF" : '\s*group\s*\(\S*\)'` fi WS_USER=$OLD_USER WS_GROUP=$OLD_GROUP DIR_OWN=$WS_USER:$WS_GROUP CONF_OWN=$WS_USER:$WS_GROUP LOGDIR_OWN="root:$WS_GROUP" grep "^lsadm:" /etc/passwd 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then CONF_OWN="lsadm:lsadm" fi SDIR_OWN="root:root" chown $SDIR_OWN $LSWS_HOME >/dev/null 2>&1 chown "$CONF_OWN" -R /usr/lsws/conf >/dev/null 2>&1 chown "$CONF_OWN" -R /usr/lsws/phpbuild >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -d "/usr/lsws/autoupdate" ]; then chown "$CONF_OWN" -R /usr/lsws/autoupdate >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ -d "/usr/lsws/DEFAULT/conf" ]; then chown "$CONF_OWN" -R /usr/lsws/DEFAULT/conf >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ -d "/usr/lsws/Example/conf" ]; then chown "$CONF_OWN" -R /usr/lsws/Example/conf >/dev/null 2>&1 fi chown "$CONF_OWN" -R /usr/lsws/admin/conf >/dev/null 2>&1 chown "$CONF_OWN" -R /usr/lsws/admin/tmp >/dev/null 2>&1 chgrp $WS_GROUP /usr/lsws/admin/cgid >/dev/null 2>&1 chgrp $WS_GROUP /usr/lsws/admin/tmp >/dev/null 2>&1 chown "$CONF_OWN" $LSWS_HOME/admin/tmp/sess_* 1>/dev/null 2>&1 chown "$DIR_OWN" $LSWS_HOME/cachedata >/dev/null 2>&1 chown "$SDIR_OWN" "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp" >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod "$EXEC_MOD" "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp" >/dev/null 2>&1 chown "$CONF_OWN" "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/jcryption_keypair" >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod 0600 "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/jcryption_keypair" >/dev/null 2>&1 chown "$CONF_OWN" "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/htpasswd" >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod 0600 "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/htpasswd" >/dev/null 2>&1 chown "nobody:nobody" "$LSWS_HOME/tmp" >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod 0700 "$LSWS_HOME/tmp" >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod 0755 "$LSWS_HOME/autoupdate" >/dev/null 2>&1 chown "$LOGDIR_OWN" "$LSWS_HOME/logs" "$LSWS_HOME/admin/logs" >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod 0750 "$LSWS_HOME/logs" "$LSWS_HOME/admin/logs" >/dev/null 2>&1 #########this is the end of script to fix rpm build related file group and permission problem. SSL_COUNTRY='US' SSL_STATE="New Jersey" SSL_LOCALITY='Virtual' SSL_ORG='LiteSpeedCommunity' SSL_ORGUNIT='Testing' SSL_HOSTNAME='webadmin' COMMNAME='' SSL_COUNTRY=US SSL_STATE="New Jersey" csr="${SSL_HOSTNAME}.csr" key="${SSL_HOSTNAME}.key" cert="${SSL_HOSTNAME}.crt" %define sslcert /usr/lsws/admin/conf/${cert} %define sslkey /usr/lsws/admin/conf/${key} cat << EOF > ${csr} [req] prompt=no distinguished_name=openlitespeed [openlitespeed] commonName = ${COMMNAME} countryName = ${SSL_COUNTRY} localityName = Virtual organizationName = LiteSpeedCommunity organizationalUnitName = Testing stateOrProvinceName = NJ emailAddress = mail@${COMMNAME} name = openlitespeed initials = CP dnQualifier = openlitespeed [server_exts] extendedKeyUsage= EOF openssl req -x509 -config $csr -extensions 'server_exts' -nodes -days 820 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout %{sslkey} -out %{sslcert} chown lsadm.lsadm %{sslcert}; chmod 400 %{sslcert}; chown lsadm.lsadm %{sslkey}; chmod 400 %{sslkey}; ln -s /usr/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp5 /usr/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp /usr/lsws/admin/misc/ > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Запустите скрипт от лица привилегированного пользователя root, чтобы задать пароль пользователю admin. Скрипт находится в директории: /usr/lsws/admin/misc/ Запишите пароль, чтобы не потерять доступ к веб серверу, после создания пароля он будет храниться в зашифрованном виде." echo "Чтобы запустить сервер openlitespeed выполните команду: systemctl restart lsws" %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) /etc/init.d/lsws %dir /usr/lsws /usr/lsws/* %config(noreplace) /usr/lsws/conf/* %config(noreplace) /usr/lsws/admin/conf/* %config(noreplace) /usr/lsws/fcgi-bin/* %config(noreplace) /usr/lsws/PLAT %files -n ols-pagespeed %defattr(-,root,root,-) %attr(-,root,root) /usr/lsws/modules/ %files -n ols-modsecurity %defattr(-,root,root,-) %attr(-,root,root) /usr/lsws/modules/ %files -n ols-lua %defattr(-,root,root,-) %attr(-,root,root) /usr/lsws/modules/ %changelog * Wed Sep 18 2024 Eduard Basov - 1.8.2 - Rebuild for MSVSphere 9.4