# NOTE: This specfile is generated from upstream at https://github.com/rhinstaller/lorax # NOTE: Please submit changes as a pull request %define debug_package %{nil} Name: lorax Version: 28.14.71 Release: 1%{?dist}.inferit.2 Summary: Tool for creating the anaconda install images Group: Applications/System License: GPLv2+ URL: https://github.com/weldr/lorax # To generate Source0 do: # git clone https://github.com/weldr/lorax # git checkout -b archive-branch lorax-%%{version}-%%{release} # tito build --tgz Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Patch1: 0001-Fix-replace-command-utf8-handling.patch Patch2: 0002-Add-iconv-template-command.patch Patch3: 0003-Set-LatGrkCyr-8x16-as-default-font-instead-of-eurlat.patch BuildRequires: python3-devel Requires: lorax-templates %if 0%{?msvsphere} >= 8 Requires: lorax-templates-msvsphere %else %if 0%{?rhel} >= 8 Requires: lorax-templates-rhel %endif %endif Requires: GConf2 Requires: cpio Requires: device-mapper Requires: dosfstools Requires: e2fsprogs Requires: findutils Requires: gawk Requires: genisoimage Requires: glib2 Requires: glibc Requires: glibc-common Requires: gzip Requires: isomd5sum Requires: module-init-tools Requires: parted Requires: squashfs-tools >= 4.2 Requires: util-linux Requires: xz Requires: pigz Requires: dracut >= 030 Requires: kpartx # Python modules Requires: libselinux-python3 Requires: python3-mako Requires: python3-kickstart >= 3.16.4 Requires: python3-dnf >= 3.2.0 Requires: python3-librepo %if 0%{?fedora} # Fedora specific deps %ifarch x86_64 Requires: hfsplus-tools %endif %endif %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 Requires: syslinux >= 6.02-4 %endif %ifarch ppc ppc64 ppc64le Requires: grub2 Requires: grub2-tools %endif %ifarch s390 s390x Requires: openssh Requires: s390utils >= 2.15.0-2 %endif %ifarch %{arm} Requires: uboot-tools %endif # Moved image-minimizer tool to lorax Provides: appliance-tools-minimizer = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: appliance-tools-minimizer < 007.7-3 %description Lorax is a tool for creating the anaconda install images. It also includes livemedia-creator which is used to create bootable livemedia, including live isos and disk images. It can use libvirtd for the install, or Anaconda's image install feature. %package docs Summary: Lorax html documentation Requires: lorax = %{version}-%{release} %description docs Includes the full html documentation for lorax, livemedia-creator, lorax-composer and the pylorax library. %package lmc-virt Summary: livemedia-creator libvirt dependencies Requires: lorax = %{version}-%{release} Requires: qemu-kvm # Fedora edk2 builds currently only support these arches %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 Requires: edk2-ovmf %endif %description lmc-virt Additional dependencies required by livemedia-creator when using it with qemu-kvm. %package lmc-novirt Summary: livemedia-creator no-virt dependencies Requires: lorax = %{version}-%{release} Requires: anaconda-core Requires: anaconda-tui Requires: anaconda-install-env-deps Requires: system-logos %description lmc-novirt Additional dependencies required by livemedia-creator when using it with --no-virt to run Anaconda. %package templates-generic Summary: Generic build templates for lorax and livemedia-creator Requires: lorax = %{version}-%{release} Provides: lorax-templates = %{version}-%{release} %description templates-generic Lorax templates for creating the boot.iso and live isos are placed in /usr/share/lorax/templates.d/99-generic %package composer Summary: Lorax Image Composer API Server # For Sphinx documentation build BuildRequires: python3-flask python3-gobject libgit2-glib python3-pytoml python3-semantic_version Requires: lorax = %{version}-%{release} Requires(pre): /usr/bin/getent Requires(pre): /usr/sbin/groupadd Requires(pre): /usr/sbin/useradd Requires: python3-pytoml Requires: python3-semantic_version Requires: libgit2 Requires: libgit2-glib Requires: python3-flask Requires: python3-gevent Requires: anaconda-tui Requires: qemu-img Requires: tar Requires: python3-rpmfluff Requires: git Requires: xz Requires: createrepo_c %{?systemd_requires} BuildRequires: systemd %description composer lorax-composer provides a REST API for building images using lorax. %package -n composer-cli Summary: A command line tool for use with the lorax-composer API server # From Distribution Requires: python3-urllib3 Requires: python3-pytoml # composer-cli manpage moved to composer-cli package in 28.14.59 Conflicts: lorax < 28.14.59 %description -n composer-cli A command line tool for use with the lorax-composer API server. Examine recipes, build images, etc. from the command line. %prep %autosetup -p1 -n %{name}-%{version} sed -i '/libreport-rhel-anaconda-bugzilla/d' share/templates.d/99-generic/runtime-install.tmpl %build %install rm -rf %{buildroot} make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} mandir=%{_mandir} install # Install example blueprints from the test suite. # This path MUST match the lorax-composer.service blueprint path. mkdir -p %{buildroot}/var/lib/lorax/composer/blueprints/ for bp in example-http-server.toml example-development.toml example-atlas.toml; do cp ./tests/pylorax/blueprints/$bp %{buildroot}/var/lib/lorax/composer/blueprints/ done %pre composer getent group weldr >/dev/null 2>&1 || groupadd -r weldr >/dev/null 2>&1 || : getent passwd weldr >/dev/null 2>&1 || useradd -r -g weldr -d / -s /sbin/nologin -c "User for lorax-composer" weldr >/dev/null 2>&1 || : %post composer %systemd_post lorax-composer.service %systemd_post lorax-composer.socket %preun composer %systemd_preun lorax-composer.service %systemd_preun lorax-composer.socket %postun composer %systemd_postun_with_restart lorax-composer.service %systemd_postun_with_restart lorax-composer.socket %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %license COPYING %doc AUTHORS %doc docs/composer-cli.rst docs/lorax.rst docs/livemedia-creator.rst docs/product-images.rst %doc docs/lorax-composer.rst %doc docs/*ks %{python3_sitelib}/pylorax %{python3_sitelib}/*.egg-info %{_sbindir}/lorax %{_sbindir}/mkefiboot %{_sbindir}/livemedia-creator %{_sbindir}/mkksiso %{_bindir}/image-minimizer %dir %{_sysconfdir}/lorax %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/lorax/lorax.conf %dir %{_datadir}/lorax %{_mandir}/man1/lorax.1* %{_mandir}/man1/livemedia-creator.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mkksiso.1* %{_tmpfilesdir}/lorax.conf %files docs %doc docs/html/* %files lmc-virt %files lmc-novirt %files templates-generic %dir %{_datadir}/lorax/templates.d %{_datadir}/lorax/templates.d/* %files composer %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/lorax/composer.conf %{python3_sitelib}/pylorax/api/* %{_sbindir}/lorax-composer %{_unitdir}/lorax-composer.service %{_unitdir}/lorax-composer.socket %dir %{_datadir}/lorax/composer %{_datadir}/lorax/composer/* %{_tmpfilesdir}/lorax-composer.conf %dir %attr(0771, root, weldr) %{_sharedstatedir}/lorax/composer/ %dir %attr(0771, root, weldr) %{_sharedstatedir}/lorax/composer/blueprints/ %attr(0771, weldr, weldr) %{_sharedstatedir}/lorax/composer/blueprints/* %{_mandir}/man1/lorax-composer.1* %files -n composer-cli %{_bindir}/composer-cli %{python3_sitelib}/composer/* %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/composer-cli %{_mandir}/man1/composer-cli.1* %changelog * Mon Aug 12 2024 Arkady L. Shane - 28.14.71-1.inferit.2 - Set LatGrkCyr-8x16 as default font instead of eurlatgr * Mon Jul 15 2024 Arkady L. Shane - 28.14.71-1.inferit.1 - Fix template name * Fri Apr 19 2024 Arkady L. Shane - 28.14.71-1.inferit - templates: Fixed UTF-8 handling in replace command - templates: Added iconv command to convert from UTF-8 to another encoding - remove libreport-rhel-anaconda-bugzilla depend * Fri Mar 29 2024 MSVSphere Packaging Team - 28.14.71-1 - Rebuilt for MSVSphere 8.10 beta * Tue Feb 06 2024 Brian C. Lane 28.14.71-1 - Makefile: skip running pylint for 'make ci' (bcl) Related: RHEL-24416 - templates: Remove libreport bugzilla plugins (bcl) Resolves: RHEL-24416 * Fri Jul 29 2022 Brian C. Lane 28.14.70-1 - templates: Update runtime-* templates (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2042101 - templates: Don't include redhat.exec on s390 (bcl) Related: rhbz#2042101 - templates: Drop non-64bit PPC support from live grub.cfg (bcl) Related: rhbz#2042101 - templates: Update config_files for inst.* usage (bcl) Related: rhbz#2042101 - tests: Run the 'test-in-docker' tests for github PRs (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2095578 * Thu Jun 09 2022 Brian C. Lane 28.14.69-1 - runtime-cleanup: Use branding package name instead of product.name (bcl) Related: rhbz#2052154 - treebuilder: Add branding package to template variables (bcl) Related: rhbz#2052154 - api: Read substitution variables from the host (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2095053 - tests: Switch to using centos:stream8 for Dockerfile.test (bcl) Related: rhbz#2095053 * Fri Feb 04 2022 Brian C. Lane 28.14.68-1 - mkksiso: Fix check for unsupported arch error (bcl) Related: rhbz#2049205 * Thu Feb 03 2022 Brian C. Lane 28.14.67-1 - mkksiso: Fix the order of the ppc mkisofs command (bcl) Related: rhbz#2049205 - mkksiso: mkfsiso argument order matters (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2049205 - mkksiso: Improve debug message about unsupported arch (bcl) Related: rhbz#2049190 - mkksiso: Add kickstart to s390x cdboot.prm (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2049190 * Mon Jan 31 2022 Brian C. Lane 28.14.66-1 - livemedia.ks: Add isomd5sum for use with rd.live.check (bcl) - Resolves: rhbz#2048447 * Thu Jan 20 2022 Brian C. Lane 28.14.65-1 - Enable sftp when using inst.sshd (bcl) - Resolves: rhbz#2041770 * Thu Dec 09 2021 Brian C. Lane 28.14.64-1 - mkksiso: Check the length of the filenames (bcl) Related: rhbz#2028048 - mkksiso: Check the iso's arch against the host's (bcl) Related: rhbz#2028048 - mkksiso: Add missing implantisomd5 tool requirements (bcl) Related: rhbz#2028048 - mkksiso: Raise error if no volume id is found (bcl) Related: rhbz#2028048 - mount: Add aarch64 and s390x support to IsoMountopoint (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2028089 - mkksiso: Skip mkefiboot for non-UEFI isos (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2028097 - mkksiso: Add -joliet-long (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2028044 - mkksiso: Return 1 on errors (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2028048 - Increase boot.iso rootfs to 4GiB (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2028059 - Fix specfile to match the one from dist-git (bcl) Related: rhbz#2001942 * Fri Oct 15 2021 Brian C. Lane 28.14.63-1 - Handle all possible dnf group_install errors (bcl) Related: rhbz#1947958 - runtime-install: Install nvme-cli tool (bcl) Related: rhbz#1903339 * Thu Sep 16 2021 Brian C. Lane 28.14.62-2 - Increase root partition of rhel-livemedia.ks to 8000MB (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2004864 * Thu Jul 08 2021 Brian C. Lane - 28.14.61-2 - Add Conflicts to composer-cli for manpage move Related: rhbz#1928962 * Wed Jul 07 2021 Brian C. Lane 28.14.61-1 - Increase example kickstart root partitions to at least 4000MB (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1973407 * Tue Jun 29 2021 Brian C. Lane 28.14.60-1 - New lorax documentation - 28.14.59 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1955355 - docs: Add missing mkksiso.1 manpage (bcl) Related: rhbz#1955355 - docs: Fix reference in composer-cli.rst (bcl) Related: rhbz#1915361 - Makefile: Use user-mode podman and fix docs-in-docker target (bcl) Related: rhbz#1955355 * Tue Jun 29 2021 Brian C. Lane 28.14.59-1 - Backport mkksiso to RHEL 8.5.0 (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1955355 - Move manpages into the correct subpackages (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1928962 - composer-cli: Update documentation URLs (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1915361 - Use wildcard for grub2 modules in livemedia.ks example (bcl) Related: rhbz#1973530 - runtime-install: Install ipcalc (bcl) Related: rhbz#1958314 - test: Add new osbuild-composer expected types (martin) (martin) - test: Fix URL to bots testmap (martin) (martin) * Thu Mar 04 2021 Brian C. Lane 28.14.58-1 - composer-cli: Add support for start-ostree --url URL (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1929381 - tests: Override rhel-8-beta.json repositories for osbuild-composer (atodorov) - tests: Remove systemctl for osbuild-composer (atodorov) - tests: Start osbuild-composer.socket (bcl) - test: Fix vm.install for non-LVM cloud images (martin) * Fri Jan 15 2021 Brian C. Lane - 28.14.57-2 - tests: Start osbuild-composer.socket for the tests Resolves: rhbz#1916684 * Wed Dec 09 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.57-1 - fixes #543 qemu -nodefconfig deprecated (afm404) Resolves: rhbz#1904168 - sshd_config: Apply suggested changes (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1872892 * Thu Dec 03 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.56-1 - Switch to using upstream mk-s390image for s390 cdboot.img creation (bcl) Related: rhbz#1892404 - Add --squashfs-only option to drop inner rootfs.img layer (marmarek) Resolves: rhbz#1846282 * Thu Sep 10 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.55-1 - docs: Remove anaconda from rhel-livemedia.ks example (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1876563 * Mon Aug 10 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.54-1 - tests: Fix diff test BACKEND check (bcl) Related: rhbz#1825190 * Fri Aug 07 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.53-1 - tests: Push example blueprints b/c they may not exist (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - rhel-livemedia.ks: Add anaconda-live package to the example kickstart (bcl) Related: rhbz#1691319 - Switch VMware testing env to improve stability results (chrobert) Related: rhbz#1825190 * Mon Aug 03 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.52-1 - Skip test_z_diff() if runninga against for osbuild-composer (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 * Tue Jul 28 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.51-1 - tests: Overwrite rhel-8.json when testing with osbuild-composer (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: Allow skipping image build in compose sanity test (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - Set BACKEND=osbuild-composer if running that test scenario (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: Don't check info after compose cancel with osbuild-composer (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: Compare blueprints as TOML objects, not strings (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: Remove lorax-composer specific checks (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: Remove compose after we're done (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: don't use beakerlib in blueprint (lars) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: don't depend on internal state of composer (lars) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: Do not rely on example blueprints (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: Special case compose types for osbuild-composer (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: Don't check example blueprints if we don't have to (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: Use BACKEND env variable instead of hard-coded values (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 - tests: Disable non-cli test scenarios b/c osbuild-composer (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1825190 * Thu Jul 23 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.50-1 - composer-cli: Make start-ostree parent and ref optional (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1859680 - composer-cli: Add a get_arg function (bcl) Related: rhbz#1859680 * Thu Jun 25 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.49-1 - include generic.ins for s390 boot iso (dan) Related: rhbz#1844517 - Fix the bug referenced in the last build (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1848727 * Thu Jun 18 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.48-1 - composer-cli: Disable retry counter on connection timeout (bcl) Related: rhbz#1848727 - composer-cli: Change timeout to 5 minutes (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1848727 * Thu Jun 11 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.47-1 - lorax-composer: Add deprecation notice to documentation (bcl) Related: rhbz#1844649 - composer-cli: Add documentation for uploads and osbuild-composer (bcl) Related: rhbz#1844649 - composer-cli: Remove the upload and providers commands (bcl) Related: rhbz#1844649 - composer-cli: Return a better error with no value (bcl) Related: rhbz#1844649 - tests: rhel8-branch uses nose not pytest (bcl) Related: rhbz#1844649 - tests: Add tests for composer-cli compose start JSON POST (bcl) Related: rhbz#1844649 - composer-cli: Update bash completion for start-ostree (bcl) Related: rhbz#1844649 - composer-cli: Add new start-ostree command (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1844649 - composer-cli: Add support for --size to compose start (bcl) Related: rhbz#1844649 - composer-cli: pytoml load() needs an open file not a string (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1843704 - test: Put VM image overlay into /var/tmp (martin) (martin) Related: rhbz#1825190 * Mon Jun 01 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.46-1 - Keep /etc/default/useradd in install.img (honza.stodola) Resolves: rhbz#1838677 * Mon May 18 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.45-1 - lmc-no-virt: Add requirement on anaconda-install-env-deps (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1827911 - Fix cherry-pick of extra multipath.conf line (bcl) Related: rhbz#1676777 - Use smarter multipath detection logic. (dlehman) Resolves: rhbz#1676777 * Tue May 05 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.44-1 - rsyslog: Disable journal ratelimits during install (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1752754 - Update datastore for VMware testing (chrobert) Related: rhbz#1825190 * Mon Apr 27 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.43-1 - New lorax documentation - 28.14.43 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1826479 - tests: Add tests for variant branding detection (bcl) Related: rhbz#1826479 - lorax: Update how the release package is chosen (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1826479 - tests: Add tests for branding (bcl) Related: rhbz#1826479 - Move get_dnf_base_object into a module (bcl) Related: rhbz#1826479 - lorax: Add --skip-branding cmdline argument (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1826479 * Thu Feb 27 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.42-1 - lorax: Restore the 98dracut-systemd service files to the install.img (bcl) Related: rhbz#1805405 - lorax: Add eject back into the boot.iso (bcl) Related: rhbz#1805405 * Mon Feb 10 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.41-1 - tests: Add new test to run 'test' and 'check' in cockpit ci (jrusz) Related: rhbz#1785154 - tests: rpm now returns str, drop decode() call (bcl) Related: rhbz#1785154 - tests: Switch to using CentOS8 for the Docker tests (bcl) Related: rhbz#1785154 - tests: Finish switch to using example-development in composer tests (bcl) Related: rhbz#1785154 - tests: this_is_rhel function return true for CentOS or RHEL (bcl) Related: rhbz#1785154 - tests: Disable pylint preexec-fn warning (bcl) Related: rhbz#1785154 - pylint: whitelist the rpm module (bcl) Related: rhbz#1785154 - tests: Use unittest.mock (bcl) Related: rhbz#1785154 - Test & cleanup script for Alibaba cloud (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1785154 * Wed Jan 29 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.40-1 - tests: run ssh commands in batch mode (jrusz) Related: rhbz#1785154 - tests: remove --test=2 from compose_sanity (jrusz) Related: rhbz#1788461 - Add tests for metapackages and package name globs (bcl) Related: rhbz#1791612 - tests: Check for cloud-init presence in azure image (jrusz) Related: rhbz#1754711 * Mon Jan 13 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.39-1 - tests: Enable Elastic Network Adapter support for AWS (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1789308 - AWS test: take into account different instance type for non x86 (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1789308 - lorax-composer: Enable ami on aarch64 (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1789308 - Add test for canceling a running compose (jrusz) Related: rhbz#1788461 * Wed Jan 08 2020 Brian C. Lane 28.14.38-1 - composer-cli: Increase DELETE timeout to 120s (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1788461 - Add test for running composer with --no-system-repos option (jikortus) Related: rhbz#1785154 * Fri Dec 13 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.37-1 - composer-cli: Add python3-pytoml to composer-cli requirements (bcl) Related: rhbz#1779301 - composer-cli: Remove unneeded % from API WARNING message (bcl) Related: rhbz#1779301 - Use mkisofs for the s390 live-iso template (bcl) Related: rhbz#1746424 * Tue Dec 10 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.36-1 - composer-cli: Only display the available compose types (bcl) Related: rhbz#1751998 - composer-cli: Return int from handle_api_result not bool (bcl) Related: rhbz#1779301 - Add support for API v1 commands upload, and providers (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1779301 * Mon Dec 02 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.35-1 - tests: If TEST_OS isn't specified then match the host OS (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: enable compose_ext4 test to use CDN repos (jrusz) Related: rhbz#1777265 - Add more lines to .gitignore (jrusz) Related: rhbz#1777265 - Remove all repo files & install composer-cli from host repos (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - Always remove lorax-composer & composer-cli RPMs before installing them (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - Always remove existing VM image before building new one (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 * Mon Nov 18 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.34-1 - lorax-composer: Add cloud-init support to the vhd image (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1754711 - Add dmidecode on supported architectures (bcl) Related: rhbz#1714793 * Mon Nov 11 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.33-1 - New lorax documentation - 28.14.33 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1761653 - docs: Increase root filesystem to 2000 in rhel-minimal.ks (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1730937 - Update ppc64le isolabel to match x86_64 logic (bcl) Related: rhbz#1757338 - set inst.stage2 for ppc64le image (dan) Related: rhbz#1757338 - docs: Override macboot/nomacboot documentation (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1761653 - tests: Keep beakerlib repo on the VM for tests which need it (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: unskip Qcow2 and Live-ISO scenarios (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: Ensure failure if beakerlib results file not found (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: Documentation updates (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: Use host repositories for make vm (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - Remove unused make targets (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - DRY when setting up, running & parsing results for beakerlib tests (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: Use journalctl -g to check for failed login (bcl) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: Fix check_root_account when used with tar liveimg test (bcl) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: Use the same asserts as before (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: switch to using podman instead of docker (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: Remove nested vm from tar liveimg kickstart test (bcl) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: Use --http0.9 for curl ssh test (bcl) Related: rhbz#1769525 - test: Boot the live-iso faster, and login using ssh key (bcl) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: Split testing the image into a separate script (bcl) Related: rhbz#1769525 - test: Split up the test class to allow booting other images (bcl) Related: rhbz#1769525 - [tests] Collect compose logs after each build (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - [tests] Use a function to wait for compose to finish (jikortus) Related: rhbz#1769525 - [tests] Use functions for starting and stopping lorax-composer (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1769525 - tests: Add kickstart tar installation test (jikortus) Related: rhbz#1733975 - tests: add option to disable kernel command line parameters check (jikortus) Related: rhbz#1733975 - tests: Use a loop to wait for VM and sshd to start (bcl) Related: rhbz#1733975 - tests: Drop an old bug reference (bcl) (bcl) * Thu Oct 31 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.32-1 - tests: Add tests for recipe checking functions (bcl) Related: rhbz#1716596 - lorax-composer: Add basic case check to check_recipe_dict (bcl) Related: rhbz#1716596 - lorax-composer: Add basic recipe checker function (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1716596 - Add live iso support to s390 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1746424 - Disable some compose types on other architectures (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1751998 - aarch64: Fix live-iso creation on aarch64 (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1752002 * Mon Oct 21 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.31-1 - tests: Document Azure setup (atodorov) (atodorov) - tests: unskip Azure scenario (atodorov) (atodorov) - Support CI testing against a bots project PR (martin) (martin) - Makefile: Update bots target for moved GitHub project (sanne.raymaekers) - Skip azure, live-iso & qcow2 tests due to infra issues (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1724073 - tests: Add check to make sure the compose actually finished (bcl) Related: rhbz#1724073 - Backport Cockpit CI changes for RHEL 8 (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1724073 - tests: Drop sort from compose types test (bcl) - New test: assert toml files in git workspace (atodorov) - Use passwd --status for locked root account check (jikortus) Related: rhbz#1728571 * Thu Jun 27 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.30-1 - New lorax documentation - 28.14.30 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709594 - Assert that RuntimeErrors have correct messages (egoode) Related: rhbz#1709594 - More descriptive error for a bad ref in repos.git (egoode) Related: rhbz#1709594 - Add more tests for gitrpm.py (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709594 - lorax-composer: Fix installing files from [[repos.git]] to / (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709594 - Add tests using repos.git in blueprints (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709594 - Move git repo creation into tests/lib.py (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709594 - rpmgit: catch potential errors while running git (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709594 - tests: Add test for Recipe.freeze() function (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709594 - Add repos.git support to lorax-composer builds (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709594 - Add pylorax.api.gitrpm module and tests (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709594 - Add support for [[repos.git]] section to blueprints (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1709594 - [tests] Handle blueprints in setup_tests/teardown_tests correctly (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1714298 - tests: Set BLUEPRINTS_DIR in all cases (lars) Related: rhbz#1714298 * Mon Jun 10 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.29-1 - tests: Update openssh-server to version * (bcl) Related: rhbz#1678937 - Remove repos.git related tests (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - composer-cli: Update diff support for customizations and repos.git (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - Add support for customizations and repos.git to /blueprints/diff/ (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - tests: Update custom-base with customizations (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - Change customizations.firewall to append items instead of replace (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1709595 - Update customizations.services documentation (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - lorax-composer: Add services support to blueprints (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - lorax-composer: Add firewall support to blueprints (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - lorax-composer: Add locale support to blueprints (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - lorax-composer: Fix customizations when creating a recipe (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - Update docs for new timezone section (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - lorax-composer: Add timezone support to blueprint (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 - Proposal for adding to the blueprint customizations (bcl) Related: rhbz#1709595 * Wed May 29 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.28-1 - Create a lorax-docs package with the html docs (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1695274 - Fix path to generic.prm (jstodola) Resolves: rhbz#1714107 * Thu May 16 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.27-1 - Add kernel to ext4-filesystem template (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1709792 - Switch the --virt-uefi method to use SecureBoot (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1691661 - qemu wasn't restoring the terminal if it was terminated early (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1691632 - Revert "lorax-composer: Add CDN repo checks to startup and compose start." (bcl) Related: rhbz#1691969 - Revert "lorax-composer: Check for CDN only repos" (bcl) Related: rhbz#1691969 - Add test for passing custom option on kernel command line (jikortus) Related: rhbz#1687743 - Use verify_image function as a helper for generic tests (jikortus) Related: rhbz#1704172 - Change [[modules]] to [[packages]] in tests (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1698368 - Add new test to verify compose paths exist (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1698368 - Add new sanity tests for blueprints (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1698368 - Update VMware info for VMware testing (chrobert) Related: rhbz#1678937 - Add test for starting compose with deleted blueprint (jikortus) Related: rhbz#1699303 - Fixes for locked root account test (jikortus) Related: rhbz#1698473 - Fix lorax.spec bz reference (bcl) Related: rhbz#1678937 * Fri Apr 05 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.26-1 - Only use repos with valid urls for test_server.py (bcl) Related: rhbz#1678937 - Use strict=False when reading repo files (bcl) Related: rhbz#1678937 - tests: Skip docs if not installed (bcl) Related: rhbz#1678937 - tests: Make sure example-development is present for delete test (bcl) Related: rhbz#1678937 - tests: Make it easier to update version globs (bcl) Related: rhbz#1678937 - tests: Select the group to use based on the release (bcl) Related: rhbz#1678937 - Add requirements-test.txt (bcl) Related: rhbz#1678937 - Fix the google cloud boot console settings (dshea) Related: rhbz#1689140 - Add a compose type for alibaba. (dshea) Resolves: rhbz#1689140 - Add a compose check for google cloud images. (dshea) Related: rhbz#1689140 - Add a compose type for Google Compute Engine (dshea) (dshea) - Add a new output type, tar-disk. (dshea) Related: rhbz#1689140 - Support compressing single files. (dshea) Related: rhbz#1689140 - Add an option to align the image size to a multiplier. (dshea) Related: rhbz#1689140 - Pass ssl certificate options to anaconda (lars) Resolves: rhbz#1663950 - Add checks for disabled root account (jikortus) - Fixup lorax.spec bugs (bcl) Related: rhbz#1678937 * Wed Mar 27 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.25-1 - New lorax documentation - 28.14.25 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1687743 - lorax-composer: pass customization.kernel append to extra_boot_args (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1687743 - Improve logging for template syntax errors (bcl) Related: rhbz#1687743 - Add extra boot args to the livemedia-creator iso templates (bcl) Related: rhbz#1687743 - lorax-composer: Add the ability to append to the kernel command-line (bcl) Related: rhbz#1687743 - lorax-composer: Return UnknownBlueprint errors when using deleted blueprints (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1683441 - lorax-composer: Delete workspace copy when deleting blueprint (bcl) Related: rhbz#1683441 - Remove 3G minimum from lorax-composer (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1677741 * Thu Mar 21 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.24-1 - Add a ppc64le template for live iso creation (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - Move the package requirements for live-iso setup out of the template (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1673744 - Remove exclusions from lorax-composer templates (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - Add LiveTemplateRunner to parse per-arch live-iso package requirements (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - Move the run part of LoraxTemplateRunner into new TemplateRunner class (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - lorax-composer: Use reqpart --add-boot for partitioned disk templates (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - livemedia-creator: Add support for reqpart kickstart command (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - Fix make_appliance and the libvirt.tmpl (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - Add get_file_magic to tests/lib.py (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - Clarify the ks repo only error message (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - Add tests to test_creator.py (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - Add some tests for creator.py (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - Make the lorax-composer ks templates more generic (bcl) Related: rhbz#1673744 - Add some extra cancel_func protection to QEMUInstall (bcl) Related: rhbz#1684316 - installer: make sure cancel_func has a value (yuvalt) Resolves: rhbz#1684316 - Update VMware datastore location to unblock tests (chrobert) Related: rhbz#1678937 - Allow overriding $CLI outside test scripts (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1678937 - Use make ci inside test-in-copy target (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1678937 - New test: Build live-iso and boot with KVM (atodorov) - New test: Build qcow2 compose and test it with QEMU-KVM (atodorov) - Removed remnants of fedora branding. (47631017+jakub-vavra) Resolves: rhbz#1672583 - Drop auth from the kickstart examples (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1672583 - New test: Verify tar images with Docker and systemd-nspawn (atodorov) - Update OpenStack flavor and network settings in tests (atodorov) - Use existing storage account (jstodola) - Record date/time of VM creation (jstodola) - Make sure compose build tests run with SELinux in enforcing mode (jikortus) * Wed Jan 30 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.23-1 - lorax: Move default tmp dir to /var/tmp/lorax (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1668408 - Expand parameters as separate words (jstodola) Related: rhbz#1653934 - Add /usr/local/bin to PATH for tests (atodorov) (atodorov) - Do not generate journal.xml from beakerlib (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1653934 - Use any tmux version (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1653934 - Make test scripts executable with chmod +x (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1653934 * Fri Jan 11 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.22-1 - Report an error if the blueprint doesn't exist (bcl) Related: rhbz#1653934 - tmux is version 2.8 on Fedora 28 (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1653934 - Disable pylint no-member errors for 2 dnf constants (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1653934 - Backport cloud image tests to RHEL 8 (atodorov) Related: rhbz#1653934 * Thu Jan 10 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.21-1 - Remove unneeded else from for/else loop. It confuses pylint (bcl) Related: rhbz#1664485 - Allow customizations to be specified as a toml list (dshea) Resolves: rhbz#1664485 - New lorax documentation - 28.14.21 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1650295 - Update the example livemedia-creator kickstarts for RHEL8 (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1650295 - Change default releasever to 8 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1650295 * Tue Jan 08 2019 Brian C. Lane 28.14.20-1 - Revert "lorax-composer: Cancel running Anaconda process" (bcl) Related: rhbz#1656691 - Make sure cancel_func is not None (bcl) Related: rhbz#1656691 - Increase boot.iso rootfs to 3GiB (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1661169 * Tue Dec 18 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.19-1 - lorax: Save information about rootfs filesystem size and usage (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1659625 - lorax-composer: Cancel running Anaconda process (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1656691 - Add cancel_func to virt and novirt_install functions (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1656691 - lorax-composer: Check for STATUS before deleting (bcl) Related: rhbz#1656691 - Check for existing CANCEL request, and exit on FINISHED (bcl) Related: rhbz#1656691 * Fri Dec 07 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.18-1 - New lorax documentation - 28.14.18 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1656642 - Add openstack to the image type list in the docs (dshea) Related: rhbz#1628645 - lorax-composer: Handle packages with multiple builds (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1656642 - Adjust test_drtfr_gpgkey to pass on Fedora 28 and RHEL 8 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1655876 - Update the projects tests to use DNF Repo object (bcl) Related: rhbz#1655876 - dnf changed the type of gpgkey to a tuple (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1655876 - lorax-composer: Add CDN repo checks to startup and compose start. (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1655623 - lorax-composer: Check for CDN only repos (bcl) Related: rhbz#1655623 - There is no support for edk2-ovmf on arm/arm64 (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1655512 - lorax-composer: Check the queue and results at startup (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1647985 * Thu Nov 29 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.17-1 - Update documentation for - 28.14.17 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1645189 - lorax-composer: Install selinux-policy-targeted in images (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1645189 - Remove setfiles from mkrootfsimage (bcl) Related: rhbz#1645189 - Remove SELinux Permissive checks (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1645189 - New lorax documentation - 28.14.17 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1639132 - Build manpages for composer-cli and lorax-composer (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1639132 - Add --no-system-repos to lorax-composer (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1650363 * Fri Oct 12 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.16-1 - Fix vhd images (vponcova) Related: rhbz#1628648 - Update depsolving with suggestions from dnf (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1638683 * Tue Oct 09 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.15-1 - Add an openstack image type (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1628645 - Add cloud-init to vhd images. (dshea) Related: rhbz#1628648 - Replace /etc/machine-id with an empty file (dshea) Related: rhbz#1628648 Related: rhbz#1628645 Related: rhbz#1628647 Related: rhbz#1628646 * Mon Oct 08 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.14-1 - Update cli tests to use composer-cli name (bcl) Related: rhbz#1635763 - Revert "Rename composer-cli to composer" (bcl) Related: rhbz#1635763 * Fri Oct 05 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.13-1 - New lorax documentation - 28.14.12 (bcl) Related: rhbz#1635763 - Adjust the composer-cli tests for the rename to composer (bcl) Related: rhbz#1635763 - Rename composer-cli to composer (lars) Resolves: rhbz#1635763 - Add and enable cloud-init for ami images (lars) Related: rhbz#1628647 - Make no-virt generated images sparser (dshea) Related: rhbz#1628645 Related: rhbz#1628646 Related: rhbz#1628648 Related: rhbz#1628647 * Wed Oct 03 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.12-1 - Write a rootpw line if no root customizations in the blueprint (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1626122 * Tue Oct 02 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.11-1 - Add beakerlib to Dockerfile.test (bcl) Related: rhbz#1613058 - New cli test covering basic compose commands (atodorov) (atodorov) - Execute bash tests for composer-cli (atodorov) (atodorov) - Add virt guest agents to the qcow2 compose (dshea) Resolves: rhbz#1628645 - Add a vmdk compose type. (dshea) Resolves: rhbz#1628646 - Add a vhd compose type for Azure images (dshea) Resolves: rhbz#1628648 - Add an ami compose type for AWS images (dshea) Resolves: rhbz#1628647 - Remove --fstype from the generated part line (dshea) Related: rhbz#1628647 Related: rhbz#1628648 * Mon Oct 01 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.10-1 - Add tito support for Related/Resolves to the branch (bcl) Related: rhbz#1613058 - Always update repo metadata when building an image (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1631561 - Add a test for repo metadata expiration (bcl) Related: rhbz#1631561 - Add tests for setting root password and ssh key with blueprints (bcl) Related: rhbz#1626120 - Use rootpw for setting the root password instead of user (bcl) Related: rhbz#1626122 - Lock the root account, except on live-iso (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#1626122 * Tue Sep 25 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.9-1 - lorax: Only run depmod on the installed kernels (bcl@redhat.com) Resolves: rhbz#1632140 * Tue Sep 18 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.8-1 - Add prefixdevname support to the boot.iso (bcl@redhat.com) Resolves: rhbz#1623000 * Tue Sep 04 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.7-1 - Ignore a pylint warning about UnquotingConfigParser get args (bcl@redhat.com) Related: rhbz#1613058 - Ditch all use of pyanaconda's simpleconfig (awilliam@redhat.com) Related: rhbz#1613058 - Require python3-librepo (jwboyer@redhat.com) Resolves: rhbz#1624423 * Fri Aug 31 2018 Josh Boyer 28.14.6-2 - Require python3-librepo * Wed Aug 29 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.6-1 - Drop mod_auth_openidc from httpd example blueprint (bcl@redhat.com) - Bump required dnf version to 3.2.0 for module_platform_id support (bcl@redhat.com) - Add support for DNF 3.2 module_platform_id config value (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix /compose/cancel API documentation (bcl@redhat.com) * Mon Aug 27 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.5-1 - Fix composer-cli blueprints changes to get correct total (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix blueprints/list and blueprints/changes to return the correct total (bcl@redhat.com) - Add tests for limit=0 routes (bcl@redhat.com) - Add a function to get_url_json_unlimited to retrieve the total (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix tests related to blueprint name changes (bcl@redhat.com) - Add 'example' to the example blueprint names (bcl@redhat.com) - Use urllib.parse instead of urlparse (bcl@redhat.com) - In composer-cli, request all results (dshea@redhat.com) - Add tests for /compose/status filter arguments (dshea@redhat.com) - Allow '*' as a uuid in /compose/status/ (dshea@redhat.com) - Add filter arguments to /compose/status (dshea@redhat.com) - Only include specific blueprints in the rpm (bcl@redhat.com) - composer-cli should not log to a file by default (bcl@redhat.com) - Add documentation for using a DVD as the package source (bcl@redhat.com) - Set TCP listen backlog for API socket to SOMAXCONN (lars@karlitski.net) - Bring back import-state.service (rvykydal@redhat.com) - Fix a little bug in running "modules list". (clumens@redhat.com) * Thu Aug 09 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.4-1 - Fix bash_completion.d typo (bcl@redhat.com) - Move disklabel and UEFI support to compose.py (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix more tests. (clumens@redhat.com) - Change INVALID_NAME to INVALID_CHARS. (clumens@redhat.com) - Update composer-cli for the new error return types. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add default error IDs everywhere else. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add error IDs to things that can go wrong when running a compose. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add error IDs for common source-related errors. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add error IDs for unknown modules and unknown projects. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add error IDs for when an unknown commit is requested. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add error IDs for when an unknown blueprint is requested. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add error IDs for when an unknown build UUID is requested. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add error IDs for bad state conditions. (clumens@redhat.com) - Change the error return type for bad limit= and offset=. (clumens@redhat.com) - Don't sort error messages. (clumens@redhat.com) - Run as root/weldr by default. (clumens@redhat.com) - Fix bash completion of compose info (bcl@redhat.com) - Add + to the allowed API string character set (bcl@redhat.com) - Add job_* timestamp support to compose status (bcl@redhat.com) - Add etc/bash_completion.d/composer-cli (wwoods@redhat.com) - composer-cli: clean up "list" commands (wwoods@redhat.com) - Drop .decode from UTF8_TEST_STRING (bcl@redhat.com) - Add input string checks to the branch and format arguments (bcl@redhat.com) - Add a test for invalid characters in the API route (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix logging argument (bcl@redhat.com) - Update get_system_repo for dnf (bcl@redhat.com) - Update ConfigParser usage for Py3 (bcl@redhat.com) - Update StringIO use for Py3 (bcl@redhat.com) - Add a test for the pylorax.api.timestamp functions (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix write_timestamp for py3 (bcl@redhat.com) - Return a JSON error instead of a 404 on certain malformed URLs. (clumens@redhat.com) - Return an error if /modules/info doesn't return anything. (clumens@redhat.com) - Update documentation (#409). (clumens@redhat.com) - Use constants instead of strings (#409). (clumens@redhat.com) - Write timestamps when important events happen during the compose (#409). (clumens@redhat.com) - Return multiple timestamps in API results (#409). (clumens@redhat.com) - Add a new timestamp.py file to the API directory (#409). (clumens@redhat.com) - Use the first enabled system repo for the test (bcl@redhat.com) - Show more details when the system repo delete test fails (bcl@redhat.com) - Add composer-cli function tests (bcl@redhat.com) - Add a test library (bcl@redhat.com) - composer-cli: Add support for Group to blueprints diff (bcl@redhat.com) - Update status.py to use new handle_api_result (bcl@redhat.com) - Update sources.py to use new handle_api_result (bcl@redhat.com) - Update projects.py to use new handle_api_result (bcl@redhat.com) - Update modules.py to use new handle_api_result (bcl@redhat.com) - Update compose.py to use new handle_api_result (bcl@redhat.com) - Update blueprints.py to use new handle_api_result (bcl@redhat.com) - Modify handle_api_result so it can be used in more places (bcl@redhat.com) * Mon Jul 30 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.3-1 - Update to use only qemu-kvm (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix help output on the compose subcommand. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add timestamps to "compose-cli compose status" output. (clumens@redhat.com) - And then add real output to the status command. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add the beginnings of a new status subcommand. (clumens@redhat.com) - composer-cli: Fix non-zero epoch in projets info (bcl@redhat.com) - Adjust test_server and test blueprints so they depsolve (bcl@redhat.com) * Fri Jul 20 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.2-1 - New lorax documentation - 28.14.2 (bcl@redhat.com) - Add dnf.transaction to list of modules for sphinx to ignore (bcl@redhat.com) - Document that you shouldn't run lorax-composer twice. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add PIDFile to the .service file. (clumens@redhat.com) - Don't activate default auto connections after switchroot (rvykydal@redhat.com) - Use system-logos in live-iso.ks (bcl@redhat.com) - Update rsync version in http-server.toml (bcl@redhat.com) - Log and exit on metadata update errors at startup (bcl@redhat.com) - Check /projects responses for null values. (bcl@redhat.com) - Clarify error message from /source/new (bcl@redhat.com) - Support loading groups from the kickstart template files. (clumens@redhat.com) - Include groups in depsolving. (clumens@redhat.com) - Add help output to each subcommand. (clumens@redhat.com) - Split the help output into its own module. (clumens@redhat.com) - If the help subcommand is given, print the help output. (clumens@redhat.com) * Wed Jul 18 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.1-1 - Add requires on lorax-templates-rhel (bcl@redhat.com) - Check the compose templates at startup (bcl@redhat.com) - Install 'hostname' in runtime-install (for iSCSI) (awilliam@redhat.com) - Fix a couple typos in lorax-composer docs. (bcl@redhat.com) - Require python3-dnf v3.0.0 or later (bcl@redhat.com) - DNF 3: progress callback constants moved to dnf.transaction (awilliam@redhat.com) - Include example blueprints in the rpm (bcl@redhat.com) - Make sure /run/weldr has correct ownership and permissions (bcl@redhat.com) - Allow more than 1 bash build in tests (bcl@redhat.com) - Add redhat.exec to s390 .treeinfo (bcl@redhat.com) * Thu Jun 07 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14.0-1 - Tag as version 28.14.0-1 * Thu Jun 07 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.14-1 - New lorax documentation - 28.14 (bcl@redhat.com) - Add --dracut-arg support to lorax (bcl@redhat.com) - gevent has deprecated .wsgi, should use .pywsgi instead (bcl@redhat.com) * Mon Jun 04 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.13-1 - New lorax documentation - 28.13 (bcl@redhat.com) - Override Sphinx documentation version with LORAX_VERSION (bcl@redhat.com) - Add support for sources to composer-cli (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix DNF related issues with source selection (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix handling bad source repos and add a test (bcl@redhat.com) - Speed up test_dnfbase.py (bcl@redhat.com) - Make sure new sources show up in the source/list output (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix make_dnf_dirs (bcl@redhat.com) - Update test_server for rawhide (bcl@redhat.com) - Add support for user defined package sources API (bcl@redhat.com) * Thu May 24 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.12-1 - templates: Stop using gconfset (walters@verbum.org) - Add support for version globs to blueprints (bcl@redhat.com) - Update atlas blueprint (bcl@redhat.com) * Thu May 17 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.11-1 - Update the generated html docs (bcl@redhat.com) - Update the README with relevant URLs (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix documentation for enabling lorax-composer.socket (bcl@redhat.com) - Add support for systemd socket activation (bcl@redhat.com) - Add documentation for lorax-composer and composer-cli (bcl@redhat.com) - Move lorax-composer and composer-cli argument parsing into modules (bcl@redhat.com) - Update composer templates for use with Fedora (bcl@redhat.com) - Add new cmdline args to compose_args settings (bcl@redhat.com) - lorax-composer also requires tar (bcl@redhat.com) - Remove temporary files after run_compose (bcl@redhat.com) - Add --proxy to lorax-composer cmdline (bcl@redhat.com) - Pass the --tmp value into run_creator and cleanup after a crash (bcl@redhat.com) - Add --tmp to lorax-composer and set default tempdir (bcl@redhat.com) - Set lorax_templates to the correct directory (bcl@redhat.com) - Adjust the disk size estimates to match Anaconda (bcl@redhat.com) - Skip creating groups with the same name as a user (bcl@redhat.com) - Add user and group creation to blueprint (bcl@redhat.com) - Add blueprint customization support for hostname and ssh key (bcl@redhat.com) - Update setup.py for lorax-composer and composer-cli (bcl@redhat.com) - Add composer-cli and tests (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix the compose arguments for the Fedora version of Anaconda (bcl@redhat.com) - Add selinux check to lorax-composer (bcl@redhat.com) - Update test_server for blueprint and Yum to DNF changes. (bcl@redhat.com) - Convert Yum usage to DNF (bcl@redhat.com) - workspace read and write needs UTF-8 conversion (bcl@redhat.com) - Return an empty list if depsolve results are empty (bcl@redhat.com) - The git blob needs to be bytes (bcl@redhat.com) - Remove bin and sbin from nose (bcl@redhat.com) - Update the test blueprints (bcl@redhat.com) - Ignore more pylint errors (bcl@redhat.com) - Use default commit sort order instead of TIME (bcl@redhat.com) - Add lorax-composer and the composer kickstart templates (bcl@redhat.com) - Update pylorax.api.projects for DNF usage (bcl@redhat.com) - Update dnfbase (formerly yumbase) for DNF support (bcl@redhat.com) - Move core of livemedia-creator into pylorax.creator (bcl@redhat.com) - Update dnfbase tests (bcl@redhat.com) - Convert lorax-composer yum base object to DNF (bcl@redhat.com) - Use 2to3 to convert the python2 lorax-composer code to python3 (bcl@redhat.com) - Add the tests from lorax-composer branch (bcl@redhat.com) - Update .dockerignore (bcl@redhat.com) - Update lorax.spec for lorax-composer (bcl@redhat.com) - livemedia-creator: Move core functions into pylorax modules (bcl@redhat.com) - Check selinux state before creating output directory (bcl@redhat.com) - really kill kernel-bootwrapper on ppc (dan@danny.cz) - Use Fedora 28 for Dockerfile.test (bcl@redhat.com) - Enable testing in Travis and collecting of coverage history (atodorov@redhat.com) - Remove -boot-info-table from s390 boot.iso creation (#1478448) (bcl@redhat.com) - change installed packages on ppc (dan@danny.cz) - drop support for 32-bit ppc (dan@danny.cz) - remove redundant mkdir (dan@danny.cz) * Mon Apr 09 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.10-1 - Fix anaconda metapackage name (mkolman@redhat.com) - Include the anaconda-install-env-deps metapackage (mkolman@redhat.com) - Update the URL in lorax.spec to point to new Lorax location (bcl@redhat.com) - New lorax documentation - 28.9 (bcl@redhat.com) * Thu Mar 15 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.9-1 - Update default releasever to Fedora 28 (bcl@redhat.com) - Update Copyright year to 2018 in Sphinx docs (bcl@redhat.com) - make docs now also builds html (bcl@redhat.com) * Mon Feb 26 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.8-1 - cleanup: don't remove libgstgl (dusty@dustymabe.com) * Fri Feb 23 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.7-1 - Fix _install_branding (bcl@redhat.com) - livemedia-creator --no-virt requires a system-logos package (bcl@redhat.com) - Revert "add system-logos dependency for syslinux" (bcl@redhat.com) * Thu Feb 22 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.6-1 - add system-logos dependency for syslinux (pbrobinson@gmail.com) - Really don't try to build EFI images on i386 (awilliam@redhat.com) * Mon Jan 29 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.5-1 - Don't try to build efi images for basearch=i386. (pjones@redhat.com) - LMC: Make the QEMU RNG device optional (yturgema@redhat.com) * Wed Jan 17 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.4-1 - Write the --variant string to .buildstamp as 'Variant=' (bcl@redhat.com) - Run the pylorax tests with 'make test' (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix installpkg exclude operation (bcl@redhat.com) * Wed Jan 03 2018 Brian C. Lane 28.3-1 - Add --old-chroot to the mock example cmdlines (bcl@redhat.com) - Don't try and install kernel-PAE on i686 any more (awilliam@redhat.com) - New lorax documentation - 28.2 (bcl@redhat.com) * Tue Nov 28 2017 Brian C. Lane 28.2-1 - Add documentation about mock changes (#1473880) (bcl@redhat.com) - Log a more descriptive error when setfiles fails (#1499771) (bcl@redhat.com) - Add /usr/share/lorax/templates.d ownership to lorax-templates-generic (bcl@redhat.com) - Add dependencies for SE/HMC (vponcova@redhat.com) - Allow installpkgs to do version pinning through globbing (claudioz@fb.com) - Storaged re-merged with udisks2 upstream (sgallagh@redhat.com) * Thu Oct 19 2017 Brian C. Lane 28.1-1 - Use bytes when writing strings in mk-s390-cdboot (#1504026) (bcl@redhat.com) * Tue Oct 17 2017 Brian C. Lane 28.0-1 - Add make test target and update .gitignore (atodorov@redhat.com) - Add first unit test so we can start collecting coverage (atodorov@redhat.com) - Convert mk-s390-cdboot to python3 (#1497141) (bcl@redhat.com) - Update false positives (atodorov@redhat.com) - Rename parameters to match names that dnf uses (atodorov@redhat.com) - Don't override 'line' from outer scope (atodorov@redhat.com) - Add swaplabel command (vponcova@redhat.com) * Wed Sep 27 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.11-1 - s390 doesn't need to graft product.img and updates.img into /images (#1496461) (bcl@redhat.com) - distribute the mk-s390-cdboot utility (dan@danny.cz) - update graft variable in s390 template (dan@danny.cz) * Mon Sep 18 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.10-1 - Restore all of the grub2-tools on x86_64 and i386 (#1492197) (bcl@redhat.com) * Fri Aug 25 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.9-1 - x86.tmpl: initially define compressargs as empty string (awilliam@redhat.com) - x86.tmpl: ensure efiarch64 is defined (awilliam@redhat.com) * Thu Aug 24 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.8-1 - Fix grub2-efi-ia32-cdboot and shim-ia32 bits. (pjones@redhat.com) * Thu Aug 24 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.7-1 - Make 64-bit kernel on 32-bit firmware work for x86 efi machines (pjones@redhat.com) - Don't install rdma bits on 32-bit ARM (#1483278) (awilliam@redhat.com) * Mon Aug 14 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.6-1 - Add creation of a bootable s390 iso (#1478448) (bcl@redhat.com) - Add mk-s360-cdboot utility (#1478448) (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix systemctl command (#1478247) (bcl@redhat.com) - Add version output (#1335456) (bcl@redhat.com) - Include the dracut fips module in the initrd (#1341280) (bcl@redhat.com) - Make sure loop device is setup (#1462150) (bcl@redhat.com) * Wed Aug 02 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.5-1 - runtime-cleanup: preserve a couple more gstreamer libs (awilliam@redhat.com) - perl is needed on all arches now (dennis@ausil.us) * Mon Jul 10 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.4-1 - runtime-cleanup.tmpl: don't delete localedef (jlebon@redhat.com) * Tue Jun 20 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.3-1 - Don't remove libmenu.so library during cleanup on PowerPC (sinny@redhat.com) * Thu Jun 01 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.2-1 - Remove filegraft from arm.tmpl (#1457906) (bcl@redhat.com) - Use anaconda-core to detect buildarch (sgallagh@redhat.com) * Wed May 31 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.1-1 - arm.tmpl import basename (#1457055) (bcl@redhat.com) * Tue May 30 2017 Brian C. Lane 27.0-1 - Bump version to 27.0 (bcl@redhat.com) - Try all packages when installpkg --optional is used. (bcl@redhat.com) - Add support for aarch64 live images (bcl@redhat.com) - pylint: Ignore different argument lengths for dnf callback. (bcl@redhat.com) - Adds additional callbacks keyword for start() (jmracek@redhat.com) - Add ppc64-diag for Power64 platforms (pbrobinson@gmail.com) - livemedia-creator: Add release license files to / of the iso (bcl@redhat.com) - lorax: Add release license files to / of the iso (bcl@redhat.com) - INSTALL_ROOT and LIVE_ROOT are not available during %%post (bcl@redhat.com) - Add --noverifyssl to lorax (#1430483) (bcl@redhat.com)