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1.04: 2000/6/17, add "load" button to svm-toy. README
file updated.
2.0: 2000/8, major updates. Include nu-svm, one-class svm, and svr
2.01: 2000/9/22, correct the calculation of obj value and number of bounded support vectors
2.02: 2000/9/29, replace b^2/2 newsvm to regular nu svm.
2.03: 2000/10/24 some improvements on the computational speed
2.1: 2000/12/19 Java version included, regression demonstrated in svm-toy
2.2: 2001/1/16 multi-class classification, nu-SVR, remove epsilon_a
2.3: 2001/3/15 c+-, cross validation, fix some minor bugs
2.31: 2001/4/12 fix one bug on one-class SVM, use float for Cache
2.32: 2001/9/23
1. max line number of svm-scale now dynamic
2. gcc 3.0 problem: now g++ always used
3. java code in a "libsvm" package
4. avoid a problem when compiled with Borland C++ builder
2.33: 2001/12/1
Python interface added
2.34: 2002/6/15
Add the subroutine svm_check_parameter in svm.cpp
--> better error handling
fix bug of python interface for handling different weights
fix bug of cross validation in svm-train.c
2.35: 2002/6/16
libsvm.jar was not compiled correctly in 2.34
2.36: 2002/8/4 added: contour plot of CV accuracy
fix several bugs
2.4: 2003/4/1
non-psd kernel using max(...,0) in svm.cpp
python interface
python interface bug (nu-svm)
-log2c and -log2c for
output current best
coarse grid as default (2)
ssh for
improvements of scaling
2.5: 2003/11/13
subroutines for accessing decision values and number of labels.
for svm.cpp, java, and python interface
fix bug of svm-scale.c (about -r and -s factors)
use fscanf but not sscanf in svm-predict.c (faster)
makefile for windows
add "using namespace std;" in some .java files
improve output cv rate, error messages printed
better checking
better python interface example
and some minor updates
2.6: 2004/04/01
Probability estimates for classification/regression
Python interface: use swig 1.3 instead of 1.1
Cross validation becomes a library subroutine
A few minor corrections: (not completely listed)
more interface functions such as getting svm_type
print nu only when Cp=Cn
floor division in python interface
2.7: 2004/11/10
Stratified cross validation
Better faq
Scaling: support storing the factor of y
A few minor updates:
class QMatrix added
improve the use of and on windows same CV and same g: use smaller C
sparse input for python interface
working set selection: < to <=
2.71: 2004/11/20
fix a java bug introduced from 2.6 to 2.7
2.8: 2005/04/01
new working set selection via second order information
fix minor changes/corrections:
problem when cache size less than two kernel columns
-v #data -> stratified CV is not loo -> ensure loo is done
problem of typing "svm-train -c" only
problem of "svm-train -n 1 -s 3 ..."
python interface makefile: -fPIC for 32/64bit
color change in svmtoy
makefile in building QT svmtoy
2.81: 2005/11/20
add a python script for subsampling
slightly modify the working set so it's exact the same as the paper
default cache size to 100 MB
2.82: 2006/04/01
precomputed kernel
directly implement a fast powi() function
poly degree double to int
minor corrections:
java code for CV
2.83: 2006/11/17
Fix the bug of -t 3
better checking load/save in svm-train.c/svm-predict.c/svm.cpp
remove redundant var pos in svm_predict_values (thanks to Albert Strasheim)
Better descriptions in README for the precomputed kernel
2.84: 2007/04/01
Improve the shrinking code: faster for some cases
Code more 64-bit friendly: allow large -m
In Solver, b is replaced by p
Subroutine max_violating_pair removed. Things are directly
written in do_shrinking().
Modify do_shrinking() so variable names are the same as libsvm
2.85: 2007/11/6
fix minor memory leak in svm-predict.c
add tools/
java to 1.5
Makefile: CXX? avoid warning from .net 2005
avoid warning of gcc 4.2
sigma 0.001 to 1e-12; in Newton direction of prob output
2 * (long int) l avoid warning of old Visual C++ avoid gnuplot problem on windows
2.86: 2008/04/01
svm-scale for java
version number in svm.h and svm.m4
rename svmtrain.exe to svm-train.exe
python: while 1 --> while True, Popen -> call
show best parameters on the contour of
2.87: 2008/10/13
svm-toy/qt updated to qt4 from qt3
fix a bug in svm-scale.c
max feature index of -r file is considered
Makefile: add make lib; add -Wconversion and -fPIC in Makefile
Add "rb" in load_model of svm.cpp
Simplify do_shrinking of svm.cpp
Change the order of loops in reconstrict_gradient of svm.cpp
save the number of kernel evaluations
Add python/
2.88: 2008/10/30
better gradient reconstructions
issue a warning when -h 0 may be faster
2.89: 2009/04/01
reduce input/loading time of svm-train/svm-predict by half
pointer function so users can specify their own outputs
remove info_flush()
a extern variable libsvm_version
svm-train -q option (disable outputs)
svm-scale: warning if more nonzero produced popel.communiate() to avoid some deadlock (if lots of
outputs when #classes is large)
2.9: 2009/11/1
tools/*.py can be run under python 3.0
svm_set_quiet() in python interface to disable outputs
check gamma < 0
internal functions to be static
2.91: 2010/04/01
completely new python interface using ctype
new way to set the print_string function
Java: able to load model from a BufferedReader directly
fix so -log2c can be run under python 2.6 or after
3.0: 2010/09/13
Move model structure to svm.h
Two functions for freeing a model (content or the whole model)
QD from Qfloat to double (better precision because SSE on 64-bit machines less accurate than i387 on 32-bit
exit status for
old python interface (swig) is removed
3.1: 2011/04/01
MATLAB interface:
Merge matlab interface to core libsvm
Using mexPrintf() when calling info() in MATLAB interface.
Both 32- and 64-bit windows binary files are provided
Math.random is replaced by Random in java interface
Python interface:
i subroutines to get SVs
relative path to load *.dll and *.so
null pointer check before release memory in svm_free_model_content()
svm_destroy_model() no longer supported.
svm-train.c and svm-predict.c
Better format check in reading data labels
fix the svm_toy dialog path
Using new string formatting/encoding in tools/*.py
clearer png output, fix legend
3.11: 2011/11/5
Set max number of iterations in the main loop of solvers
new make.m for unix/mac/windows and for matlab/octave
matlab and python:
fix a problem that decision values returned by svmpredict is empty if number of classes = 1
3.12: 2012/04/01
svm-toy: support loading/saving of regression data
python interface: handle the issue of the "0th" feature if using lists
tools/ not redrawing contour if c,g, cv doesn't change
add setlocale when saving and loading model so not affected by users' locale
3.13: 2012/11/06
svm.c and svm.h:
add sv_indices in model structure, so users can know which training instances are SVs
two library funs svm_get_sv_indices and svm_get_nr_sv are added
max_iter warning moved to stderr so -q won't disable it
usage modified to stress that multiclass is supported
add -q for svm-predict
issue a warning if feature indices do not start from 1
issue a warning for inconsistency between scaling-factor file and input file
tools: is written to be much faster
3.14: 2012/11/16
fix a bug: we didn't re-compile windows binary after updating svm.def
3.15: 2013/1/27
fix the bug of not freeing sv_indices
-null option: allow the search on C or g only
-resume option: resume tasks from an earlier run
can be called as a python module
python interface:
local package searched first
libsvm options can be str or list becomes print(param)
3.16: 2013/1/27
tools/: fails in 3.15. Fix it by modifying
3.17: 2013/04/01
if class labels are 1 and -1, ensure labels[0] = 1 and labels[1] = -1
initialize model->sv_indices as null in svm_load_model
if nr_fold > # data, change nr_fold to be # data and ro leave-one-out cv
matlab interface:
handle the problem where output variables are not specified
3.18: 2014/04/01
svm.cpp and svm-scale.c:
check return values of fscanf
matlab interface:
Makefile no longer handles octave because make.m should be used
3.19: 2014/10/27
use size_t rather than long int in some places for 64-bit windows support
matlab interface:
use size_t and mwIndex to avoid type conversions
python interface:
use __all__
3.20: 2014/11/15
matlab interface:
fix a bug in libsvmwrite.c introduced in 3.19 (cannot run on windows)