# fedpkg compile/install/local/mockbuild does not handle --without ATM,
# so it is necessary to change this to bcond_with to achieve the same
# effect
%bcond_with langpacks
%bcond_without langpacks
%if %{with langpacks}
# generated by %%langpack definitions
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Summary: Free Software Productivity Suite
Name: libreoffice
Epoch: 1
Version: %{libo_version}.1
Release: 2%{?libo_prerelease}%{?dist}
Release: 3%{?libo_prerelease}%{?dist}
License: (MPLv1.1 or LGPLv3+) and LGPLv3 and LGPLv2+ and BSD and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2 or LGPLv2 or Netscape) and Public Domain and ASL 2.0 and Artistic and MPLv2.0