Name: libgta Version: 1.0.2 Release: 3%{?dist} Summary: Library that implements the Generic Tagged Arrays file format Group: System Environment/Libraries License: LGPLv2+ URL: Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.xz BuildRequires: doxygen BuildRequires: bzip2-devel BuildRequires: zlib-devel BuildRequires: xz-devel %description Libgta is a portable library that implements the GTA (Generic Tagged Arrays) file format. It provides interfaces for C and C++. %package devel Summary: Development Libraries for %{name} Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: pkgconfig %description devel The %{name}-devel package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use %{name}. %package doc Summary: API documentation for %{name} Group: Documentation Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} BuildArch: noarch %description doc The %{name}-doc package contains HTML API documentation and examples for %{name}. %prep %setup -q # Preserve date for headers # Sent to sed -i 's/-m 644/-pm 644/' configure %build %configure --disable-static make %{?_smp_mflags} %install make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} # Remove documentation; will install it with doc macro rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_docdir} # Don't build and run the checks # Checks must be interrupted %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %doc COPYING AUTHORS README %{_libdir}/%{name}.so.* %files devel %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gta.pc %{_includedir}/gta %{_libdir}/%{name}.so %files doc %doc doc/example* %doc doc/reference %changelog * Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.2-3 - Rebuilt for * Tue Feb 7 2012 Volker Fröhlich 1.0.2-2 - Add a doc sub-package for API documentation * Thu Jan 28 2012 Volker Fröhlich 1.0.2-1 - New upstream release - Remove DESTDIR correction for install-exec-hook (now upstream) * Thu Jan 5 2012 Volker Fröhlich 1.0.1-1 - Initial package for Fedora