@ -1,25 +1,20 @@
%global apiversion 0.1
Name: libetonyek
Version: 0.1.11~20230802.git9c3a8cb
Version: 0.1.10
Release: %autorelease
Summary: A library for import of Apple iWork documents
License: MPL-2.0
URL: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/DLP/Libraries/libetonyek
# Source: http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/src/%%{name}/%%{name}-%%{version}.tar.xz
# Sources have been prepared by cloning the master branch of git repo at
# https://git.libreoffice.org/libetonyek
Source: %{name}-20230802-git9c3a8cb.tar.xz
Source: http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/src/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
BuildRequires: automake
BuildRequires: boost-devel
BuildRequires: doxygen
BuildRequires: gcc-c++
BuildRequires: glm-devel
BuildRequires: gperf
BuildRequires: help2man
BuildRequires: libtool
BuildRequires: make
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(cppunit)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(liblangtag)
@ -58,10 +53,9 @@ Tools to transform Apple iWork documents into other formats. Currently
supported: CSV, HTML, SVG, text, and raw.
%autosetup -p1 -n %{name}
%autosetup -p1
autoreconf -i -f
%configure --disable-silent-rules --disable-static --disable-werror --with-mdds=2.1
sed -i \
-e 's|^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=.*|hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=""|g' \
@ -98,6 +92,7 @@ fi
%files devel
%doc ChangeLog