You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

498 lines
19 KiB

# debug info seem not works with D compiler
%global snapdate 20130805
%global ldc_rev 967b986
%global phobos_rev 89a2295
%global druntime_rev 6c6a4a1
%global alphatag %{snapdate}git%{ldc_rev}
%global phobostag %{snapdate}git%{phobos_rev}
%global druntimetag %{snapdate}git%{druntime_rev}
# The source for this package was pulled from upstream's git.
# Use the following commands to generate the tarball:
# git clone ldc
# cd ldc; git submodule update -i
# git rev-parse --short HEAD -> for ldc_rev
# git checkout %%ldc_rev
# git archive --prefix=ldc-%%{alphatag}/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../ldc-%%{alphatag}.tar.xz
# cd runtime/druntime; git rev-parse --short HEAD -> for druntime_rev
# git archive --prefix=runtime/druntime/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../../../ldc-druntime-%%{druntimetag}.tar.xz
# cd ../phobos; git rev-parse --short HEAD -> for phobos_rev
# git archive --prefix=runtime/phobos/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../../../ldc-phobos-%%{phobostag}.tar.xz
Name: ldc
13 years ago
Version: 2
Release: 53.%{alphatag}%{?dist}
14 years ago
Summary: A compiler for the D programming language
Group: Development/Languages
# The DMD frontend in dmd/* GPL version 1 or artistic license
# The files gen/asmstmt.cpp and gen/asm-*.hG PL version 2+ or artistic license
License: BSD
11 years ago
Source0: %{name}-%{alphatag}.tar.xz
Source1: %{name}-phobos-%{phobostag}.tar.xz
Source2: %{name}-druntime-%{druntimetag}.tar.xz
Source3: macros.%{name}
ExcludeArch: %{arm}
BuildRequires: llvm-devel >= 3.0
13 years ago
BuildRequires: libconfig, libconfig-devel
BuildRequires: cmake
13 years ago
BuildRequires: gc, gcc-c++, gcc
11 years ago
BuildRequires: llvm-static
12 years ago
BuildRequires: libcurl-devel
11 years ago
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
Requires: ldc-druntime-devel ldc-phobos-devel
LDC is a compiler for the D programming Language. It is based on the latest DMD
frontend and uses LLVM as backend. LLVM provides a fast and modern backend for
high quality code generation. LDC is released under a BSD license with
exceptions for the DMD frontend and code from GDC.
The development takes place mostly on x86-32 and x86-64 Linux and that is where
LDC works best. Support for other platforms and architectures is under
development, but we are still looking for people to help test and adjust LDC
for those platforms!
LDC already compiles a lot of D code, but should still be considered beta
quality. Take a look at the tickets to get a better impression on what still
needs to be implemented.
%description -l fr_FR
LDC est un compiler pour le langage de programmation D. Il est basé sur la
dernière, interface de DMD et utilise LLVM comme moteur. LLVM est un moteur
rapide pour la génération de code de haute qualité. LDC est publié sous licence
BSD avec des exception pour l'interfaces DMD et le code provenant de GDC.
Le développement se concentre surtout pour les architectures x86 et x86_64
sur Linux et c'est pour cela que LDC travaille bien. le support pour les autres
architectures et plateformes sont en développement, mais nous recherchons
des personnes pour aider au test et amélioré LDC pour ces plateformes.
LDC compile déjà une grande quantité de code D, mais doit encore être considéré
en qualité bêta. Regarder les tickets pour ressentir ce qui doit encore être
13 years ago
%package druntime
Summary: Runtime library for D
13 years ago
Group: Development/Tools
License: Boost
13 years ago
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
13 years ago
%description druntime
Druntime is the minimum library required to support the D programming
language. It includes the system code required to support the garbage
collector, associative arrays, exception handling, array vector operations,
startup/shutdown, etc.
%description druntime -l fr
Druntime est la bibliothèque minimal requise pour supporter la programmation en
D. Est inclut le code système requis pour supporter le ramasse miette, tableau
associatif, gestion des exceptions, opertation sur des vecteurs,
démarage/extinction, etc
%package druntime-devel
Summary: Support for developing D application
Group: Development/Tools
13 years ago
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-druntime = %{version}-%{release}
%description druntime-devel
The druntime-devel package contains header files for developing D
applications that use druntime.
%description druntime-devel -l fr
Le paquet druntime-devel contient les fichiers d'entêtes pour développer
des applications en D utilisant druntime.
13 years ago
%package phobos
Summary: Standard Runtime Library
Group: Development/Tools
License: Boost
13 years ago
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-druntime = %{version}-%{release}
13 years ago
%description phobos
Each module in Phobos conforms as much as possible to the following design
goals. These are goals rather than requirements because D is not a religion,
it's a programming language, and it recognizes that sometimes the goals are
contradictory and counterproductive in certain situations, and programmers have
jobs that need to get done
%description phobos -l fr
Chaque module de Phobos est conforme autant que possible à la conception
suivante objectifs. Ce sont des objectifs plutôt que des exigences car D n'est
pas une religion, c'est un langage de programmation, et il reconnaît que,
parfois, les objectifs sont contradictoire et contre-productive dans certaines
situations, et les programmeurs doivent implémenter d'une certaines manière.
%package phobos-devel
Summary: Support for developing D application
Group: Development/Tools
13 years ago
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-phobos = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-druntime-devel
%description phobos-devel
The phobos-devel package contains header files for developing D
applications that use phobos.
%description phobos-devel -l fr
Le paquet phobos-devel contient les fichiers d'entêtes pour développer
des applications en D utilisant phobos.
%package phobos-geany-tags
Summary: Support for enable autocompletion in geany
Group: Development/Tools
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
13 years ago
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: geany
Requires: geany
%description phobos-geany-tags
Enable autocompletion for phobos library in geany (IDE)
%description -l fr phobos-geany-tags
Active l'autocompletion pour pour la bibliothèque phobos dans geany (IDE)
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{alphatag}
%setup -q -T -D -a 1 -n %{name}-%{alphatag}
%setup -q -T -D -a 2 -n %{name}-%{alphatag}
13 years ago
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/\r//g' {} \;
# temp geany config directory for allow geany to generate tags
mkdir geany_config
make %{?_smp_mflags} VERBOSE=2
# generate geany tags
geany -c geany_config -g phobos.d.tags $(find runtime/phobos/std -name "*.d")
find import -name "*.di" | xargs sed -i "s|%{_buildir}/%{name}-%{alphatag}/runtime/druntime/src|/usr/include/d|g"
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/rpm
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_includedir}/d/ldc
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/geany/tags/
make %{?_smp_mflags} install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
find %{buildroot}/%{_includedir}/d/core -name "*.di" | xargs sed -i "s|\(// D import file generated from \)'/.*/%{name}-%{alphatag}/runtime/druntime/src/\(.*\)'|\1'\2'|"
# macros for D package
install --mode=0644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.ldc
# geany tags
13 years ago
install -m0644 phobos.d.tags %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/geany/tags/
%post druntime -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun druntime -p /sbin/ldconfig
%post phobos -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun phobos -p /sbin/ldconfig
13 years ago
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ldc2.rebuild.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ldc2.conf
%config %{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.ldc
13 years ago
%config %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/ldc
13 years ago
%files druntime
%doc runtime/druntime/LICENSE runtime/druntime/README
11 years ago
13 years ago
%files druntime-devel
13 years ago
13 years ago
%files phobos
%doc runtime/phobos/LICENSE_1_0.txt
11 years ago
%files phobos-devel
%dir %{_includedir}/d
13 years ago
%files phobos-geany-tags
13 years ago
* Fri Aug 09 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <> - 2-53.20130805git967b986
- Add ExcludeArch arm
* Mon Aug 05 2013 "Jonathan Mercier" <"Jonathan Mercier at gmail dot org"> - 2-52.20130805git967b986
- Update to rev 967b986
* Sun Aug 04 2013 "Jonathan Mercier" <"Jonathan Mercier at gmail dot org"> - 2-51.20130730git07cb4cc
- Update to rev 07cb4cc
* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2-50.20130623git9facd25
- Rebuilt for
11 years ago
* Wed Jun 26 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-49.20130623git9facd25
- Update url and add macros.ldc into git repo
* Mon Jun 24 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-48.20130623git9facd25
- Add phobos and druntimeas as ldc's require
* Sun Jun 23 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-47.20130623git9facd25
- Update to rev 9facd25
* Tue Jun 11 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-46.20130611git39637c8
- Update to rev 39637c8
* Tue Jun 11 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-45.20130610git354e271
- Update to rev 354e271
* Mon Jun 10 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-44.20130610gitbf0e03d
- Update to rev bf0e03d
* Sun Jun 09 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-43.20130607gitf7aac52
- Update to rev f7aac52
* Fri May 24 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-42.20130519git6e57b6c
- Update to rev 6e57b6c
* Sat May 18 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-41.20130513git23df06a
- Fix zlib require
* Sat May 18 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-40.20130513git23df06a
- Fix bogus date
* Fri May 17 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-39.20130513git23df06a
- add zlib as build require
* Fri May 17 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-38.20130513git23df06a
- bump
* Fri May 17 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-37.20130513git23df06a
- bump
* Wed May 15 2013 <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject dot org> - 2-36.20130513git23df06a
- Update to rev 23df06a
* Fri May 10 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-35.20130510git91d653c
- Update to rev 91d653c
* Thu May 09 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-34.20130509git8f26877
- Update to rev 8f26877
* Thu May 09 2013 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-33.20130506git51e1a6c
- Update to rev 51e1a6c
* Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2-32.20121007git0777102
- Rebuilt for
12 years ago
* Tue Oct 09 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-31.20121007git0777102
- Update to latest revision
12 years ago
* Wed Oct 03 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-30.20121003gitb8e62b8
- update ldc to rev b8e62b8
* Wed Sep 26 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-29.20120921git8968103
- ldc own D include dir
- Update to dmdfe 2.060
* Sat Aug 11 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-28.20120811git34d595d
- Update ldc
* Thu Jul 26 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-27.20120720git5f15b30
- fix link against libcurl
* Sun Jul 22 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-26.20120624gitcef19fb
- Update to use llvm 3.1
* Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2-15.201210307git43667e1
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jun 26 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-24.20120624gitcef19fb
- Fix doc generation bug
* Mon Jun 25 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-23.20120624gitcef19fb
- update ldc
* Fri Jun 15 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-22.20120613git3eef7b7
- update ldc
* Wed Jun 06 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-21.20120606git1c301aa
- fix imported di file
* Sun Jun 03 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-18.20120602git260faae
- remove buildroot path into .di file
11 years ago
* Sat Jun 02 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-17.20120602gitd24592b
- fix bug to able tango build bis
11 years ago
* Sat Jun 02 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-16.20120602git509a579
- fix bug to able tango build
* Fri May 25 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-15.20120525git1805e53
- update to latest rev dmdfe 2.059
* Mon Mar 12 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-14.201210307git43667e1
- update to latest rev
* Tue Feb 28 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2-13.201210215git5af48ed
- Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage
11 years ago
* Sat Feb 18 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-12.201210218git53f9964
13 years ago
- Update to latest revision
- update dmdfe to 2.058
- ldc has new parameter -soname
- fix library creation when multiple object files
- fix phobos and druntime soname
13 years ago
* Mon Feb 13 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 2-11.201210207git72d510c
- update to latest revision
- update dmdfe to 2.057
- fix tango build for 32 bit
11 years ago
* Thu Jan 05 2012 Jonathan MERCIER <> - 2-10.20111206gitfa5fb92
- fix doc for devhelp
11 years ago
* Fri Dec 09 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <> - 2-9.20111206gitfa5fb92
13 years ago
- Add doc for devhelp
11 years ago
* Tue Dec 06 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <> - 2-8.20111206gitfa5fb92
- Put %%{_d_includedir}/core into druntime-devel package
11 years ago
* Tue Dec 06 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <> - 2-8.20111206git641cc85
- Update compiler to latest revision
- Update runtime to latest revision
- Update phobos to latest revision
11 years ago
* Thu Dec 01 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <> - 2-7.20111117git4add11b
- Update to latest revision
- fix dependencies
11 years ago
* Wed Nov 09 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <> - 2-6.20111112gitd9da872
- Update to latest revision
11 years ago
* Wed Nov 09 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <> - 2-5.20110911git3cf958ad
- Update to latest revision
* Sat Sep 17 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <> - 2-4.20110915git423076d
- Update to latest revision
11 years ago
* Wed Aug 03 2011 Michel Salim <> - 2-3.20110801git58d40d2
- Rebuild against final LLVM 2.9 release
11 years ago
* Mon Aug 01 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> 2-2.20110801git58d40d2
- update LDC2 from upstream
13 years ago
* Tue Jul 26 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> 2-2.20110826hg1991
- update LDC2 from upstream
* Sun Mar 06 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> 2-1.20110615hg1965
- update to LDC2
* Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.9.2-31.20110115hg1832
- Rebuilt for
11 years ago
* Sun Jan 16 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-30.20110115hg1832
update to latest revision 1832
11 years ago
* Fri Jan 07 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-29.20110110hg1828
update to latest revision 1828
14 years ago
11 years ago
* Fri Jan 07 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-28.20110105hg1812
update to latest revision 1812
14 years ago
11 years ago
* Wed Jan 05 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-27.20110102hg1705
- update to latest revision 1705
11 years ago
* Sun Nov 14 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-25.20101114hg1698
14 years ago
- update to latest revision 1698
14 years ago
- several bug fix
11 years ago
* Wed Oct 20 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-23.20101004hg1666
14 years ago
- add patch for llvm 2.8
11 years ago
* Fri Oct 15 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-22.20101004hg1666
14 years ago
- update to new release 1666
11 years ago
* Sat Sep 18 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-21.20100928hg1665
- update to new release 1665
11 years ago
* Sat Sep 18 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-20.20100927hg1664
- update to new release 1664
11 years ago
* Sat Sep 18 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-19.20100905hg1659
14 years ago
- update to new release 1659
11 years ago
* Sat Sep 04 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-18.20100904hg1657
14 years ago
- update to new release 1657
11 years ago
* Thu Aug 26 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-17.20100609hg1655
14 years ago
- use %%{_libdir} instead %%{_libdir}/d
11 years ago
* Thu Aug 12 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-16.20100609hg1655
- fix minor bug in /etc/ldc.conf
11 years ago
* Thu Aug 12 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-15.20100609hg1655
- fix minor bug in /etc/ldc.conf
11 years ago
* Thu Aug 12 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-14.20100609hg1655
- fix critical bug in /etc/ldc.conf
11 years ago
* Wed Aug 11 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-13.20100609hg1655
- fix critical bug in /etc/ldc.conf
11 years ago
* Sat Aug 07 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-12.20100609hg1655
- Update to revision 1655
11 years ago
* Mon Aug 02 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-12.20100609hg1654
- Add patch
11 years ago
* Mon Aug 02 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-11.20100609hg1654
- Add %%{?_smp_mflags} macro for makefile
- Add flag -O2 for good optimizations in %%{_d_optflags} macro
11 years ago
* Sun Aug 01 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-10.20100609hg1654
- Update to revision 1654
11 years ago
* Thu Jul 29 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-9.20100609hg1653
- add %%{_d_libdir} macro in macros.ldc
- fix lib path in ldc.conf
11 years ago
* Wed Jul 28 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-8.20100609hg1653
- Using macro for D package
11 years ago
* Tue Jul 27 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-7.20100609hg1653
- Fix macros.ldc name
11 years ago
* Tue Jul 27 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-6.20100609hg1653
- Add %%{_sysconfdir}/rpm/maco.ldc file for new macro
- Fix alphatag to YYYYMMDD instead YYYYDDMM
11 years ago
* Sun Jul 25 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-5.20100706hg1653
- Fix ldc.rebuild.conf file
11 years ago
* Thu Jul 15 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-4.20100706hg1653
- Add gcc in require
11 years ago
* Thu Jul 01 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-3.20100706hg1653
- Perform french description
11 years ago
* Thu Jun 24 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-2.20100706hg1653
- Explain why .emty file is removed
11 years ago
* Wed Jun 23 2010 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at> - 0.9.2-1.20100706hg1653
- Initial release