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110 lines
3.6 KiB
110 lines
3.6 KiB
Name: jdom2
Version: 2.0.5
Release: 2%{?dist}
Summary: Java manipulation of XML made easy
License: ASL 1.1 or BSD
# originally taken from
Source1: jdom-contrib-template.pom
Source2: jdom-junit-template.pom
# Use system libraries
# Disable gpg signatures
# Process contrib and junit pom files
Patch0: jdom-2.0.5-build.patch
BuildRequires: java-devel
BuildRequires: java-javadoc
BuildRequires: jpackage-utils
BuildRequires: ant
BuildRequires: ant-junit
BuildRequires: bea-stax-api
BuildRequires: cobertura
BuildRequires: isorelax
BuildRequires: jakarta-oro
BuildRequires: jaxen
BuildRequires: log4j
BuildRequires: objectweb-asm3
BuildRequires: xalan-j2
BuildRequires: xerces-j2
BuildRequires: xml-commons-apis
Requires: java
Requires: jpackage-utils
Requires: jaxen
Requires: xalan-j2
Requires: xerces-j2
BuildArch: noarch
JDOM is a Java-oriented object model which models XML documents.
It provides a Java-centric means of generating and manipulating
XML documents. While JDOM inter-operates well with existing
standards such as the Simple API for XML (SAX) and the Document
Object Model (DOM), it is not an abstraction layer or
enhancement to those APIs. Rather, it seeks to provide a robust,
light-weight means of reading and writing XML data without the
complex and memory-consumptive options that current API
offerings provide.
%package javadoc
Summary: Javadoc for %{name}
%description javadoc
This package contains javadoc for %{name}.
%setup -q -n jdom-JDOM-%{version}
find . -name "*.class" -print -delete
find . -name "*.jar" -print -delete
%patch0 -p0
sed -i "s|%{_javadir}/objectweb-asm|%{_javadir}/objectweb-asm3|" build.xml
cp -p %{SOURCE1} maven/contrib.pom
cp -p %{SOURCE2} maven/junit.pom
sed -i 's/\r//' LICENSE.txt README.txt
ant -Dversion=%{version} -Dj2se.apidoc=%{_javadocdir}/java maven
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/%{name}
install -m 644 build/package/jdom-%{version}.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/%{name}/%{name}.jar
install -m 644 build/package/jdom-%{version}-contrib.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/%{name}/%{name}-contrib.jar
install -m 644 build/package/jdom-%{version}-junit.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/%{name}/%{name}-junit.jar
# Not required process as compat package: aId is jdom2 by default
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mavenpomdir}
install -pm 644 build/maven/core/%{name}-%{version}.pom %{buildroot}%{_mavenpomdir}/JPP.%{name}-%{name}.pom
%add_maven_depmap JPP.%{name}-%{name}.pom %{name}/%{name}.jar
install -pm 644 build/maven/core/%{name}-%{version}-contrib.pom %{buildroot}%{_mavenpomdir}/JPP.%{name}-%{name}-contrib.pom
%add_maven_depmap JPP.%{name}-%{name}-contrib.pom %{name}/%{name}-contrib.jar
install -pm 644 build/maven/core/%{name}-%{version}-junit.pom %{buildroot}%{_mavenpomdir}/JPP.%{name}-%{name}-junit.pom
%add_maven_depmap JPP.%{name}-%{name}-junit.pom %{name}/%{name}-junit.jar
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}
cp -rp build/apidocs %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
%files javadoc
%doc LICENSE.txt
* Thu Nov 14 2013 gil cattaneo <> 2.0.5-2
- use objectweb-asm3
* Thu Sep 12 2013 gil cattaneo <> 2.0.5-1
- initial rpm |