@ -3,6 +3,287 @@ Key:
JDK-X - https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-X
CVE-XXXX-YYYY: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=XXXX-YYYY
New in release OpenJDK 8u432 (2024-10-15):
Live versions of these release notes can be found at:
* https://bit.ly/openjdk8u432
* CVEs
- CVE-2024-21208
- CVE-2024-21210
- CVE-2024-21217
- CVE-2024-21235
* Security fixes
- JDK-8290367, JDK-8332643: Update default value and extend the scope of com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData system property
- JDK-8313626, JDK-8307769: C2 crash due to unexpected exception control flow
- JDK-8328286: Enhance HTTP client
- JDK-8328544: Improve handling of vectorization
- JDK-8328726: Better Kerberos support
- JDK-8331446: Improve deserialization support
- JDK-8332644: Improve graph optimizations
- JDK-8335713: Enhance vectorization analysis
* Other changes
- JDK-4660158: TTY: NumberFormatException while trying to set values by 'set' command
- JDK-6544871: java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyTyped/CtrlASCII.html fails from jdk b09 on windows.
- JDK-7188098: TEST_BUG: closed/javax/sound/midi/Synthesizer/Receiver/bug6186488.java fails
- JDK-8021775: compiler/8009761/Test8009761.java "Failed: init recursive calls: 51. After deopt 50"
- JDK-8030204: com/sun/jdi/JdbExprTest.sh: Required output "Can\\'t convert 2147483648 to int" not found
- JDK-8030795: java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ForceLoad.java failing with ServiceConfigurationError without jtreg -agentvm option
- JDK-8035395: sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/JMXStartStopTest.java fails intermittently: Port already in use
- JDK-8075511: Enable -Woverloaded-virtual C++ warning for HotSpot build
- JDK-8137329: [windows] Build broken on VS2010 after "8046148: JEP 158: Unified JVM Logging"
- JDK-8145919: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiSslBootstrapTest failed with Connection failed for no credentials
- JDK-8152207: Perform array bound checks while getting a length of bytecode instructions
- JDK-8193682: Infinite loop in ZipOutputStream.close()
- JDK-8196770: Add JNDI test com/sun/jndi/ldap/blits/AddTests/AddNewEntry.java
- JDK-8221903: PIT: javax/swing/RepaintManager/IconifyTest/IconifyTest.java fails on ubuntu18.04
- JDK-8233364: Fix undefined behavior in Canonicalizer::do_ShiftOp
- JDK-8238274: (sctp) JDK-7118373 is not fixed for SctpChannel
- JDK-8251188: Update LDAP tests not to use wildcard addresses
- JDK-8264328: Broken license in javax/swing/JComboBox/8072767/bug8072767.java
- JDK-8266248: Compilation failure in PLATFORM_API_MacOSX_MidiUtils.c with Xcode 12.5
- JDK-8278794: Infinite loop in DeflaterOutputStream.finish()
- JDK-8279164: Disable TLS_ECDH_* cipher suites
- JDK-8281096: Flags introduced by configure script are not passed to ADLC build
- JDK-8284771: java/util/zip/CloseInflaterDeflaterTest.java failed with "AssertionError: Expected IOException to be thrown, but nothing was thrown"
- JDK-8298887: On the latest macOS+XCode the Robot API may report wrong colors
- JDK-8299677: Formatter.format might take a long time to format an integer or floating-point
- JDK-8305400: ISO 4217 Amendment 175 Update
- JDK-8305931: jdk/jfr/jcmd/TestJcmdDumpPathToGCRoots.java failed with "Expected chains but found none"
- JDK-8307779: Relax the java.awt.Robot specification
- JDK-8309138: Fix container tests for jdks with symlinked conf dir
- JDK-8311666: Disabled tests in test/jdk/sun/java2d/marlin
- JDK-8315117: Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.3
- JDK-8315863: [GHA] Update checkout action to use v4
- JDK-8316328: Test jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/TestSanityDefault.java times out for some heap sizes
- JDK-8318039: GHA: Bump macOS and Xcode versions
- JDK-8318951: Additional negative value check in JPEG decoding
- JDK-8320964: sun/tools/native2ascii/Native2AsciiTests.sh fails on Japanese
- JDK-8321480: ISO 4217 Amendment 176 Update
- JDK-8324632: Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.3.1
- JDK-8324723: GHA: Upgrade some actions to avoid deprecated Node 16
- JDK-8326351: Update the Zlib version in open/src/java.base/share/legal/zlib.md to 1.3.1
- JDK-8326521: JFR: CompilerPhase event test fails on windows 32 bit
- JDK-8326529: JFR: Test for CompilerCompile events fails due to time out
- JDK-8327007: javax/swing/JSpinner/8008657/bug8008657.java fails
- JDK-8330415: Update system property for Java SE specification maintenance version
- JDK-8331730: [8u] GHA: update sysroot for cross builds to Debian bullseye
- JDK-8333126: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u432
- JDK-8333669: [8u] GHA: Dead VS2010 download link
- JDK-8333724: Problem list security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/CAInterop.java#teliasonerarootcav1
- JDK-8334653: ISO 4217 Amendment 177 Update
- JDK-8334905: [8u] The test java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/JButtonOverlapping.java started to fail after 8159690
- JDK-8335851: [8u] Test JMXStartStopTest.java fails after JDK-8334415
- JDK-8335894: [8u] Fix SupplementalJapaneseEraTest.java for jdks with symlinked conf dir
- JDK-8336928: GHA: Bundle artifacts removal broken
- JDK-8337110: [8u] TestNoEagerReclaimOfHumongousRegions.java should be in gc/g1 directory
- JDK-8337312: [8u] Windows x86 VS2010 build broken by JDK-8320097
- JDK-8337664: Distrust TLS server certificates issued after Oct 2024 and anchored by Entrust Root CAs
- JDK-8338144: [8u] Remove duplicate license files
- JDK-8341057: Add 2 SSL.com TLS roots
- JDK-8341059: Change Entrust TLS distrust date to November 12, 2024
Notes on individual issues:
JDK-8279164: Disable TLS_ECDH_* cipher suites
The TLS_ECDH cipher suites do not preserve forward secrecy and are
rarely used in practice. With this release, they are disabled by
adding "ECDH" to the `jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms` security property in
the `java.security` configuration file. Attempts to use these suites
with this release will result in a `SSLHandshakeException` being
thrown. Note that ECDH cipher suites which use RC4 were already
disabled prior to this change.
Users can, *at their own risk*, remove this restriction by modifying
the `java.security` configuration file (or override it by using the
`java.security.properties` system property) so "ECDH" is no longer
listed in the `jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms` security property.
This change has no effect on TLS_ECDHE cipher suites, which remain
enabled by default.
JDK-8337664: Distrust TLS server certificates issued after Oct 2024 and anchored by Entrust Root CAs
JDK-8341059: Change Entrust TLS distrust date to November 12, 2024
In accordance with similar plans recently announced by Google and
Mozilla, the JDK will not trust Transport Layer Security (TLS)
certificates issued after the 11th of November 2024 which are anchored
by Entrust root certificates. This includes certificates branded as
AffirmTrust, which are managed by Entrust.
Certificates issued on or before November 11th, 2024 will continue to
be trusted until they expire.
If a server's certificate chain is anchored by an affected
certificate, attempts to negotiate a TLS session will fail with an
Exception that indicates the trust anchor is not trusted. For example,
"TLS server certificate issued after 2024-11-11 and anchored by a
distrusted legacy Entrust root CA: CN=Entrust.net Certification
Authority (2048), OU=(c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited,
OU=www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.),
To check whether a certificate in a JDK keystore is affected by this
change, you can the `keytool` utility:
keytool -v -list -alias <your_server_alias> -keystore <your_keystore_filename>
If any of the certificates in the chain are affected by this change,
then you will need to update the certificate or contact the
organisation responsible for managing the certificate.
These restrictions apply to the following Entrust root certificates
included in the JDK:
Alias name: entrustevca [jdk]
CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority
OU=(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc.
OU=www.entrust.net/CPS is incorporated by reference
O=Entrust, Inc.
SHA256: 73:C1:76:43:4F:1B:C6:D5:AD:F4:5B:0E:76:E7:27:28:7C:8D:E5:76:16:C1:E6:E6:14:1A:2B:2C:BC:7D:8E:4C
Alias name: entrustrootcaec1 [jdk]
CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1
OU=(c) 2012 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only
OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms
O=Entrust, Inc.
SHA256: 02:ED:0E:B2:8C:14:DA:45:16:5C:56:67:91:70:0D:64:51:D7:FB:56:F0:B2:AB:1D:3B:8E:B0:70:E5:6E:DF:F5
Alias name: entrustrootcag2 [jdk]
CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2
OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only
OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms
O=Entrust, Inc.
SHA256: 43:DF:57:74:B0:3E:7F:EF:5F:E4:0D:93:1A:7B:ED:F1:BB:2E:6B:42:73:8C:4E:6D:38:41:10:3D:3A:A7:F3:39
Alias name: entrustrootcag4 [jdk]
CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G4
OU=(c) 2015 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only
OU=See www.entrust.net/legal-terms
O=Entrust, Inc.
SHA256: DB:35:17:D1:F6:73:2A:2D:5A:B9:7C:53:3E:C7:07:79:EE:32:70:A6:2F:B4:AC:42:38:37:24:60:E6:F0:1E:88
Alias name: entrust2048ca [jdk]
CN=Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)
OU=(c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited
OU=www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.)
SHA256: 6D:C4:71:72:E0:1C:BC:B0:BF:62:58:0D:89:5F:E2:B8:AC:9A:D4:F8:73:80:1E:0C:10:B9:C8:37:D2:1E:B1:77
Alias name: affirmtrustcommercialca [jdk]
CN=AffirmTrust Commercial
SHA256: 03:76:AB:1D:54:C5:F9:80:3C:E4:B2:E2:01:A0:EE:7E:EF:7B:57:B6:36:E8:A9:3C:9B:8D:48:60:C9:6F:5F:A7
Alias name: affirmtrustnetworkingca [jdk]
CN=AffirmTrust Networking
SHA256: 0A:81:EC:5A:92:97:77:F1:45:90:4A:F3:8D:5D:50:9F:66:B5:E2:C5:8F:CD:B5:31:05:8B:0E:17:F3:F0B4:1B
Alias name: affirmtrustpremiumca [jdk]
CN=AffirmTrust Premium
SHA256: 70:A7:3F:7F:37:6B:60:07:42:48:90:45:34:B1:14:82:D5:BF:0E:69:8E:CC:49:8D:F5:25:77:EB:F2:E9:3B:9A
Alias name: affirmtrustpremiumeccca [jdk]
CN=AffirmTrust Premium ECC
SHA256: BD:71:FD:F6:DA:97:E4:CF:62:D1:64:7A:DD:25:81:B0:7D:79:AD:F8:39:7E:B4:EC:BA:9C:5E:84:88:82:14:23
Users can, *at their own risk*, remove this restriction by modifying
the `java.security` configuration file (or override it by using the
`java.security.properties` system property) so "ENTRUST_TLS" is no
longer listed in the `jdk.security.caDistrustPolicies` security
JDK-8341057: Add 2 SSL.com TLS roots
The following root certificates have been added to the cacerts
Name: SSL.com
Alias Name: ssltlsrootecc2022
Distinguished Name: CN=SSL.com TLS ECC Root CA 2022, O=SSL Corporation, C=US
Name: SSL.com
Alias Name: ssltlsrootrsa2022
Distinguished Name: CN=SSL.com TLS RSA Root CA 2022, O=SSL Corporation, C=US
JDK-8307779: Relax the java.awt.Robot specification
This release of OpenJDK 8 updates to the latest maintenance release of
the Java 8 specification. This relaxes the specification of three
methods in the `java.awt.Robot` class - `mouseMove(int,int)`,
`getPixelColor(int,int)` and `createScreenCapture(Rectangle)` - to
allow these methods to fail when the desktop environment does not
permit moving the mouse pointer or capturing screen content.
JDK-8290367, JDK-8332643: Update default value and extend the scope of com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData system property
With this OpenJDK release, the JDK implementation of the LDAP provider
no longer supports the deserialisation of Java objects by
default. This is achieved by the system property
`com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData` being set to `false` by
Note that this release also increases the scope of the
`com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData` to cover the reconstruction
of RMI remote objects from the `javaRemoteLocation` LDAP attribute.
The result of this change is that transparent deserialisation of Java
objects will require an explicit opt-in. Applications that wish to
reconstruct Java objects and RMI stubs from LDAP attributes will need
to set the `com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData` to `true`.
JDK-8328286: Enhance HTTP client
This OpenJDK release limits the maximum header field size accepted by
the HTTP client within the JDK for all supported versions of the HTTP
protocol. The header field size is computed as the sum of the size of
the uncompressed header name, the size of the uncompressed header
value and a overhead of 32 bytes for each field section line. If a
peer sends a field section that exceeds this limit, a
`java.net.ProtocolException` will be raised.
This release also introduces a new system property,
`jdk.http.maxHeaderSize`. This property can be used to alter the
maximum header field size (in bytes) or disable it by setting the
value to zero or a negative value. The default value is 393,216 bytes
or 384kB.
JDK-8193682: Infinite loop in ZipOutputStream.close()
In previous releases, the `DeflaterOutputStream.close()`,
`GZIPOutputStream.finish()` and `ZipOutputStream.closeEntry()` methods
did not close the associated default JDK compressor when an exception
was thrown during closure. With this release, the default compressor
is closed before propogating the Throwable up the stack. In the case
of `ZipOutputStream`, this only happens when the exception is not a
New in release OpenJDK 8u422 (2024-07-16):
Live versions of these release notes can be found at: