- Drop celt support, should use opus by default as it's long replaced it

and it has better quality. The upstream celt library has been long
  replaced by opus. Opus is under active development under asigned RFC 6716
  which means since the RFC has been promoted to final it's now a stable
  bit stream. Opus has been enabled since Fedora 18 which is now obsolete
  and opus is avaialble in EPEL
- Re-enable firewire (libffado) support on ARMv7
Peter Robinson 11 years ago
parent dd36d4d30b
commit 7d5ac932f9

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Summary: The Jack Audio Connection Kit
Name: jack-audio-connection-kit
Release: 3%{?dist}
Release: 4%{?dist}
# The entire source (~500 files) is a mixture of these three licenses
License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
Group: System Environment/Daemons
@ -30,18 +30,15 @@ Patch6: jack-ppc64-long.patch
BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
BuildRequires: dbus-devel
BuildRequires: celt-devel
BuildRequires: doxygen
BuildRequires: expat-devel
%ifnarch s390 s390x %{arm}
%ifnarch s390 s390x
BuildRequires: libffado-devel
BuildRequires: libsamplerate-devel
BuildRequires: libsndfile-devel
BuildRequires: ncurses-devel
%if 0%{fedora} > 18
BuildRequires: opus-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: python2
BuildRequires: readline-devel
@ -116,7 +113,7 @@ export PREFIX=%{_prefix}
--doxygen \
--dbus \
--classic \
%ifnarch s390 s390x %{arm}
%ifnarch s390 s390x
--firewire \
--alsa \
@ -250,6 +247,10 @@ exit 0
* Mon Feb 24 2014 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org>
- Drop celt support, should use opus by default as it's long replaced it and it has better quality
- Re-enable firewire (libffado) support on ARMv7
* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> -
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
