%global major_version %%(cut -d "." -f 1 <<<%{version}) # Minimum GNOME Shell version supported %global min_gs_version %%(cut -d "." -f 1-3 <<<%{version}) %global pkg_prefix gnome-shell-extension %global tarball_version %%(echo %{version} | tr '~' '.') Name: gnome-shell-extensions Version: 40.7 Release: 15%{?dist}.inferit.3 Summary: Modify and extend GNOME Shell functionality and behavior License: GPLv2+ URL: http://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShell/Extensions Source0: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/%{name}/%{major_version}/%{name}-%{tarball_version}.tar.xz Source1: classic.json Source2: gnome-classic-xorg.desktop Source3: org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock.gschema.xml BuildRequires: meson BuildRequires: git BuildRequires: gettext >= 0.19.6 Requires: gnome-shell >= %{min_gs_version} BuildArch: noarch Patch001: 0001-Update-style.patch Patch002: 0001-apps-menu-add-logo-icon-to-Applications-menu.patch Patch003: add-extra-extensions.patch Patch004: 0001-apps-menu-Explicitly-set-label_actor.patch Patch005: resurrect-system-monitor.patch Patch006: 0001-Include-top-icons-in-classic-session.patch Patch007: 0001-desktop-icons-Update-Japanese-translation.patch Patch008: desktop-icons-40-fixes.patch Patch009: 0001-top-icons-Don-t-use-wm_class-as-role.patch Patch010: 0001-heads-up-display-Add-extension-for-showing-persisten.patch Patch011: 0001-Add-gesture-inhibitor-extension.patch Patch012: gnome-classic-wayland.patch Patch013: 0001-desktop-icons-Fix-stuck-grab-issue-with-rubber-bandi.patch Patch014: window-list-touch.patch Patch015: 0001-classification-banner-Handle-fullscreen-monitors.patch Patch016: 0001-desktop-icons-Don-t-grab-focus-on-click.patch Patch017: 0001-desktopManager-Hook-into-LayoutManager-to-create-gri.patch Patch018: 0001-gesture-inhibitor-Allow-inhibiting-workspace-switch-.patch Patch019: 0001-desktop-icons-Don-t-use-blocking-IO.patch Patch020: 0001-window-list-Explicitly-dispose-settings-on-destroy.patch Patch021: 0001-desktop-icons-Don-t-try-spawn-with-non-existent-work.patch Patch022: 0001-docking-Only-remove-spacer-if-necessary.patch Patch023: 0001-classification-banner-Hide-from-picks.patch Patch024: prefer-window-icon.patch Patch025: more-ws-previews.patch # MSVSphere Patch1000: 0001-Updated-Russian-translation.patch %description GNOME Shell Extensions is a collection of extensions providing additional and optional functionality to GNOME Shell. Enabled extensions: * apps-menu * auto-move-windows * classification-banner * custom-menu * dash-to-dock * dash-to-panel * desktop-icons * drive-menu * gesture-inhibitor * launch-new-instance * heads-up-display * native-window-placement * panel-favorites * places-menu * screenshot-window-sizer * top-icons * updates-dialog * user-theme * window-list * windowsNavigator * workspace-indicator %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-common Summary: Files common to GNOME Shell Extensions License: GPLv2+ Requires: gnome-shell >= %{min_gs_version} Obsoletes: %{pkg_prefix}-horizontal-workspaces < 40.0~alpha.1-3 %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-common GNOME Shell Extensions is a collection of extensions providing additional and optional functionality to GNOME Shell. This package provides common data files shared by various extensions. %package -n gnome-classic-session Summary: GNOME "classic" mode session License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-apps-menu = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-desktop-icons = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-launch-new-instance = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-places-menu = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-window-list = %{version}-%{release} Requires: nautilus %description -n gnome-classic-session This package contains the required components for the GNOME Shell "classic" mode, which aims to provide a GNOME 2-like user interface. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-apps-menu Summary: Application menu for GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} Requires: gnome-menus %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-apps-menu This GNOME Shell extension adds a GNOME 2.x style menu for applications. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-auto-move-windows Summary: Assign specific workspaces to applications in GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-auto-move-windows This GNOME Shell extension enables easy workspace management. A specific workspace can be assigned to each application as soon as it creates a window, in a manner configurable with a GSettings key. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-classification-banner Summary: Display classification level banner in GNOME Shell Group: User Interface/Desktops License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-classification-banner This GNOME Shell extension adds a banner that displays the classification level. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-custom-menu Summary: Add a custom menu to the desktop Group: User Interface/Desktops License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-custom-menu This GNOME Shell extension adds a custom menu to the desktop background. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-dash-to-dock Summary: Show the dash outside the activities overview License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-dash-to-dock This GNOME Shell extension makes the dash available outside the activities overview. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-dash-to-panel Summary: Show the dash in the top bar License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-dash-to-panel This GNOME Shell extension makes the dash available in the top bar %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-desktop-icons Summary: Desktop icons support for the classic experience License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-desktop-icons This GNOME Shell extension adds desktop icons support as seen in GNOME 2 %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-drive-menu Summary: Drive status menu for GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-drive-menu This GNOME Shell extension provides a panel status menu for accessing and unmounting removable devices. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-gesture-inhibitor Summary: Gesture inhibitor Group: User Interface/Desktops License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-gesture-inhibitor This GNOME Shell extension allows disabling the default desktop gestures. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-launch-new-instance Summary: Always launch a new application instance for GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-launch-new-instance This GNOME Shell extension modifies the behavior of clicking in the dash and app launcher to always launch a new application instance. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-heads-up-display Summary: Display persistent on-screen message Group: User Interface/Desktops License: GPLv3+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-heads-up-display This GNOME Shell extension displays a persistent message in the top middle of the screen. This message can appear on the login screen, lock screen, or regular user session. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-native-window-placement Summary: Native window placement for GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-native-window-placement This GNOME Shell extension provides additional configurability for the window layout in the overview, including a mechanism similar to KDE4. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-panel-favorites Summary: Favorite launchers in GNOME Shell's top bar License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-panel-favorites This GNOME Shell extension adds favorite launchers to the top bar. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-places-menu Summary: Places status menu for GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-places-menu This GNOME Shell extension add a system status menu for quickly navigating places in the system. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-screenshot-window-sizer Summary: Screenshot window sizer for GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-screenshot-window-sizer This GNOME Shell extension allows to easily resize windows for GNOME Software screenshots. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-systemMonitor Summary: System Monitor for GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-systemMonitor This GNOME Shell extension is a message tray indicator for CPU and memory usage %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-top-icons Summary: Show legacy icons on top License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-top-icons This GNOME Shell extension moves legacy tray icons into the top bar %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-updates-dialog Summary: Show a modal dialog when there are software updates License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-updates-dialog This GNOME Shell extension shows a modal dialog when there are software updates %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-user-theme Summary: Support for custom themes in GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-user-theme This GNOME Shell extension enables loading a GNOME Shell theme from ~/.themes//gnome-shell/. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-window-list Summary: Display a window list at the bottom of the screen in GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-window-list This GNOME Shell extension displays a window list at the bottom of the screen. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-windowsNavigator Summary: Support for keyboard selection of windows and workspaces in GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-windowsNavigator This GNOME Shell extension enables keyboard selection of windows and workspaces in overlay mode, by pressing the Alt and Ctrl key respectively. %package -n %{pkg_prefix}-workspace-indicator Summary: Workspace indicator for GNOME Shell License: GPLv2+ Requires: %{pkg_prefix}-common = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{pkg_prefix}-workspace-indicator This GNOME Shell extension add a system status menu for quickly changing workspaces. %prep %autosetup -S git -n %{name}-%{tarball_version} # Update dash-to-dock config cp %{SOURCE3} extensions/dash-to-dock/schemas %build %meson -Dextension_set="all" -Dclassic_mode=true %meson_build %install %meson_install # Run Custom Extensions install -m644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/gnome-shell/modes/classic.json # Install desktop file install -m644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/xsessions/ %find_lang %{name} %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-common -f %{name}.lang %doc NEWS README.md %license COPYING %files -n gnome-classic-session %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/modes/classic.json %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/theme/*.svg %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-classic-high-contrast.css %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-classic.css %{_datadir}/xsessions/gnome-classic.desktop %{_datadir}/xsessions/gnome-classic-xorg.desktop %{_datadir}/wayland-sessions/gnome-classic.desktop %{_datadir}/wayland-sessions/gnome-classic-wayland.desktop %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/00_org.gnome.shell.extensions.classic.gschema.override %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-apps-menu %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/apps-menu*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-auto-move-windows %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.auto-move-windows.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/auto-move-windows*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-classification-banner %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.classification-banner.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/classification-banner*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-custom-menu %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/custom-menu*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-dash-to-dock %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/dash-to-dock*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-dash-to-panel %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/dash-to-panel*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-desktop-icons %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.desktop-icons.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/desktop-icons*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-drive-menu %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/drive-menu*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-gesture-inhibitor %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.gesture-inhibitor.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/gesture-inhibitor*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-launch-new-instance %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/launch-new-instance*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-heads-up-display %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.heads-up-display.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/heads-up-display*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-native-window-placement %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.native-window-placement.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/native-window-placement*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-panel-favorites %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/panel-favorites*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-places-menu %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/places-menu*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-screenshot-window-sizer %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.screenshot-window-sizer.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/screenshot-window-sizer*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-systemMonitor %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/systemMonitor*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-top-icons %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/top-icons*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-updates-dialog %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.updates-dialog.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/updates-dialog*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-user-theme %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.user-theme.gschema.xml %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/user-theme*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-window-list %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/window-list*/ %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.window-list.gschema.xml %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-windowsNavigator %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/windowsNavigator*/ %files -n %{pkg_prefix}-workspace-indicator %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/workspace-indicator*/ %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.workspace-indicator.gschema.xml %changelog * Thu Sep 19 2024 Arkady L. Shane - 40.7-15.inferit.3 - Set 32 as default icon size for dash to dock * Tue Sep 10 2024 Arkady L. Shane - 40.7-15.inferit.2 - Update dash to dock config * Tue May 14 2024 Arkady L. Shane - 40.7-15.inferit.1 - Update Russian translation - Run only several extensions in Classic Mode * Fri Apr 19 2024 Florian Müllner - 40.7-15 - Fix downstream stylesheets Resolves: RHEL-31885 * Thu Apr 18 2024 Florian Müllner - 40.7-14 - Improve workspace previews Resolves: RHEL-31885 * Tue Mar 19 2024 Florian Müllner - 40.7-13 - Prefer window icons in window list Resolves: RHEL-29659 * Fri Feb 02 2024 Florian Müllner - 40.7-12 - Hide classification banners from picks Resolves: RHEL-22789 * Thu Dec 14 2023 Florian Müllner - 40.7-11 - Handle missing main dock when restoring dash Resolves: RHEL-16723 * Tue Nov 07 2023 Florian Müllner - 40.7-10 - Include dash-to-panel extension Resolves: RHEL-14935 * Thu Nov 02 2023 Florian Müllner - 40.7-9 - Fix spawning terminal without desktop directory Resolves: RHEL-15366 * Thu Aug 17 2023 Florian Müllner - 40.7-8 - Rebuild for custom context menu Resolves: #2232332 * Wed Feb 15 2023 Florian Müllner - 40.7-7 - Fix crash on `dconf update` Resolves: #2170067 * Wed Jan 18 2023 Florian Müllner - 40.7-6 - Avoid blocking IO in desktop-icons Resolves: #2162019 * Thu Jan 12 2023 Florian Müllner - 40.7-5 - Add custom-menu extension Resolves: #2160553 * Wed Dec 14 2022 Florian Müllner - 40.7-4 - Adjust classification banner position in fullscreen Resolves: #2153524 - Don't grab focus when clicking desktop grid Resolves: #2150001 - Make desktop icons resilient to background reloads Resolves: #2139895 - Allow disabling workspace switch gesture Resolves: #2154358 * Wed Jun 22 2022 Florian Müllner - 40.7-3 - Improve window-list on touch Resolves: #2099286 * Fri May 13 2022 Florian Müllner - 40.7-2 - Require desktop-icons for classic session Resolves: #2047697 * Wed Apr 13 2022 Florian Müllner - 40.7-1 - Update to 40.7 Resolves: #2066168 * Tue Feb 22 2022 Florian Müllner - 40.6-1 - Update to 40.6 Resolves: #2056410 * Tue Dec 14 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.5-4 - Allow classification banners on lock/login screen Resolves: #2031186 * Tue Dec 14 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.5-3 - Fix classification-banner preferences Resolves: #2031186 * Tue Dec 14 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.5-2 - Add classification-banner Resolves: #2031186 * Mon Dec 13 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.5-1 - Update to 40.5 Resolves: #2031654 * Tue Nov 30 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.4-8 - Fix on-screen keyboard when showing window-list Resolves: #2019866 * Thu Nov 18 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.4-7 - Prevent gnome-shell from re-enabling inhibited gestures Resolves: #2013196 * Mon Nov 08 2021 Jonas Ådahl - 40.4-6 - Fix stuck grab on desktop-icons Resolves: #2019715 * Fri Oct 29 2021 Neal Gompa - 40.4-5 - Backport GNOME Classic session for Wayland Resolves: #2015914 * Wed Oct 20 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.4-4 - Adjust gesture-inhibitor extension to GNOME 40 changes Resolves: #2013196 * Wed Oct 20 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.4-3 - Add gesture-inhibitor extension Resolves: #2013196 * Mon Sep 27 2021 Ray Strode - 40.4-2 - Add extension for displaying heads up message Related: #2006985 * Mon Aug 23 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.4-1 - Update to 40.4 Resolves: #1995095 * Mon Aug 09 2021 Mohan Boddu - 40.3-2 - Rebuilt for IMA sigs, glibc 2.34, aarch64 flags Related: rhbz#1991688 * Mon Jul 19 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.3-1 - Update to 40.3 Resolves: #1983551 * Tue Jun 15 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.2-1 - Update to 40.2 Resolves: #1971431 * Thu Jun 03 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.1-4 - Don't use status icon wm_class as top bar role Resolves: #1967259 * Wed May 26 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.1-3 - Fix various issues in downstream patches Resolves: #1932261 * Mon May 24 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.1-2 - Rebase downstream patches Resolves: #1932261 * Mon May 17 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.1-1 - Update to 40.1 Resolves: #1951132 * Thu Apr 15 2021 Mohan Boddu - 40.0-2 - Rebuilt for RHEL 9 BETA on Apr 15th 2021. Related: rhbz#1947937 * Sat Mar 20 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.0-1 - Update to 40.0 * Mon Mar 15 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.rc-1 - Update to 40.rc * Wed Feb 24 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.beta-1 - Update to 40.beta * Thu Feb 18 2021 Kalev Lember - 40.0~alpha.1-6.20210212git9fa522c - Fix typo in horizontal-workspaces obsoletes package name * Thu Feb 18 2021 Kalev Lember - 40.0~alpha.1-5.20210212git9fa522c - Fix obsoletes version * Mon Feb 15 2021 Mohamed El Morabity - 40.0~alpha.1-4.20210212git9fa522c - Add Obsoletes for horizontal-workspaces extension to fix upgrades to Fedora 34 (RHBZ #1928415) * Fri Feb 12 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.0~alpha.1-3.20210212git9fa522c - Build snapshot of current upstream - Drop horizontal-workspaces subpackage (removed upstream, because horizontal workspaces are the default now) * Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 40.0~alpha.1-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Jan 15 2021 Florian Müllner - 40.0~alpha.1-1 - Update to 40.alpha.1 * Wed Dec 02 2020 Florian Müllner - 40.0~alpha-1 - Update to 40.alpha * Mon Oct 05 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.38.1-1 - Update to 3.38.1 * Mon Sep 14 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.38.0-1 - Update to 3.38.0 * Sun Sep 06 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.37.92-1 - Update to 3.37.92 * Mon Aug 24 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.37.91-1 - Update to 3.37.91 * Wed Aug 19 2020 Kalev Lember - 3.37.90-2 - Rebuild * Tue Aug 11 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.37.90-1 - Update to 3.37.90 * Mon Jul 27 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.37.3-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 07 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.37.3-1 - Update to 3.37.3 * Wed Jun 03 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.37.2-1 - Update to 3.37.2 * Thu Apr 30 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.37.1-1 - Update to 3.37.1 * Tue Mar 31 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.36.1-1 - Update to 3.36.1 * Sat Mar 07 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.36.0-1 - Update to 3.36.0 * Sun Mar 01 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.35.92-1 - Update to 3.35.92 * Tue Feb 18 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.35.91-1 - Update to 3.35.91 * Thu Feb 06 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.35.90-1 - Update to 3.35.90 * Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.35.3-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jan 05 2020 Florian Müllner - 3.35.3-1 - Update to 3.35.3 * Wed Dec 11 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.35.2-1 - Update to 3.35.2 * Wed Oct 09 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.34.1-1 - Update to 3.34.1 * Wed Sep 25 2019 Debarshi Ray - 3.34.0-2 - Unbreak the 'classic' GNOME session * Mon Sep 09 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.34.0-1 - Update to 3.34.0 * Wed Sep 04 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.33.92-1 - Update to 3.33.92 * Wed Aug 21 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.33.91-1 - Update to 3.33.91 * Sat Aug 10 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.33.90-1 - Update to 3.33.90 * Thu Jul 25 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.33.4-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jul 20 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.33.4-1 - Update to 3.33.4 * Mon Jun 24 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.33.3-1 - Update to 3.33.3 * Wed May 22 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.33.2-1 - Update to 3.33.2 * Tue May 14 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.33.1-1 - Update to 3.33.1 * Wed Apr 17 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.32.1-1 - Update to 3.32.1 * Tue Mar 12 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.32.0-1 - Update to 3.32.0 * Tue Mar 05 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.31.92-1 - Update to 3.31.92 * Thu Feb 21 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.31.91-1 - Update to 3.31.91 * Thu Feb 07 2019 Florian Müllner - 3.31.90-1 - Update to 3.31.90 * Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.31.2-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Nov 21 2018 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.31.2-2 - Fix alternate-tab extension Obsoletes tag (RHBZ #1650519) * Wed Nov 14 2018 Florian Müllner - 3.31.2-1 - Update to 3.31.2 * Mon Oct 08 2018 Florian Müllner - 3.30.1-1 - Update to 3.30.1 * Tue Sep 04 2018 Florian Müllner - 3.30.0-1 - Update to 3.30.0 * Mon Aug 20 2018 Florian Müllner - 3.29.91-1 - Update to 3.29.91 * Wed Aug 01 2018 Florian Müllner - 3.29.90-1 - Update to 3.29.90 * Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.29.2-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild * Thu May 24 2018 Florian Müllner - 3.29.2-1 - Update to 3.29.2 * Fri Apr 13 2018 Florian Müllner - 3.28.1-1 - Update to 3.28.1 * Mon Mar 12 2018 Florian Müllner - 3.28.0-1 - Update to 3.28.0 * Mon Mar 05 2018 Florian Müllner - 3.27.92-1 - Update to 3.27.92 * Thu Feb 22 2018 Florian Müllner - 3.27.91-1 - Update to 3.27.91 * Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.27.1-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jan 06 2018 Igor Gnatenko - 3.27.1-2 - Remove obsolete scriptlets * Tue Oct 17 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.27.1-1 - Update to 3.27.1 * Wed Oct 04 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.26.1-1 - Update to 3.26.1 * Tue Sep 12 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.26.0-1 - Update to 3.26.0 * Tue Aug 22 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.25.91-1 - Update to 3.25.91 * Fri Aug 11 2017 Kevin Fenzi - 3.25.90-2 - Rebuild with older working rpm * Thu Aug 10 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.25.90-1 - Update to 3.25.90 * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.25.4-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jul 20 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.25.4-1 - Update to 3.25.4 * Wed Jun 21 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.25.3-1 - Update to 3.25.3 * Thu May 25 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.25.2-1 - Update to 3.25.2 * Thu Apr 27 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.25.1-1 - Update to 3.25.1 * Tue Apr 11 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.24.1-1 - Update to 3.24.1 * Mon Mar 20 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.24.0-1 - Update to 3.24.0 * Tue Mar 14 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.23.92-1 - Update to 3.23.92 * Wed Mar 01 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.23.91-1 - Update to 3.23.91 * Thu Feb 16 2017 Florian Müllner - 3.23.90-1 - Update to 3.23.90 * Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.23.2-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Nov 23 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.23.2-1 - Update to 3.23.2 * Tue Oct 11 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.22.1-1 - Update to 3.22.1 * Mon Sep 19 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.22.0-1 - Update to 3.22.0 * Tue Sep 13 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.21.92-1 - Update to 3.21.92 * Tue Aug 30 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.21.91-1 - Update to 3.21.91 * Fri Aug 19 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.21.90-1 - Update to 3.21.90 * Wed Jul 20 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.21.4-1 - Update to 3.21.4 * Tue Jun 21 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.21.3-1 - Update to 3.21.3 * Fri May 27 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.21.2-1 - Update to 3.21.2 * Tue May 10 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.20.1-1 - Update to 3.20.1 * Tue Mar 22 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.20.0-1 - Update to 3.20.0 * Wed Mar 16 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.19.92-1 - Update to 3.19.92 * Thu Mar 03 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.19.91-1 - Update to 3.19.91 * Fri Feb 19 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.19.90-1 - Update to 3.19.90 * Wed Feb 03 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.19.4-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 21 2016 Florian Müllner - 3.19.4-1 - Update to 3.19.4 * Thu Dec 17 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.19.3-1 - Update to 3.19.3 * Wed Nov 25 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.19.2-1 - Update to 3.19.2 * Thu Oct 29 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.19.1-1 - Update to 3.19.1 * Thu Oct 15 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.18.1-1 - Update to 3.18.1 * Mon Sep 21 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.18.0-1 - Update to 3.18.0 * Wed Sep 16 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.17.92-1 - Update to 3.17.92 * Thu Sep 03 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.17.91-1 - Update to 3.17.91 * Thu Aug 20 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.17.90-1 - Update to 3.17.90 * Wed Aug 19 2015 Kalev Lember - 3.17.4-2 - Don't own /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions directory: now part of gnome-shell package * Thu Jul 23 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.17.4-1 - Update to 3.17.4 * Thu Jul 02 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.17.3-1 - Update to 3.17.3 * Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.17.2-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild * Wed May 27 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.17.2-1 - Update to 3.17.2 * Fri May 01 2015 Kalev Lember - 3.17.1-2 - Add glib-compile-schemas rpm scripts for screenshot-window-sizer * Thu Apr 30 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.17.1-1 - Update to 3.17.1 * Tue Apr 14 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.16.1-1 - Update to 3.16.1 * Mon Mar 23 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.16.0-1 - Update to 3.16.0 * Tue Mar 17 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.15.92-1 - Update to 3.15.92 * Thu Mar 05 2015 Kalev Lember - 3.15.91-2 - Obsolete the systemMonitor extension that was dropped in 3.15.91 * Thu Mar 05 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.15.91-1 - Update to 3.15.91 * Fri Feb 20 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.15.90-1 - Update to 3.15.90 * Wed Jan 21 2015 Florian Müllner - 3.15.4-1 - Update to 3.15.4 * Fri Dec 19 2014 Florian Müllner - - Update to * Fri Dec 19 2014 Florian Müllner - 3.15.3-1 - Update to 3.15.3 * Thu Nov 27 2014 Florian Müllner - 3.15.2-1 - Update to 3.15.2 * Thu Oct 30 2014 Florian Müllner - 3.15.1-1 - Update to 3.15.1 * Tue Oct 14 2014 Florian Müllner - 3.14.1-1 - Update to 3.14.1 * Mon Sep 22 2014 Florian Müllner - 3.14.0-1 - Update to 3.14.0 * Wed Sep 17 2014 Florian Müllner - 3.13.92-1 - Update to 3.13.92 * Wed Sep 03 2014 Florian Müllner - 3.13.91-1 - Update to 3.13.91 * Wed Aug 20 2014 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.13.90-1 - Update to 3.13.90 * Thu Jul 24 2014 Kalev Lember - 3.13.4-1 - Update to 3.13.4 * Thu Jun 26 2014 Richard Hughes - 3.13.3-1 - Update to 3.13.3 * Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.13.2-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild * Wed May 28 2014 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.13.2-1 - Update to 3.13.2 * Fri May 02 2014 Kalev Lember - 3.13.1-1 - Update to 3.13.1 * Tue Mar 25 2014 Richard Hughes - 3.12.0-1 - Update to 3.12.0 * Thu Mar 20 2014 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.11.92-1 - Update to 3.11.92 * Thu Mar 06 2014 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.11.91-1 - Update to 3.11.91 * Thu Feb 20 2014 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.11.90-1 - Update to 3.11.90 * Wed Feb 05 2014 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.11.5-1 - Update to 3.11.5 * Mon Feb 03 2014 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.11.4-1 - Update to 3.11.4 * Sun Dec 22 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.11.3-1 - Update to 3.11.3 * Wed Nov 13 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.11.2-1 - Update to 3.11.2 * Wed Oct 16 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.10.1-1 - Update to 3.10.1 * Tue Sep 24 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.10.0-1 - Update to 3.10.0 * Tue Sep 17 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.9.92-1 - Update to 3.9.92 * Tue Sep 03 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.9.91-1 - Update to 3.9.91 * Thu Aug 22 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.9.90-1 - Update to 3.9.90 - Drop xrand-indicator subpackage, no longer provided upstream * Mon Aug 12 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.9.5-3 - Fix alternative-status-menu subpackage obsoleting * Mon Aug 12 2013 Nils Philippsen - 3.9.5-2 - obsolete alternative-status-menu subpackage to allow smooth upgrades * Sun Aug 04 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.9.5-1 - Update to 3.9.5 - Drop alternative-status-menu subpackage, no longer provided upstream * Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.9.3-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jun 20 2013 Rahul Sundaram - 3.9.3-1 - Update to 3.9.3 - Obsolete default-min-max and static workspaces extensions - Use make_install macro - Fix bogus dates in spec changelog * Tue May 28 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.9.2-1 - Update to 3.9.2 * Fri May 10 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.9.1-1 - Update to 3.9.1 * Fri May 10 2013 Kalev Lember - 3.8.1-3 - Obsolete gnome-applet-sensors * Wed May 01 2013 Kalev Lember - 3.8.1-2 - Obsolete a few more fallback mode packages - Remove gnome-panel provides * Tue Apr 16 2013 Matthias Clasen - 3.8.1-1 - Update to 3.8.1 * Tue Mar 26 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.8.0-1 - Update to 3.8.0 * Tue Mar 19 2013 Ray Strode 3.7.92-1 - Update to 3.7.92 * Tue Mar 05 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.7.91-1 - Update to 3.7.91 * Sat Mar 02 2013 Adel Gadllah - 3.7.90-2 - Obsolete gnome-panel * Fri Feb 22 2013 Kalev Lember - 3.7.90-1 - Update to 3.7.90 * Thu Feb 07 2013 Kalev Lember - - Depend on gnome-shell 3.7.5, there's no * Thu Feb 07 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - - Update to 3.7.5 - Enable new launch-new-instance and window-list extensions, and add them in the classic-mode extension set - Re-add places-menu in the classic-mode extension set * Wed Jan 16 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.7.4-1 - Update to 3.7.4 - places-menu extension no longer part of the classic-mode extension set * Tue Jan 01 2013 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.7.3-1 - Update to 3.7.3 - Enable new default-min-max and static-workspaces extensions - Provide new subpackage gnome-classic-session - Revamp summaries and descriptions * Tue Oct 30 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.7.1-1 - Update to 3.7.1 - Drop dock and gajim extensions, no longer provided * Tue Oct 30 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.6.1-1 - Update to 3.6.1 * Tue Oct 02 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.6.0-1 - Update to 3.6.0 * Thu Sep 06 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.5.91-1 - Update to 3.5.91 * Wed Aug 29 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.5.90-1 - Update to 3.5.90 * Sat Aug 11 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.5.5-1 - Update to 3.5.5 * Sun Jul 22 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.5.4-1 - Update to 3.5.4 * Wed Jul 18 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.5.2-1 - Update to 3.5.2 - Drop useless Provides/Obsoletes * Sat Mar 24 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.4.0-1 - Update to 3.4.0 - Minor spec fixes * Sat Mar 24 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.3.92-1 - Update to 3.3.92 * Tue Feb 28 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.3.90-1 - Update to 3.3.90 * Thu Feb 16 2012 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.3.5-1 - Update to 3.3.5 - Spec cleanup * Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.3.2-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Nov 30 2011 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.3.2-1 - Update to 3.3.2 * Wed Nov 30 2011 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.2.1-1 - Update to 3.2.1 - Fix alternative-status-menu extension crash when login * Wed Nov 09 2011 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.2.0-2 - Fix dock and alternate-tab extensions - Fix GNOME Shell version to work with GS 3.2.1 * Mon Oct 03 2011 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.2.0-1 - Update to 3.2.0 * Mon Sep 26 2011 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.1.91-3.20111001gite102c0c6 - Update to a newer git snapshot - Fix GNOME Shell version to work with GS 3.2.0 - Add Requires on GS 3.2.0 or above to gnome-shell-common * Wed Sep 14 2011 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.1.91-2 - Enable xrandr-indicator and workspace-indicator extensions * Mon Sep 12 2011 Michel Salim - 3.1.91-1 - Update to 3.1.91 - add more documentation * Thu Sep 1 2011 Michel Salim - 3.1.4-3.20110830git6b5e3a3e - Update to git snapshot, for gnome-shell 3.1.90 * Sun Aug 21 2011 Michel Salim - 3.1.4-2 - Enable apps-menu extension - Spec cleanup * Sun Aug 21 2011 Michel Salim - 3.1.4-1 - Update to 3.1.4 - Enable systemMonitor extension - Prepare xrandr-indicator, commenting out since it does not seem to work yet - Rename subpackages in line with new guidelines (# 715367) - Sort subpackages in alphabetical order * Sat May 28 2011 Timur Kristóf - 3.0.2-1.g63dd27cgit - Update to a newer git snapshot - Fix RHBZ bug #708230 - Enabled systemMonitor extension, but commented out since the requirements are not available * Fri May 13 2011 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.0.1-3.03660fgit - Update to a newer git snapshot - Enable native-window-placement extension * Fri May 06 2011 Rahul Sundaram - 3.0.1-2b20cbagit - Fix description * Thu May 5 2011 Elad Alfassa - 3.0.1-1.b20cbagit - Update to a newer git snapshot - Enabled the places-menu extension * Tue Apr 26 2011 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.0.1-1.f016b9git - Update to a newer git snapshot (post-3.0.1 release) - Enable drive-menu extension * Mon Apr 11 2011 Mohamed El Morabity - 3.0.0-5.6d56cfgit - Enable auto-move-windows extension * Mon Apr 11 2011 Rahul Sundaram - 3.0.0-4.6d56cfgit - Add glib2-devel as build requires * Mon Apr 11 2011 Rahul Sundaram - 3.0.0-3.6d56cfgit - Tweak description - Fix typo in configure * Mon Apr 11 2011 Rahul Sundaram - 3.0.0-2.6d56cfgit - Added the user-theme extension - Patch from Timur Kristóf * Fri Apr 08 2011 Rahul Sundaram - 3.0.0-1.6d56cfgit - Make sure configure doesn't get called twice * Fri Apr 08 2011 Rahul Sundaram - 3.0.0-0.6d56cfgit - Initial build